MOTOBLOCK-PORNMy walk-behind equipped with two knife cutters, soil processes, and after replacing them on the wheel turns into a tractor trailer truck with capacity up to 300 kg with a weight of 60 kg. the Size of power tillers is also small: height — 800 width 420, length — 1200 mm (with folded handlebar is 600 mm), so it easily fits in the trunk of the car. The engine of the scooter VP-150. The start is a kick starter, gear shift lever.

The body of the cultivator — cut steel rectangular pipe 100x50x5 mm. it is also a casing of the secondary circuit of the transmission from the intermediate shaft to the output. The housing is welded accessories — brackets used for mounting of assemblies and mechanisms.
Handles height adjusts with the turn of the steering wheel in the clamp on top of the rack and secured with the pinch bolt. On the left the handle of the lever of the clutch control, the right brake output shaft and the gear sector “gas” and the stop button of the engine. The minimum frequency of rotation of the output shaft of the motor-block 60 rpm., torque — 65 kg·m.
All rotating and moving parts: chain, sprocket, impeller — guarded.

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