HOW to MAKE a GUYfor the fifth year I subscribe to your magazine and I like it very much. It is always possible to choose good advice, interesting drawing. I am engaged in ship modeling circle at the city station of young technicians. In 1977 he was regional champion, and twice winner of the championship of the USSR, and in many respects I was helped by your magazine.

In my own experience has comprehended the difficulties encountered by modelers, especially beginners, in the manufacture of standing rigging, for example, vant. Very hard and long work to wind the thread on the pins. Moreover, they often jump out of the plank, and this complicates matters.
Want to offer more simple and, in my opinion, a very convenient way. Using it, you can make a guy for a few minutes. To make the jigs you will need a small piece of plywood with a thickness of 3 mm. it is necessary to cut a rectangle equal to the length guys, then on the sides to cut the notches with a needle file as shown in the drawing. Make All cuts the same size at a distance dictated by the scale of the model. Now you can pull the threads and then two or three times to coat them with varnish (best SC-222).
A. MAMMADOV, Gorlovka

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