Feed the dirty beets, potatoes and other root vegetables and even pigs, they say, is impossible. And to wash manually — it is tedious and to be rather still troublesome. As, however, and no mechanized sorting of tubers. And it should have two fairly simple devices, and the old problems will be solved, that is, themselves.Based on the first one are “squirrel cage” of metal rods, inside of which laid the “ill-fated” roots. This latticed drum mounted NV the frame and provided with a handle. He lowered into a container of water. 30-50 seconds rotating them, and the tubers clean. Drum diameter and length can be very different. As they say, depends on who needs what. For example, I made a drum diameter of 600 and a length of 600 mm, which includes 6 buckets of potatoes. To spin such a device a few dozen rpm — and it’s done.
Almost is clubamerica. Bend of 5-6 mm wire two of the rim with a diameter of 600 mm. Then make 8 pieces of wire with a diameter of 5 mm and a length of 600 mm, is the size of the drum.
Then izgotovlivajut handle of a rod with a diameter of 12-14 mm. Bend it as illustrated (in a vise plumbing). Then welded to the billet arm is already pre-cut 8 bars at 600 mm. Doing it as shown in the figure.
The rods are welded rims (rings). On the inner side of the resulting construction “grab” the ends of the remaining 600-mm segments of wire with a diameter of 3-5 mm: you get a crate reel.
The ends or sidewalls of a “squirrel cage” can be made from segments of the same wire or with continuous dienes, which then neverlet a number of holes for water circulation.
The distance between the bars 10— 15 mm (not failed even the smallest potatoes). Drum “stitched” around the perimeter of the retained hatch for zagruzki unloading of tubers. Closes the last door.
In fact, the drum can “sheathe” any mesh wire, even the “sieve” from sorting machines, metal sheet with expanded metal punching. As they say, who have the ability… If the drum is long, then in the middle it is necessary to weld the third rim.
Then make a frame from steel angle section of 20*20 mm, to freely rotate the drum. A frame pivotally attached to water containers.
Design club namaiki
Design lubnevsky:
1 — container of water (to wash down the drum here with tubers), 2 — joint (2 PCs.), 3 — rods of the sidewalls of the roller (welded at equal intervals, bar 3-mm steel), 4 — rim (steel 5…6 mm rod), 5 — a crate reel (600-mm cuts steel 3…5 mm rod), 6— frame (welded construction from steel angle 20×20 mm), 7 — stick (from cut metal or plastic pipes), 8 — pin, 9 — V-shaped steel bracket (2 pieces, with the holes for the cotter pin), 10 — axis-arm (cut 12…14 mm steel rod), 11 —loop wire (2 PCs), 12 — door hatch obrechennogo, 13 — tubers, 14 — water tank; a) — the beginning of the welding drum.
Plug-scoop for sorting of root vegetables
Fork-scoop to sort the roots.

If the drum is of small capacity (say, 2 buckets), it is possible to raise the other end frame effortlessly. But if the capacity is large, it will need to install an additional frame and a small block through which the lift has a special cord.
We have a few people that have done such washing. Liked it!
Now about the sorting potatoes by size. Greatly facilitate the work here, you can use a fork to scoop. And, as practice shows, such adaptations it is advisable to have several. For example, three. To select the tubers for food or for sale (if there is a surplus), used fork-scoop with the largest distance between the teeth. Then the one that is good for seed stock. And the third scoop (with the smallest distance between the teeth) is used in the selection cut and small potatoes for cattle.
In any case, this section of steel tube with a length of 250-300 mm and a diameter of 12 mm, which is at an equal distance throughout the length of the drilled holes with a diameter of 5 mm (for large potatoes, say, 70 mm, for seed — 40 mm, and for the trivia — 15…20 mm). A last is inserted and welded from the back side of the steel tube segments 5-6 mm wire with a length of about 200 mm. Then in a similar way from the same wire attached to the handle. Our fork-scoop can be considered ready.
Of course, all those illustrated sizes are approximate. Because everyone solves problems differently.
A. MOORE, Tyumen region.

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