WRITING FROM THE DININGIn my family there was a situation when my daughter went to first grade, and hence it took for her workplace, where they could prepare lessons. However, the area and the interior rooms are not allowed to set Desk. Trying to solve this problem, managed to find another option. Extendable dining table, which stands in one of the rooms was used for this purpose. But with some addenda. It is clear that for the convenience of training is not enough to have only working table surface on which to write and draw. Still need a place where you would gently fold the notebooks, textbooks, pens.

With this purpose was made two bedside tables on wheels (one with drawers) that are easily rolling under the table. In other words, as it turned out the second table, but without using additional space. When operating as a dining table in its direct purpose, these tables can be easily extended and set in a convenient location of the room.
And now more about the manufacturing techniques of the cabinets.
Prepare ennobled chipboard sheets of the required size (taking into account the height of the table and guide bearings-wheels). The ends of the sawn slabs are sealed with veneer (with the subsequent covering a varnish) or thin plastic tape. To do this, use PVA glue, and the top tape slowly proslejivaetsya iron to dry the glue. Edges trimmed with a file. Wall cabinets are joined together with wooden pins and metal corners.
You can optionally use glue, such as PVA. Pins inserted in the ends of the chipboard with glue. Metal corners are fixed with screws (you can use the special furniture mounting brackets with bushings). Shelf cabinets relies on a plastic support. The back wall of both cabinets from hardboard (or thin plywood) — is inserted into the selected chisel grooves and fastened with small nails or screws. To the assembled Cabinet bottom set the wheels of any design. The door is hung on hinges (Vostochnye or piano).
Fig. 1. Universal combination table
Fig. 1. Universal combination table:
1 — the usual whitewash table, 2 — sliding (wheels) podstolny bedside table with drawers, 3 bedside tables with door and shelf inside.
Fig. 2. Bonding veneer or plastic on the highlanders chipboard
Fig. 2. Bonding veneer or plastic on the highlanders chipboard.
Fig. 3. Edging the plate with a file
Fig. 3. Edging the plate with a file.

R and p. 4. Bedside table door
R and S. 4. Bedside table door:
1 — elements docking panel (area and spike), 2 — seat angles shelves, 3 shelf, 4 — back wall (plywood or fiberboard), 5 — groove back wall, 6 — wheels, 7 — door.
Fig. 5. Bedside table with drawers. And site guides for drawers
Fig. 5. Bedside table with drawers. And site guides for drawers:
1 — a wall box, 2 wall cabinets, 3 — runners plastic furniture slider glazing.


Following this same technology is going to the second Cabinet with drawers. The only thing that should be noted is the use (as a guide) plastic skids from the glass shelves, sideboards. They are attached with small screws.
Such guides unlike wood does not wear out and allow a fairly easy drawers.
V. ANTIPAS, teacher

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