FARM Log “modelist-Konstruktor” reading since 1982. Since I am an active supporter of technical creativity. Farmersto now, but before when I worked in the local newspaper, tried to the extent possible, to popularise technical creativity among the readers. First released the category “DIY” and then a thematic band “the masters Club”. I have been publishing for Amateur construction, and in other publications — in the Republican youth newspaper “Leninets” in the Moscow newspaper “Gardeners”, in the newspaper “Victory”, in the journal “Farmer”.


A farmer I began in 1991. And long-standing passion for design helped me a lot. Then I only had a three-wheeled mini-truck, the revamped production motorcycle “Tula” for only three days, a cargo trailer for it on 500 kg. So in the winter 1991/1992 year began to build a mini-tractor. They gathered it in the house, as outside, in the cold, with the metal work was impossible. By the spring of the tractor was ready and I got on it in the STS of the registration number and technical passport. To the tractor, I had time to build another truck with a lifting capacity of 1 ton, plow, Hiller, a two-row planter. And the first of his seed fully spent on makeshift equipment. Plowed hectares of land, planted potatoes, done inter-row cultivation. Moreover, transporting fuel, seeds, timber and so on.
When farmers started to give loans, I was able to get a tractor “Belarus” and some agricultural tools and units to him. However, only necessary to buy and failed. And again I can use the experience and technical creativity. Over the next few years I made all the machinery needed. Now in our farm work homemade morenovalley unit (it can be transported even on public roads), a single-axle tractor trailer 2 tons of cargo, four-row potato-planter and sprayer, mounted small crane with a lifting capacity of 1 ton, as well as the original planter, converted me from milling of the stump of vator through the rotary cultivator.
When inter-row treatment of potatoes in very handy is the front hydraulic linkage of the tractor, which I made in the spring of 1995. When the third processing landings I hang on the front tractor to the sprayer, and the back — converted corn cultivator and thus combine work from two separate units, which is also very beneficial — reduced RAS
units mini tractor: engine, gearbox, intermediate gearbox, steering rack, column, hood, fenders rear wheel, Polycom with the control pedals (technological holes for the bolts securing these brackets is not shown). In General, the device frame does this, so to stay on it, I think, not worth it.
the layout of the mini-tractor
layout of the mini-tractors:
1 —rod attachment mechanism (Central conventionally not shown); 2 — wing rear-wheel; 3 — blocks of the direction of wire rope lifting hoists; 4—the handle of the lifting hoist; 5 — the lever of a gear change; 6— handrail bracket hood ajar; 7— hood; 8 — a lining; 9— the engine UD-2; 10 — power rack; II —alternator; 12 — intermediate gear; 13 — a gear shift; 14—PTO shaft; 15 — tool box; 16 — pedal to the clutch mechanism; 17 — choices; 18 — panel control devices; 19,20 — loop attachment of the hood; 21 — fuel tank 22 — the brake pedal; 23 — throttle; 24 — lifting hoist

Kinematic scheme of transmission
Kinematic scheme of transmission:
1 —engine; 2 — front; 3 — pavement joint; 4—the knuckle with the pin (from the front wheel of the ZAZ-966); 5—contour of the frame of the mini-tractor; 6 — front wheel; 7—wheel hub with taper roller bearings (front wheel ZAZ-966); 8 — sprocket, engine (z = 16, t = 19,05); 9 — shaft intermediate gear; 10,15 — bearings 306; 11 —input sprocket gear (z = 32, t = 19,05); 12 — drive pulley of a drive of the generator; 13, a leading pulley PTO drive; 14 — sprocket, output gear (z = 18, t = 19,05); 16—rear wheel; 17 — pillow block bearing 203 of the primary shaft; 18 — sprocket shaft(g = 38, t= 19,05); 19 — CAT (GAZ-51); 20 — universal joint (GAZ-53); 21 —rear axle (from GAZ-51, cropped); 22 — PTO bearing (bearing housing wheel hub rear wheel of the ZAZ-966); 23 — TION (the hub of the rear wheel of the ZAZ-966); 24 — flange PTO; 25,27 — universal joints (steering gear of the tractor MTZ-80); 26 — propeller shaft (pipe 25×3); 28 — shaft PTO drive (the hub of the rear wheel of the ZAZ-966); 29 — shaft mounting of the drive shaft (bearing housing wheel hub rear wheel of the ZAZ-966); 30— bearing carrier tension pulley; 31 —d75 driven pulley of the drive shaft; 32 — d60 driven pulley of a drive of the generator; 33 — the generator (from the “Moskvich-412”); 34— idler pulley d90
Intermediate gearbox
Intermediate gearbox
1 —cover housing bearing (2 PCs); 2— the bearing housing (2); 3 — M8 screw (12 PCs); 4 — the bearing 306 (2); 5 — reducer shaft (rod d30); 6,10,17— remote sleeve (tube 36×3); 7, the output sprocket (z = 18, t = 19,05); 8,16 — hub sprockets; 9,11 —prismatic pins; 12 — STU-pizza pulley; 13 — a pulley of the PTO (d180, under drive V-belt cross-section type O); 14— pulley nivo-Yes generator (d120, under drive V-belt with section type); 15 — entrance unit sprocket (z = 32, t = 19,05)

Power frame

Power rack:
1 —bumper (steel sheet s10); 2 — the front gusset plate (steel, sheet s10, 2); 3 — limiter of the swing angle of front axle (steel sheet s10, 2); 4 —spar (channel No. 8, 2); 5 — beam of fastening of a back support of the bridge joint (channel No. 8); 6 — Playground of the engine mounts (steel sheet 10); 7 — the rear cross member (channel No. 8); 8 is the bracket of the rear axle (steel sheet s10, 2); 9 — the frame to “grip” rear axle (steel, 2); 10 — side gusset plate (steel, sheet s10, 4 PCs); 11 —stand mount hinged mechanism (channel No. 12, 2); 12 — beam mount blocks the attachment mechanism and the driver’s seat (channel No. 8); 13 — rear gusset plate (steel, sheet s10, 4 PCs.)

As the power plant used two-cylinder petrol engine UD-2 with a capacity of 10 HP with forced air cooling. It is located on the front of the frame and is closed from above and the front fascia and the hood. Powered by a fuel tank mounted above the hood. The exhaust gases are emitted through the silencer under the bottom of the mini-tractor.
The torque from the engine through the chain transmission improvised intermediate gear is transmitted to the box changes gear (GAZ-51) and further, through the universal joint (GAZ-53), — the rear axle and the leading wheels. In passing from the intermediate reducer wedge belt is driven by a generator (from the “Moskvich-412”) and in the same belt and the shaft with two u-joints — PTO (PTO). It is located on the axis of symmetry of the tractor between the rear lateral legs and is attached thereto through an intermediate plate of 10 mm thickness. In the work of the PTO is activated by belt tension by means of the additional pulley (as in the transmissions of many tillers). The mechanism of activation of the PTO is a swing arm, one end of which is pivotally attached to the steering rack, and the second end through the two bearings 203 from the wheel hubs of the scooter “Tourist” wearing a pulley with a diameter of 90 mm under the profile of the drive belt. When you move up and secure this lever the drive belt is tensioned by the pulley and causes the spin shaft intermediate support, which, in turn, the torque is transmitted via the driveshaft (it is located under Polikom) on the PTO. When you move the lever down strap weakens and the spin stops. A simple and reliable mechanism.
Intermediate gearbox is located under the engine hood and is attached to the cool side member of the frame. To stop gear will not, because it is in detail reflected in the figures.
In the steering drive mini-tractor used units and parts from different techniques. For example, the steering mechanism is taken from GAZ-53, angular gear, from tractors K-700, CV-joints — steering wheel drive tractor MTZ-80; from the same tractor and some tie rod end (the rest of the car ZAZ 966).
The front axle is a so-called floating type completely homemade. It is made mostly of thick-walled pipes and is suspended from the frame by a solid hinge (in fact a sliding bearing with bronze bearings), the supports of which are attached to the bumper beam and the corresponding frame. Powerful beams give the bridge the required strength and rigidity, because what whatever the period is missing on the tractor and the load from shaking on the uneven ground front axle feels decent. Brackets screwed axle steering knuckles with king pins and wheel hubs from the car ZAZ-966. From “Zaporozhets” and the front wheels.
Rear axle mini tractors from GAZ-51, cropped to gauge the size of 1200 mm. it is attached To the frame with two ladders. Immediately say that the process of extrusion and cutting is “stocking” and the back of the semi-axes
bridge is the most difficult in making my mini-tractor. At least it was for me, so as to perform these activities had in terms of state farm’s workshop, where there was a powerful hydraulic press and lathe. On the machine I bored through and drives the drive wheels (they’re from the tractor MTZ-80) to the landing sizes of the hubs of the rear axle. Themselves wheel from the front of the tractor T-40. His twenty tyres with the “tree” provide good traction and flotation of a homemade machine.
Brake — hydraulic, with drive only to the front wheels. All components and parts brake, of course, from “zaporozhtsa”. In the long term — equipment tractors separate brakes and wheels.
Diagram of steering gear
diagram of the steering drive:
1 — steering wheel; 2 steering column; 3,5,7 — universal joints (steering gear of the tractor MTZ-80); 4 — driveline; 6 — angled gear reducer (I = 1, from tractors K-700); 8 — steering gear (GAZ-53); 9 — fry; 10,12,13 — tie rod end (MTZ-80 and ZAZ-966); 11 — short tie rod; 14 — long tie rod; 15 — the front wheel circuit

Front suspension
Front suspension:
1 — back support of a bridge hinge; 2 — the front axle: 3 — the front wheel hub with swivel knuckle (from the ZAZ-966) and a mounting bracket to front axle; 4 — front support of the bridge hinge

Front axle
Front axle:
1 — strip (steel sheet s10); 2 — axis hinge bridge; 3,7— gusset plate (steel, sheet, s10); 4 — upper beam (pipe 60×8); 5 — lower beam (pipe 40×5); 6 — (pipe 57×5); 8 — bracket steering knuckle wheel
Hinged mechanism
wall movement:
1 — manual chain hoist capacity up to 500 kg; 2 — the spring tension of the rope; 3 — wire (d4); 4 — the blocks in the direction of the tether; 5 — the elevating shaft; 6 — brace; 7 — Central thrust (tractor MTZ-80, short); 8 — longitudinal traction

Appearance mini-tractors to determine forward facing, hood and rear fenders of the wheels. The lining and hood are made of body and doors of the old fridge. The hood leans to starboard. Wings are welded from sheet steel 3 mm thick. Lights, control libary and other electrical equipment are assembled, as it were, the forest of pine, from various machines and mechanisms (lights from MTZ-80 generator from the “Moskvich-412”, tumblers and wire from ZAZ-962, battery — 6CT-50).
The hinged mechanism made according to the known three-point scheme. Longitudinal and Central adjustable traction to form a simple and user-friendly design, with which the mini-tractor can agregate-ment with different working tools. The control rod attached to the frame at its lower rear part, and the Central rod to the upper cross-member between the vertical legs of the frame (not shown in the diagram). The lift linkage is driven, the basis of which is a hand-operated hoist mounted on the right wing and developing a force of up to 500 kg. Rope pulley blocks through the blocks, lifting the shaft and struts raises the control rod. In the work “floating” position of the guns up the slack of the cable selects the tension spring. This system works quite well, but the hydraulic drive, of course, much easier to operate and, over time, the manual lift mechanism hydraulic mounting will be replaced. Also plan to replace the engine for a more powerful and user-friendly — car “Zaporozhets”. So to develop a homemade car can be a long time — throughout the lifetime of the battery.

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