HOME YARDHead ship mug from the city of Rivne Vladimir Orlov shares his experience, “the mechanization of labor-intensive works” in the modeling industry. It offers three simple devices that can produce themselves members of the society and which will give an opportunity to significantly increase productivity.


This device allows to cut the copper wire with a diameter of 2 mm or narrow strip of sheet and foil in the same segments. It is used in the manufacture of ladders, rails and fence “serial” detail models of ships and boats.
The device works in the following way. The stripped wire (punk) is aligned, raise the knife, and then, attaching the end of the workpiece to the stop set at the desired length, put it on the stove. The knife is lowered on the wire until it clicks — the item is ready. The operation is repeated.
Base of the cutter is set at an angle of 25-30° to the plane of the table, forcing the severed portion of the wire to slide into the collecting hopper — bath.
Everyone knows how difficult it is to secure the blade in the jig saw machine is and how often it breaks. A simple tool developed by us, gives a possibility now even the youngest children cope with this case.
A device for cutting wire
A device for cutting wire:
1 — base, 2 — bracket, 3 — focus, 4 — line, 5 — screw, 6 — clip line, 7 — Desk, 8 — knife 9 — guide plate, 10 — tray, 11 — slot tray, 12 — arm-limiter, 13 — clamp.

The installer files in the jigsaw
The installer saws in a jig saw:
1 — Board, 2 — Cam, 3 — lever 4 — clip 5 — clip under the key, 6 — key, 7 — container for saw blade, 8 — base, 9 — groove clamp, 10 — clamp, 11 — bracket under the clamp, 12 — groove jig saw.

Focus limiter
Focus limiter:
1 — tube, 2 — sleeve, 3 — screw, 4 — head with knurling.

To install the saw blade the jigsaw put in the groove all the way, after throwing back the clip and lifting the lever of the eccentric vertically. Then lower the Cam handle to the horizontal position and throws her collar at the ends of the fret saw will shrink, which will allow you to easily insert the blade into the clamps and fasten it with a sheep. This operation is best done with a key, shown in the figure. For tubular jigsaws quite the groove between the vertical walls to increase the diameter of the arc tube.
A great help to all modelers will have the installer hand rails uprights at the same height. Tweezers or pliers – stands on the deck of the model and then put on top of them a tube with a screw-lock installed at the desired height, squeeze until the contact end of the fixture with the surface of the deck. Working with this tool, you can quickly and easily supply all guard railing stand at the same height. Its design is clear from the figure.

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