HORSE — RACINGControl line racing model airplane that we want to bring to your attention, fully complies with the requirements of the FAI. Its most important characteristics: minimum total area — 12 DM2, height with cab — 100 mm, the area of the midsection — 39 cm2, the fuselage width — 50 mm engine capacity — 2.5 cm3, fuel tank capacity — 7 ml.

The fuselage of the model — the foam collected on the basis of lime. For this, you will need three Styrofoam block brands of PS or PVC (density 0.1 g/cm3) with dimensions 40X50X400 mm, 10X50X160 35X50X400 mm and mm and one fake plate thickness of 15 mm. of the Workpiece is pre-fastened with white glue using strips of paper, and the fuselage is processed by the external circuit. Next, the workpiece is disconnected and every hollow from the inside so that the shell thickness was not less than two and no more than four millimeters.
On the base mark the location of the engine and apply the centers of the bolt holes mounting the motor. Its secure fit will ensure a dural sleeve with a wall thickness of 2-3 mm, the internal diameter of which corresponds to the diameter of the bolt.
Now it is necessary to mark on the fuselage the grooves for the wing and horizontal tail. With the plane of the chords, the latter must clearly be the same as the axis of the engine. It is also important to observe the parallelism to the plane of the chord of the wing and horizontal tail.
The profile of the wing biconvex, symmetric, with maximum thickness located at 40% chord. This wing can also be made of foam plates with a minimum thickness of 8 mm. in its manufacture it is best to use the method of cutting Styrofoam hot nichrome wire. This will of duralumin sheet to cut two of the template on the root and end sections of the wing. Further, the templates are glued to the ends of the foam plate — blanks of the console, and the nichrome wire stretched over a simple wooden frame (type luchkovoj saws, embers electric current, cuts off the excess foam. At the same time closely follow that wire all the time concerned both templates.
1 — the fuselage (foam), 2 — base (Linden), 3 — engine mount (D16T or MA-2), 4 — wing (foam), 5 — triplica rocking chair control (steel) 6 — piping (steel wire Ø 1.2 mm), 7 — horizontal tail (foam), 8 — spar horizontal tail (pine) 9 — Elevator (pine), 10 — the lever of the Elevator control (wire Ø 2 mm), 11 — loop (steel wire Ø 0.4 mm), 12 — longitudinal thrust (steel wire Ø 2 mm), 13 — Bush (D16T), 14 — hour, 15 — removable lamp (plexiglass and polystyrene).

After this “heat treatment” wing is enclosed with pine slats, and in the area of maximum thickness of cut groove and affixed a pine spar. And edging, and the spar is best to stick with epoxy.
For the passage of filaments of the cord in the wing to a depth of 4 mm are cut grooves with a width of 1 mm. After the gasket cord grooves are sealed by the foam strip. Make sure that the glue does not get into the groove.
In the center section of the slotted groove in which is fixed triplica rocking control model. To install it in the groove is glued a Board made of plywood thickness of 4 mm. After joining the rocking chair cord control and traction groove is sealed with a foam plate, all wing finally vyshkurivaetsya and is covered with a thin layer of epoxy resin.
Horizontal tail the same profile as the wing. Cut from foam with a thickness of 3 mm. After treatment, the maximum thickness of feathers in the root cross section is 3 mm and the limit is 2 mm. it is Supported in the same way as the wing, pine trim. The same edging is glued and the joints of the Elevator. According to the maximum thickness of the stabilizer is glued in a kind of spar — pine triangular plate. After the manufacture of the stabilizer and secure it on the model it is covered with a thin layer of epoxy resin. The junction is sealed with a putty — epoxy glue, zameshannym on small wood or cork sawdust.
Loops for a suspension bracket of the Elevator — steel wire Ø 0,4 mm. For installation in the horizontal stabilizer and the rudder drilled holes Ø 1 mm, fixing the hinges with epoxy.
Chassis model consists of duralumin fairing and steel wire Ø 3 mm, bent in the form of the letter G. the seat under the chassis in the fuselage is reinforced dural sleeves. The wheel, consisting of a duralumin hub and rubber tyres, fixed on the axle soldered to it a steel washer.
The canopy is a component from foam and plexiglass. It is possible in principle to forge a whole of organic glass, but in this case, the stamp will need more complex.
The area of the inlet must be at least 25 mm2. The inner surface of the engine cowling, it is necessary to protect a thin layer of epoxy glue, otherwise the weight of the model will increase due to the impregnation of the foam with fuel.
Painting any model — you can use nitro – or synthetic enamels. Cover the model with paint should be in several layers with intermediate Vykurovanie and grinding its surface. In conclusion, apply to model insoluble protective lacquer, for example, the way covering the floor.
To make the model even for novice modelers.

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