COMBAT It would seem, what new it is possible to invent models of air combat! Undoubtedly, these microstrobili today meet all the requirements of transient encounters over the track. No wonder even top athletes can be heard that the best equipment they are not necessary, it’s just a systematic preparation for the training athlete.

However, it is unlikely the new machine will impress both beginners and experienced modelers. The proposed scheme compares favorably even perfected celebarty of bizovac in many ways.
The first superior maneuverability. It is achieved due to the reduced moment of inertia about the Z-axis (the axis passing through the center of gravity of the machine perpendicular to its plane of symmetry). The small separation of the masses allows the model much more vigorously to change the situation in the air, this does not prevent normal-weight ribs, quite complex and heavy rear edges of the fins and normal bouzouki, which no new.
Good for agility will go much lower load-bearing surface. The fact that the airframe, consisting of only two power rails, you can do easier 100 g, and is in a typical area of the wing.
Another factor. Studies of semi-rigid wing showed that his plating at the exit plane at a significant angle of attack is deformed, transforming a symmetric profile in a pronounced concave-convex. And load-bearing properties of the latter is much higher. This effect is achieved only when using the wing without ribs that support the casing, and in the application of the elastic trailing edge-rope.
Another advantage is the simplicity of the design. Having made one device (mandrel for vyklicky edges) can be literally a week to build almost a dozen models of this type. And technology this wing is more profitable — even the inexperienced modeller can barely make a mistake, there is almost no nodes that require mutual adjustment of separate parts.
Models for air combat
Models for air combat:
1 — rope control 2 — edge-longitudinal, 3 — tube intakes for pressurization of hollow wing 4 — Klondike 5 — motor, 6 — engine 7 — fuel tank 8 — outline of the longitudinal slack in the trailing edge, it is the same profile template for bending rails, 9 — wire load-brake, 10 — casing, 11 — edge-cable, 12 — bracket rocking 13 — pads, 14 — rocking control, 15 — pull, 16 — beam, 17 — strengthening beams under the rope, 18 stabilizer, 19 loops, 20 — pylon rudder, 21 — Elevator 22 — copper tube.

The scheme of the deformation of the wing skin
Scheme of the deformation of the wing skin:
A — position soft trim at zero angle of attack. B — deformed cladding with a positive angle of attack.

The strength of this bouzouki also “on top” (it in General, and to break nothing). What happens when you hit the ground on a conventional model! Typically, this is a frontal impact the engine or a loss of tension of the cord ends of the wing. In the first case, a relatively massive set of consoles, as if trying to move a stopped machine, tearing the lining, and then breaks down. The second destroyed the console, which took the entire braking energy of the high-speed bouzouki. Refer to the new scheme. “Console” is extremely low weight at the most severe blow on the forehead will only be able to break the string-edge, at the impact end of the wing it will bend without breaking, like an onion, and the model will roll on the engine.
and the consumption of materials, mainly for the balsa version of the edge of the spar. For the new microstrobiles scarce wood will need three to four times less than for conventional models.
And the last one. If you ever see athletes-fighters, riding competitions, then you probably noticed the beautiful boxes the size almost in half. In their depths hides a lot of useful things, but the main volume occupied by a dozen (or more) models. The new scheme allows to get rid of these “cabinets”. It is sufficient to consider the design of the unit allowing rotation (or eat) beams with lowered “bow” to the model during transportation has turned into a simple set of rails.
The rocker control (D16T S1,5 mm).
Rocking control (D16T S1,5 mm).
Pylon rudder (plywood S2 mm).
Pylon rudder (plywood S2 mm).

Design of a forward edge of the spar
Design the front edge of the spar:
A — alnobetula, B — balsa light weight, In — pine plywood — foam PVC pine. Options B and C should be after final processing laminated glass thickness of 0.05 mm epoxy resin.

So, let’s summarize. The minimum moment of inertia, minimum weight, improved maneuverability, durability, ease of fabrication and minimal consumption of materials, transportability. However, is it not better to accept the merit of bouzouki. Let’s try.
The primary structural element flange, it also performs the functions of the wing spar. Made from steamed and dried on the template sheet balsa. You can do it and not stacked, and one of the bar cross-section of 25X20 mm. is Quite admissible variant parklea pine—foam—pine will be a bit heavier. Tail beam of rectangular section is reinforced in the front with taping on the sides millimeter plywood, it is supported by the node hinge edge of the stringer. Dock edge and the beam is made using plywood gussets. The tank is of a conventional design, although you can use rubber (a child’s balloon). In the latter case, use the volume formed by the gusset with the outer side of the wing, to accommodate the tank on the model.
Drilled two holes on the docking station, insert the two trim tubes D16T 5×1 mm. will pass Through them bolts dural motor. The outer end of the wing wire carries the load brake compensates for the weight of the cord and prevents flies the model in a circle at the loss of cord tension control, inner copper tube 3X1 mm for the passage of cables.
Tail feathers from balsa and light ply plates glued macalintal paper on Amalia. The wheel height can be done from the wafer packaging foam, turn over her balsa rails and cable obtenu thin paper in PVA. Kleiv in the grooves of beams plywood bracket rocking control, install it on the model and choose the length of the thrust which arches from duralumin wire Ø 3 mm. Hog rudder plywood.
It remains to pull the edge-on a string (it is better to make a steel cable Ø 0,6—0,7 mm) and hang the camera Mylar film on glue “88” or “Unique”. Achieving a uniform stretching of the film, set on the corners of D16T 15×15 mm, ground down to a size 10X12 mm, engine. For this model, which has a very light tail section, fit motors with front-wheel distribution of the “meteor” or CSTIM is 2.5. The best option is the use of modern improvised fighting engine of lightweight construction.
Design template for bending rails edge.
Design template for bending rails edge.
In hole Ø 10 mm beech inserted pins of the same diameter with a length of 60 mm.
Motor mount (aluminum profile).
Engine mount (aluminum profile).
If the engine is heavy, the load beam end to the center of gravity was specified on the drawing. Don’t forget about the hook for hanging thread tape and alphanumeric identification labels.
I would like to note that a similar apparatus to the maximum extent meets the requirements of the school and school competitions in air combat, the rules of which are stipulated maximum working volume of the engine 1.5 cm3. To build such a model, reduce all the principal dimensions are 1.4 times. The most appropriate is the engine “swift”, produced by our industry standard.
V. TIKHOMIROV, master of sports of the USSR

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