Picking up the prototype for the model with open wheels (the trace of A class), we did not immediately notice the car “Lotus” with a modest architecture of the body and a relaxed silhouette — machine like a machine. But one of the guys asked “innocent” question — why would he ship the pipe? After looking at the car more closely, we realized that the prototype carries many more mysteries: where is this race car exhaust pipe, where futerko, inlet air into the cylinders of the engine, why so few intakes, why is the car the same front and rear wheels, etc.? They began to understand, and found that perceived at first as “the ugly duckling” “the Lotus-56V” can rightfully be considered a “Swan” of motor vehicles.
If the ships gave him such an architectural element, like a trumpet, lords of the ocean air — aircraft — has shared with him his engine. Powerful gas turbine — that determined the peculiar shape of “Lotus”. Attempts to put turbine engines on sports-racing cars are being made quite often. So it makes sense to focus on those benefits that we are trying to extract the designers of this type of engine.
The hero of the novel of Remarque “Life on loan”, a professional race car driver, said in tons of wins, who is better able to shift gears. Indeed, the acceleration and braking of the machine with the internal combustion engine, the gradients and cornering require frequent transition from low transmission to high and Vice versa. The fact that piston engines are not very favorable torque characteristics, the torque and the power value of the engine grows with increasing rpm, and power falls sharply with the decrease in the number of revolutions of the engine. So you have to “fit” the car to the driving conditions through the transmission.
Probably many of you noticed that on the steep and not too protracted recovery (e.g., at the entrance of the bridge) trolley always easily surpasses the bus. It is the result of the fact that the fall in the number of revolutions of the motor, the capacity is reduced slightly, and the torque transmitted to the wheels of the trolley, on the contrary, grows. The nature of the flow and torque characteristics of the gas turbine and electric motor — siblings. As the driver of the tram or trolleybus and racer “Lotus-56V” the gas pedal (in the electric vehicle is a rheostat foot pedal) set the speed, and the engine adjusts itself to the profile of the road.
Still the pros. The gas turbine doesn’t require much oil. Of course, she does not need water for cooling. This means that there is no need in radiators, respectively, do not need air ducts and frightening to them, which is literally stuck to modern racing machines. That is why the hull shape of “Lotus” so calm.
Using a gas turbine engine passes a lot of air — exhaust pipe there is clearly not enough. Had designers to provide a powerful outlet-gas Plenum behind the racer and the casing of the pipe really like ship pipe.
This technical surprises “Lotus” is not the end — it is designed with both drive axles. That is why all wheels are of equal diameter.
Pre-rendering, model “Lotus” in the trace variant showed his great promise. First, the case turns wide enough to position across the axis popular engine DPM-20. Second, models of so few acting parts that break away during the race to almost nothing. The guys from the mug autocrossover modeling syut Tushino district of Moscow decided to “compete” with the designers of “Lotus” and make it model (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1. Model
The proposed design was developed by the winner of the competition scientifically-technical creativity of youth in Moscow and the Moscow region in 1978 Gennady by Sheremetyevy. It is designed for competitions of all ranks are designed for intensive use. Distinctive features — ease of fabrication, availability of materials, reliability and ease of maintenance.
Design model (Fig. 2) performed by rare scheme with a monocoque body. The basis of the power frame consists of two sawn beech lines the sidewall and three transverse links. All the details are brought together Shoe screws on the glue. Recessed head wood screws flush with the sidewalls of the filled epoxy resin. Side better cut it out, glue two chip line across the paper. It is easier to mark the holes for the axles and screws. In addition, they will be identical, which is important for the appearance of the model. On one of the side walls provides a groove to the axis of the engine.
Fig. 2. The design of the chassis.
Fig. 2. Chassis design:
1 — bus (microporous rubber), 2 — axis front (needle Ø 2 mm), 3 — restrictive sleeve, 4 — axis current collector (needle Ø 1 mm), 5 — plate (brass 0,1—0,3 mm), 6 — ball bearing, 7 — disc front wheel (duralumin), 8 — lead (plexiglass. getinaks, PCB 2.5—3 mm), 9 — a current collector (wire braid), 10 — the Shoe collector (polystyrene), 11 nut M2, 12 — front connection (plywood 3-5 mm), 13 — gum-Hungarian, 14 — stiffener (needle Ø 1,5 mm), 15 — beam frame kontaktaadress node (spokes Ø 1,5 mm), 16 — fence (steel wire), 17 — average communication (beech. oak), 18 — bushing frame (copper tube), 19 male (tinplate, brass), 20 — pinion Z=11, 21 — disc rear wheel (dural), 22 — nut M2, 23 — spacer-spacer, 24 gear Z=44, 25 — rear bulkhead (plywood S 3-5 mm), 26 — carrier (tinplate), a 27 — right side panel (beech), 28 — rear axle (needle Ø 2 mm), 29 — clamp-tie (white tin), 30 — motor DPM-20, 31 — 2X9 screw, 32 a bearing (copper tube) 33 — sleeve (dural), 34 — left side panel (beech), 35 — axis of the frame (needle Ø 2 mm), 36 — screed (needle Ø 1,5 mm), 37 — limiter (a pin Ø 1 mm), 38 — cross beam (needle Ø 1 mm).
The rear bearings are made of copper tubes, and securely glued them on the resin in the sidewall.
The driving gear is taken from jet set NORMA and slightly shortened. Fit it to the shaft of the motor does not require transition sleeves. Tinplate is cut the clamp. Two screws it as much as possible attached to the upper surface of the medium of communication and through the engine is drawn by one screw to the bottom plane (view D). The end of the clamp is bent at a right angle on the edge of the bar, the extra is cut off By the end of the plug is soldered clamp arm of the current collector.
The driven gear — shaver “Kharkiv-M”; its completion is simple: dispose an eccentric protrusion and a shorter inner sleeve (in the place). Led — square, tin plate with curved edges — soldered to the rear axle. Axle bushings are worn. Rims — on the thread, they additionally counter the nuts. The threads above the nut it is desirable to fill with thick black nitro to commit or to provide a retaining bracket washer. The center gap in engagement is regulated by shims between the engine and the bar.
Front axle with a welded thrust bushing moves freely in the vertical slots of the side (view B). In of front wheels are assembled with ball bearings.
Kontaktaadress node — unconventional. Difficult the shoes of the current collectors are made of the very common blocks and bricks from a national toys. First, the technological projections of the block to be clamped in a Vice and his body machined to specified dimensions (see drawing POS. 10). Then drill a hole ∅ 1 mm under the axle. Technology bites off the tabs with pliers and the holes under the axle ruscaceae needle files base on a length of 6 mm and side walls, ready Shoe trimmed cloth. A thin drill bit or an awl make the holes. In the Shoe put the braid wire with soldered wire, which gently fasten a thin copper wire. From the front of the screed the excess wire bites, and the rear “scrolls” for the length of 1-1,5 cm, and this harness is curved lever-hook.
Leash machined from Plexiglas of thickness 2.5—3 mm. Below it is not “loose” in the landings, includes an overlay of thin copper or brass. Panel is crimped on a leash, there are pierced holes, skips the needle — axle boots and the cross beam, which are welded to the plate. Axle to put on the shoes, and the whole unit is neatly soldered to the two spokes-beams. To the opposite ends of the beams are soldered, Referring to the drawing, of the sleeve. The design is enhanced by the stiffening elements and the screed. Limiter unloads the suspension unit arm current collectors of the bending moments. The emphasis does not allow the lever to fall too deep. Elastic load moment arm and separate each Shoe. The ends are ignored in the holes in the rear bulkhead and tie.
Thus, to change the engine, you need to Unscrew only one screw. And removing the axle and starting a band, you can quickly change and kontaktaadress node.
A few words about the manufacturer elements of the case. Top with slotted holes for the cockpit are cut from cardboard and glued with white glue to the sidewalls. Allowing the glue to dry safely Kruglaya the top face of the sidewalls of the cardboard is holding up well. The glazing is stamped from a thin plexiglass in the usual way on the disc. Front wing from a piece of wooden ruler is attached to the pallet from mm plywood, the configuration must comply with the plan of the front part of the body. On the pallet of foam is formed, the entire volume of the front, then the front part securely to the wooden studs attached to the transition frame (view a). Caps fairings disc brakes front wheels can be drawn from the bottoms of the canisters for tablets validol. Fairings cap — made of wood.
During the model development on track you should ensure that the leash does not get stuck on the turns. The model is easily combined with standard kontaktaadress node.
If you failed to get the engine DPM-20, it is possible to execute the model in the same way and with the same gearbox with electric motor DK-5-19 Moscow plant “Exciton”. This engine when its forcing the operating voltage to 12V works very reliably. In the quality of the engine is beyond praise.
The speed of the model with the new engine will drop slightly, but the danger of skidding of the rear wheels will increase, because of the small weight of the “Exciton” the center of gravity will shift to the rear axle.
The volume of the “discipline” of the body shows increased requirements to quality of manufacture and finish. Scheme of the model: plane splashes and toe of the casing round the room bright orange; place for room and bottom sides white. The rest of the body red, louver exhaust pipe, the focus for head driver and a instrument panel — gray. On the casing pipe on both sides — the national flag of the United Kingdom “Union Jack”.
Dimensions of the racing car “Lotus-56V”
Length, mm — 4670
Width, mm — 1900
Height, mm — 850
Base, mm — 2590
Track front and rear Noles, mm — 1500
Clearance — 76


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