From time immemorial came to us a shovel, which V. Dahl, the Creator of the Explanatory dictionary of the live great Russian language, gave a surprisingly apt definition:”shell blade for digging and vygreba loose bodies”. This is a manual tool firsthand known to owners of summer cottages and garden plots, not to mention those who from infancy a peasant to stick with the earth-wet nurse. However, the most curious, knowing the pros and cons of an ancient shovel, are increasingly trying to improve or even to replace it with another more suited to perform several specialized tasks hand tools.

With interesting technical solutions found by our neighbors — hereditary farmers and horticulturalists want to introduce and the readers.
It is known that the lever is mounted on the shovel handle on the back side, much easier to work. It and is clear: sticking in the ground, this arrangement takes on a significant part of the load, allowing the digger to work fast, no bending. Why not modernize in the same way conventional forks? It is sufficient to equip them with a removable device in the form of the T-shaped supports welded from steel reinforcing rod. To pitchfork this design is secured by two metal clamps. Moreover, the bracket subtended by them, strengthened weld rod-casinoi.
Fork digger: 1 — standard fork; 2 — a collar with pinch bolt and nut (2 sets.); 3 — handle; 4 — T-shaped support with alosinae (welded structure with reinforcing rods)
Fork digger:
1 — standard fork; 2 — a collar with pinch bolt and nut (2 sets.); 3 — handle; 4 — T-shaped support with alosinae (welded structure with reinforcing rods)

To use these forks at first, unusual. But pretty soon comes a feeling of lightness and comfort. Upright tool until it stops driven into the ground with his foot. The handle then serves to himself and down. With minimal expenditure of effort get maximum result!
To remove from clay soils large weeds with deep and powerful roots — no easy task. However, the task is greatly simplified when using a homemade tool out of old shovels.
The blade of the shovel bend axis along, cut laterally and sharpened to cutting edges of the remaining working fabric could, under pressure from the feet easily enter the ground. Tool dig into the soil next to the weed and, slightly shaking, and remove unwanted plant along with the root. Working this longhorizon feasible as a student, and a man of old age.
The storm of weeds — lunares: 1 — the blade of the shovel, tapered and curved; 2 — handle with T-shaped head
Storm weed — lunares:
1 — the blade of the shovel, tapered and curved; 2 — handle with T-shaped head

Will be useful is the instrument and at the focal feeding trees. Only the angle of entrance to the land chosen in the range of 40-50° to the vertical. Then, shaking, turn the tool in either direction a quarter turn and the hole is ready.
To replace the shovel when digging meter pits, such as fence posts, can drill simple design to fabricate which is not a problem in any workshop with gas or electric welding.
First of 3 mm sheet steel (for example, from canvas and two-handed saws) cut down two paludica a radius of 70 mm with the subsequent future sharpening of cutting edges. Then welded the stock to the tip of the steel rod (type of scrap) with a diameter of 30 mm. And so Paldiski, located 100 mm from the bottom of the rod, formed between a vertical angle of 30°. To the top of the resulting drilling tool is welded steel bar-handle -*. With back to back and the more the load on this node falls considerable.
A homemade two-bladed drill performance is that ten minutes in the soil it is possible to drill a hole with a diameter of approximately 150 mm to a depth of 1 m. the Column under the fence comes in a pit close to the walls, you don’t even have to tamp the ground after installation.
For drilling deeper holes can recommend another improvised tool of the screw from a scrapped combine harvester and a screw of the segments of steel tubes. About performance, this drill can be illustrated by the case of ten wells with a diameter of 130 mm, which armed them diggers manage about two hours of continuous operation.
Auger for post holes fence
Auger for post holes fence:
1 — steel rod (scrap); 2 — welded knife-polydisk; 3 — beam-arm; L is the depth of drilled holes
Drill long deep holes
Drill long deep holes:
1 — screw (deducted from the combine harvester); 2 — the knife (from the clutches of the cultivator); 3 — coupler; 4 — insert; 5 — crossbar-driver


Of course, the auger is subject to modernization. It is cut to 420-mm length, the lower end of the shaft attach a sharpened helical form. Then, stepping up from the tip, 90 mm, welded at an angle of 25° to the horizon two 55-mm knife, made from a pair of worn-down hoes.
– Drill head is welded. It is a common inch water and gas supply tube coupling into which is screwed a pipe with a weld 1250-mm beam is a collar on the free end of the thread.
As insertion of such a drill in the ground, the tool is built up of two-meter tubular inserts, each of which has at one end threaded and the other on the clutch. At known skill and minimal delays to dock pipe bore widening eyes.
N. BULIK, Khmelnitsky region, Ukraine


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