The two-storey baby kit (Assembly diagram):
1 — upright, 2 — top, 3 — Secretary, 4 — holder, pipe hanger, 5 — wardrobe 6 — figure nut (32 PCs.), 7 — spacer for mounting stairs (oak or beech 2 piece), 8 — threaded support (aluminum, 6 PCs), 9 — leg (6 pieces), 10 — a cropped, upright, 11 — stairs 12 — stop opening of the doors of the wardrobe and secretaire, 13 — toy box, 14 — threaded bushing mounting stairs, 15 — thread bushing mounting of the upper bed 16 can be threaded bushing to connect the top of the bed with a rack.
The upper bed. It is also connected to the vertical uprights. Podmatrasnye consists of a supporting frame and fence. First collected from bruskov by section 25X70 mm (larch, beech, or at least pine), covered with plywood. Cross-member and longitudinal elements of the frame are joined together in a thorn on epoxy glue. Requirements for the quality of the execution of this node is simplified if you use epoxy glue with high viscosity (for example, “EDP”, “Compound EPO”) or the material is sawdust.
In the finished frame are drilled the holes for small decorative rack for fence panels and the studs with completion of the holes with a chisel.
The upper bed is connected with the upright supports furniture bolts through the strut and wrapped in a duralumin cylindrical threaded bushing with M6 thread. The latter are inserted in holes cut in podmatrasnye frame and panel fencing. The assembled structure is covered with parquet lacquer. Its strength was quite satisfactory, the upper bed can withstand even the weight of an adult.
A feature of this two-storey headset was the use of commercially available standard children’s beds. Because the design and dimensions that will have you may be different, the specific dimensions I do not include. Will just make a few recommendations. In particular, it is unnecessary to cut off the legs of the crib, and it is necessary to out skin (if necessary — to remove the dark varnish tsiklej, glass or just a sharp knife with the subsequent polishing); part beds to adjust the size of the niche and ulcerate. Mount to the upright — so as to have unimpeded access to the fastening screws podmatrasnye frame of the crib. In the panels of the frame pervym circular drill bit with the same increments as in the top panels of the bed, nastelivaetsya decorative holes with a diameter of 50 mm: this ensures a visual connection between various parts of the structure together.
A little about vertical racks and ladder, also playing not only functional but also decorative role. All of the “skeletal” type, not excluding cot is made from beech and pine — tree, in color darker than the main panel (Cabinet, fence top bed, toy box). This benefits the General type of construction, especially in the particleboard panels has streaks of a darker color that goes well with the color of skeletal parts. Stands are made from beech or pine lumber with cross-section 50X50 mm, after which they made decorative cuts-belts, the surface uskoryaetsya and varnished. Lower part of the uprights have a slight taper, the top is slightly rounded. Decorative cuts visually shorten the strut and make them not so similar to the poles or shafts. At the bottom, supporting part affixed dural sleeve with thread M8 screw-under the feet; the ends of the short b-pillars — threaded Bush M6, serving for fixing to the uprights of the frame of the upper bed.
Leg (6 PCs.):
1 — bolt М8Х25 mm, 2 — plastic tube, 3 — epoxy adhesive.
Stairs going from beech planks and beech rods with a diameter of 25 mm. Width of the boards and step treads — 250 mm; hole Ø 25 mm drilled pervym drill; connection details — on epoxy glue, followed by sanding and varnishing. Mount to the structure using all the same furniture bolts and glued into wood threaded bushings on top to the rack and frame, on the bottom, using a wooden spacer to the panel of the crib. The bolt should not interfere with raising or lowering of the sides of the crib.
Remained mention of such details as guides opening doors and handles. First, in addition to basic functions, also perform the role of shock absorbers, preventing the opening of the doors “swung”. Handle is also bent from scrap aluminum profile, U-shaped cross section, in the “hole” which is pasted a strip of the film “under the tree”. Not bad, however, look just a hole with a diameter of 50 mm. All furniture bolts attached to the panel, screwed in a special duralumin nuts, pressed into holes on the panel.
Stop opening the Cabinet doors and worktops Secretary:
1 — body, 2 shoulders, 3, 6 — puck, 4 — spring, 5 — clamp, 7 — split washer-lock.
The Secretary is a separate item and consists of the upper bookcase and lower Cabinet for notebooks and albums, United by uprights. Tilt table for classes and drawing can be adjusted and fixed with two wing nuts. During Assembly of the secretaire uses the same technology as for bunk beds.
A separate part of the structure in the absence of veneered chipboard sheets can be manufactured even from the drawing boards, which quite often are on sale and are of moderate cost.
In conclusion, install headsets in its place; the screw-on legs give it a stable position, then attach wing nuts through the wooden spacers upright against the wall.
A. CONRADI, Odessa
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