ON VANT-POTENZA - AGAINIn the manufacture of sailboats on a small scale a lot of work goes into the production of the most likely guys-putenkov. A method of simplified simulate these parts and nosing integral from a single piece of metal. The use of a special mandrel (Fig. 1) allows to achieve good results both in accuracy and in appearance.

The scale is 1:100 is convenient to use as blanks strips of brass or copper with a thickness of 0.4—0.6 mm and width 1.5—1.7 mm. At the end of the strip is rolled in the ring, similar in size to the desired diameter of the ferrules, then it is embedded in the mandrel. With the help of a core-insertion ring finally raduetsa and brought to exact dimensions, and then projecting from the mandrel end of the workpiece vant-Potenza using pliers is rotated at 90°.
The junction of the billet should be soldered (preferably by hard solder). It is, of course, outside of the mandrel. The item received will have an increased width compared to the scale. So to size it will need to be finished with needle files. After drilling holes for fasteners vant-potency oxidenot or dyed black.
Fig. 1. Fig.2.
Fig. 1. Fig.2.
The dead eye carved out of wood (Fig. 2). They keep the ferrules due to the dense planting: since the inner diameter of the ferrules made of the proposed technology is in the range of + 0.02 mm, the increase in the diameter of the Deadeye 0.05—0.07 mm more than the specified provides reliable fixation of the parts.
The described technology is at first glance may seem a bit complicated. However, the manufacture of vant-patentov in the amount of 30-40 pieces for the model three-masted sailing ship, the labor costs for the preparation of snap in the end completely justified.

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