Chickens grow, and they become close the previous box. So, it’s time to release the brood in the mini-cage. Design is a wooden box without a bottom, covered with fine mesh and a shed with a door. The recommended placement of a mini-aviary — sun-drenched front lawn, the vegetable garden or the front garden. Moreover, it is easily adjustable to fresh grass. The chickens here have a place not only to run, to nibble the greens, but also to take shelter from a sudden rain. Have them fitted at a low height, the hearth, food and water, and fresh, pours through the door in the roof of river sand.
With two weeks of age Chicks can be left in such benevolence and at night, covering it with a weighted sheet of corrugated plastic (custom-made unwanted for environmental reasons). If there is a rainy weather, a protective sheet take a bigger size, placing it under the tilt with back-up from materials dry and light is enough.
Well and when the cage becomes tight Chicks, comes the time to translate them into the coop-“kindergarten”. This can be, for example, the extension to hozblok or shed. It is desirable that it included an indoor range with the front wall, covered with mesh, low-level predelete, which is goats, pigs or other livestock, and the coop with end OK-us-the walls (in summer, the glass in them is replaced by a grid) located in the second level.
Kuratnik-“kindergarten” (the size at the place of installation):
I — walking-porch; II—predelete; III— coop; IV — hozblok home; I — Foundation; 2 — sand the floor in the blind area; 3 — door; 4 — wood paneling; 5 — waterers-feeders, 6 — riser (6-8 PCs); 7 — mesh; 8 — the roof of ku-ratnika-“kindergarten”;
9 — bird “ladder” (a pole with crossbars); 10 — partition with a hole; 11 — roost; 12 — frame with mesh or glass; 13 — roof amenities; 14 — nests of hens; 15 — wall amenities
From the paddock to the chicken coop, the Chicks fall through the manhole (a hole in the wall at 1.6 m) at the ladders “ladder” (a pole with crossbars). And there is a perch, a nest for laying hens…
Water, sand, ash bath are in the range. There are all bird population and gets a full feed. For Chicks it’s, starting at two months of age, grain, and grass (preferably in the form of broken rice), eggshells, vitamin supplements. The entrance to the paddock made from the street.
Chickens can suffer from various intestinal infections, which leads to retarded growth and even mass death. In this case it is useful to stock up on tablets of tetracycline or levemire-Tina. In the case of the sick chickens, isolate them, and the rest give two times daily with food one tablet of tetracycline or chloramphenicol for 15-20 chickens (or ten adult hens) for 3-5 days. Sick chickens, in addition to antibiotics, it is good to dig right into the beak tetravit — it will speed up their recovery.
V. RYBALKO, Naberezhnye Chelny, Tatarstan
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