Inspired by the example of a neighbor, homebrew and avid angler, as well as interesting developments “Modeller-designer” (see, e.g., No. 1, 2002), I made a compact smokehouse for smoked dried fish. The basis of my design — dural box size 1600x800x600 mm, assembled on a frame of steel angle 35×35 mm. Sides the smokehouse folding (for loading and unloading fish), to the cover are fastened with clasps of the type “frog”. In the front and rear walls are three rows of holes for pins pendants products, which are smoked, and smoke.
Down on the asbestos sheet is laid out in the form of a snail elektrospiral of nichrome wire with a diameter of 0.8 mm connected to the mains through step-down transformer 220/36 V. work intensity of the spiral to dark cherry color. Fuel (sawdust) is loaded through a door in the front wall of the box-smokehouse.
After stockfish, intended for Smoking, hanging on wire hooks, geared to reinforcing bars, sides closed and serves on spiral power.