Aircraft equipment had to be as simple and cheap. The kit should be included: radio, system identification “friend or foe”, as well as the navigation equipment of the system near navigation TAKAN or a simple radio.
The firm won the contract, have received the order from 1,000 aircraft. By early 1957, all participants pledged to produce three prototype aircraft. In the competition was attended by leading European aircraft manufacturers. Financing of project works took over the United States, France and Italy.
Fighter-bomber FIAT G. 91:
1 — removable nose cone; 2 — hood nose compartment equipment; 3 — hood locks; 4 —compartment fairing for photographic equipment in the open position; 5 — photo panoramic photography; 6 — the canopy in the open position; 7 — ejection seat Martin Baker Mk-W4; 8 — keel; 9 — rudder; 10 — inlet cooling the flame tube of the engine; 11 —ANO; 12 — flap wheel; 13 — wheel main landing gear; 14 — brake; 15 —fold niches nose landing gear; 16 — wheel nose landing gear; 17 — front wheel; 18 —trimmer of the rudder; 19 — removable access panels to the control system; 20 maintenance hatch access to the engine; 21 — hatches filling necks of the fuel tanks; 22 — inlet of the heat exchanger system pressurization and air-conditioning in the cockpit; 23 — intake air cooling-chamber REO; 24 — window of the camera; 25 — 12.7 mm machine guns Colt Browning M. 3; 26 — detachable panel compartment weapons; 27 — 260-l external fuel tank; 28 — turbulence air flow; 29 — tail-marker ANO; 30 — cover of the braking parachute; 31 — brake parachute; 32 —safety check of the braking parachute; 33 — hatch access to the control system; 34 —the root rib; 35 — internal pole; 36 — holders; 37 — external pylon; 38 —the outside compartment electronic equipment; 39 — rod of the rudder trimmer; 40 —wheel, the rear heel; 41 — keel; 42 — 30-mm cannon DEFA; 43 — antenna radar altimeter; 44 — plate rack chassis; 45 a hydraulic cylinder cleaning and landing gear; 46 —absorber landing gear; 47 — main landing gears; 48 — fotokinopulemeta; 49 —bulletproof glass; 50 — air intake; 51 — wind baffles; 52 landing lights; 53 cable the radio antenna; 54 — hinge stand; 55 — Polovinka wheel; 56 — the axis of the wheel; 57 — damper shimmy; 58 — tongs; 59 — plug-in terminals mains; 60 —stabilizer; 61 maintenance hatches for engine maintenance; 62 — brake pads; 63 — fold niches nose landing gear; 64 — the window of the camera; 65 — hatches access to the control system; 66 — inside the pylon; 67 — external pole; 68 — LDPE; 69 — Aileron; 70 —flaps; 71 — hatches access to the box units; 72 — handlebar height; 73 — hatches filling necks of the fuel tanks; 74 — cylinder retract nose landing gear; 75 —absorber nose landing gear; 76 — wheel nose landing gear
One of his first proposals was filed by Folland, a British firm, which suggested the plane Fo.141 called the Gnat. France has exposed on competition the aircraft 26 Mystere, Sud-Est Baroudeur SE5003 and Br. 1001 Taon. The Italian firm FIAT and Aerfer (Industrie Aeronautiche Meridionali) began work on projects G. 91 and Ariete.
After a preliminary review of all proposals AGARD (Advisory Group for Aeronautical Research and Development — consultative group for research and development of aircraft) NATO chose three projects to continue the contest. In their number were the FIAT G. 91, Mystere 26 (under the designation Etendart VI) and Br. 1001 Taon. These planes most closely answered tacticities requirements. In June 1955 the firms each aircraft was contracted for the development and construction of three prototypes.
Work on the aircraft FIAT G. 91 was the head designer Giuseppe Gabriel Lee, who became famous thanks to the development of the first Italian jet training aircraft G. 80.
Given the short development time, Gabrielli laid the basis for his project the aerodynamics of the American fighter-interceptor F-86D Sabre, or rather its simplified modification for the NATO — F-86K. This machine have been collected in Italy from parts supplied by the company North American.
The F-86D was considered one of the most advanced aircraft of its time (in 1952, he set a world record speed of 125 km/h) and was the first pure interceptor with missile weapons. In the nose of the car was powerful radar APG-37, which was one of the latest fire control system — Hughes E-4. The level of automation of the process of intercepting targets achieved through the application of this system allowed to refuse a second crew member who was usually present at the aircraft of such class. Armament — 24 NUR caliber of 70 mm was placed in a special pull-out container. The Americans feared that if they give European countries the F-86D “in the clear”, a secret system E-4 can get into the Union, that will cause irreparable damage to national security. So the North American firm has developed an export version of the F-86K cannon and simplified fire control system MG-4. The delivery of parts of these aircraft to Italy began in August of 1954, and the first F-86K Italian Assembly took to the air on may 23, 1955.
Designed the G. 91 in appearance resembled reduced by 16 percent American plane. He had a low wing with a sweep of 35° on the line of 25% chord with the relative thickness from 6 to 6.6%. Aircraft weapons were mounted in compartments on the sides of the cockpit. It could consist of four machine guns or two cannons. If necessary, instead they could gain a foothold the containers with unguided rockets. For ease of maintenance the weapon was attached to the inner surface of two massive flaps (the weight of one sash mounted with a 12.7 mm machine gun was 181.6 kg).
The prototype G. 91 before the flight
Pre-production G. 91 aircraft in flight
Before the start of flight testing firm FIAT on its own initiative, began preparing production tooling for series production, which played a significant role in the final selection of the aircraft-the winner of the contest. In July 1955, the firm has already received from the NATO commissioned to build a pilot batch of 27 aircraft.
The first flight of the prototype FIAT G. 91 under the trade designation NC.1 took place on 9 August 1956 casselli-casselli from the airport in the heart of Turin. Aircraft operated by test pilot Riccardo Bignamini. Takeoff weight is 20% higher than specified in the requirements, but the Italians with their inherent vital energy has convinced experts that this will not impair the flight characteristics. By plane was installed TRD Orpheus B. Or.1 with a thrust of 1840 kgs.
The first test flight of the G. 91 showed good flight characteristics.
27 February 1957 in a test flight the first copy of the plane crashed. The accident occurred when flying with great speed at an altitude of about 900 metres due to a flutter of feathers. Fortunately, Bignamini managed to eject and survived, airborne flight data recorders, too, survived, and engineers could conduct a detailed analysis of the causes of the accident. In this work, the active participation of French and American scientists who conducted a detailed study of conditions of flow over the fin and stabilizer in wind tunnels. In the end, tail on the second prototype, NC.1 bis has been modified, and the casing rear part has been installed the baffle.
The first flight of the second sample made July 26, 1957. It was a more powerful Orpheus engine V. Og.3 with a thrust of 2200 kgf. In addition, to improve the view forward and down the seat of the pilot lifted to 60mm, and to improve the longitudinal stability of the aircraft under the fuselage has fixed a small keel.
Shortly after the successful first flight of the second prototype in the air rose the third plane and the first pre-production instance of the G. 91 with serial number MM 6238. These aircraft were sent to France, where in September-October 1957 in the test center, Bretigny began a three-week comparative tests of the planes of the top contenders in the competition.
Tests have confirmed the expected result — the G. 91 was the winner of the competition. This decision was made by the competition Commission of NATO, to the great displeasure of the French, who considered themselves the most offended party. After all, they managed to develop not one, but three innovative and original machine, and the Italians built only a reduced copy of the American aircraft, which during the test stuck the nickname Baby Sabre. But in fairness it should be noted that the G. 91 really showed the best performance. He easily flew up from the ground, had a solid and reliable design, simple maintenance and “did not show” high demands to the pilot. Italian pilots gave the plane the nickname “Gina” on behalf of the then popular actress Gina Lollobrigida — as stated, the nose of a film star resembled the bow of the G. 91.
In January 1958, a single tactical fighter-bomber NATO first generation (LWSF) has been approved aircraft FIAT G. 91. This decision, however, was purely Advisory in nature — each of the NATO countries made the decision to purchase aircraft on their own. So, the French and the British immediately abandoned the G. 91, decided to build aircraft of its own design. To buy a new car expressed a desire to only Italy and Germany, which wanted to replace its strike aircraft F-84F Thunderstreak — complex in operation and require concrete runways.
Military tests. The first G. 91 the aircraft experienced a series of 27 vehicles made its maiden flight on 20 February 1958. In August, at the Pratica di Mare air base near Rome released of the ten aircraft, the G. 91 was formed a light tactical fighter group Gruppo Caccia Tatrici Leggeri 103, designed for military tests and training pilots Italy and Germany, attacks on ground targets. The remaining planes were sent to the Reparto Sperimentale di Volo — Italian test center of the air force.
The development of new machines does not cause more difficulties even for pilots with little experience flying on aircraft with turbojet engines. In 1959 the squadron moved to the dirt Frosinone airfield with a runway length of 1400 m, and the G. 91 has been applied against the educational goals that have been deleted no more than 280 km from the base. Military experts praised the mobility of the unit during relocation. All the accessories were transported on ordinary trucks and easily unfolded in a new place. Preparation of aircraft for departure from the new airport (refueling, replenishment of ammunition, etc.) was performed for 10 minutes by a team of 4 to 5 technicians. The engine replacement took 45 minutes.
With starter cartridge start engine did not depend on ground equipment and turbojet yourself out on the idling conditions approximately 40 seconds after launch. The thrust of the engine idling was sufficient for taxiing on the grass. By increasing the frequency of rotation of the turbine at 1000 rpm can be run on the earth turns by 90°. Maneuverability when taxiing turned out to be good — and this despite the fact that the nose wheel of the aircraft was uncontrollable. Pneumatic low pressure spring strut and the chassis provides a smooth ride even on rough terrain. Minor changes of the direction of movement of the aircraft could be effected by means of the wheel brakes, without an additional increase in engine thrust.
On the aircraft control stick had a button longitudinal and lateral balancing before takeoff. Longitudinal balance is provided with adjustable stabilizer actuator, wherein the position of the stabilizer was tested at the red mark on the pointer of its provisions. Cross-balancing is ensured by the exhibition of ailerons, which was controlled visually by the technician the starting team. The trimmer of the rudder were set to the neutral position with the switch in the cab. System booster longitudinal control was included just before the flight, while the booster ailerons on permanently.
The most important stage of military trials was flying in the presence of the Commission PATO, which was headed by General Johannes, Steinhoff of the Luftwaffe of Germany. Four days G. 91 conducted 140 sorties, showing almost absolute reliability. The flights were carried out in any weather, not only from the soil of the airfield, but with sections of roads with a firm covering.
Modification and operation of the aircraft, the G. 91. Excellent flight characteristics and high reliability could not fail to attract the attention of potential customers in other countries. Their interest is fueled by the fact that FIAT has announced modifications to the four pre-production aircraft in reconnaissance under the designation G. 91R, in the bow of each was equipped with three cameras. First, the designer of the aircraft, Giuseppe Gabrielli wanted to release the spy plane only strelovidnym weapons, but the military convinced him of the need to maintain a G. 91R full set of weapons of the fighter-bomber. Such a machine could not only put the missile and bomb strikes on targets, but also to record the results of their work on the film, allowing commanders to make informed decisions about the further course of combat operations. The increase of efficiency of combat use was accompanied by a reduction of the fleet of combat aircraft in the air force due to the fact that the functions of reconnaissance and fighter-bomber carried out one plane.
The correctness of the chosen development path of the aircraft confirmed even such opponents of the G. 91 as England and France, who wish to acquire a small amount of universal G. 91R.
Thus, in 1959 the FIAT has developed a solid package of orders for new aircraft. The Italian air force ordered 50 machines G. 91R-1 and 20 — an educational-training double G. 91T-1. France — 50 G. 91R-2, Germany — 50 G. 91R-3 and 44 G. 91T-3. Austria, not wishing to lag behind Germany, decided to order 12 G. 91 R-3 and two seater. Greece and Turkey, yielding to the universal excitement, decided to take the 25 aircraft G. 91R-4. Norway has not yet made a final decision, but considered the possibility of buying the G. 91R-5. In addition to the NATO G. 91 wanted to get Argentina and Switzerland.
Experimental and pre-production G. 91. 27 aircraft, the G. 91 prototype series with the Orpheus 801 engine (V. Og.3), which were distinguished by a pointed nose was used only for test purposes and in the service of the Italian air force was not transferred. Four aircraft converted into a prototype of reconnaissance G. 91R, and 20 aircraft (according to other sources — 17) was modified for use in a 313-th aerobatic squadron of the Italian air force Frecce Tricolori (Italian. — tricolor arrows) with the designation G. 91P.A.N (Pattuglia Aerobatica Nazionale, the Italian. — national aerobatic team). Aircraft took small arms and not to disturb the alignment, replaced it with the appropriate goods. In the channel pitch control system mounted damper (before that on the G. 91 had only a yaw damper), and under the wings hung the colored smoke generators. In 1964 G. 91P.A.N replaced aircraft CL-13 Sabre Mk.4 (the canadian version of the F-86E) and were used by pilots of the squadron until April 1982.
On the basis of one G. 91 firm FIAT has created a modification of the G. 91A with a wing of increased area, automatic slats and wing fuel tanks-compartments 360 liters of fuel, increasing range by about 10 percent. The maneuverability of the aircraft have increased, but take-off weight and no suspension is 400 kg more than the average G. 91 and in the series he went.
Another G.91 was modified to test navigation systems Rho-Theta (range, azimuth) and Decca. The first, which was an analogue of the American system TAKAN, provided the flight of the omnidirectional signals from the ground beacons and the second was an improved version of the hyperbolic system J during the Second world war, which used the signals from two radio stations. Under the designation G. 91N modified aircraft was tested in the UK.
Aircraft G. 91S (single) and G. 91TS (double) were modifications of the original aircraft, the G. 91R, which planned to install a more powerful turbojet Orpheus B. Or. 12 with traction 3088 kgs. Increased thirst promised to improve the flight characteristics of the aircraft (to increase maximum speed to supersonic) and to increase the payload. Modification of the G. 91S was proposed as a fighter-bomber NATO second generation, but did not receive support and the construction of the prototype has not begun.
The opportunity to purchase the G. 91 was considered in the United States. In early 1961, the G. 91R, G. 91T-1 and two G. 91R-3 transport aircraft C-124 Globemasters were sent to the United States. G. 91R-3 was held a comparative test with the American aircraft AD4, A-37 and F-5A at the air base Fort Rucker in Alabama. And planes G. 91R and G. 91T-1 in addition to the flight tests was evaluated on the usability for the U.S. air force at low temperatures. Extreme conditions were simulated in a special climatic hangar Eglin air base in Florida, where the refrigeration unit was established the temperature to minus 18 degrees Celsius. The tests showed high reliability on-Board systems G. 91, but the flight characteristics of the Italian aircraft were not better than us, so the question of the purchase of further machines was not raised.
Fighter-bomber variant of the FIAT G. 91R reconnaissance:
1 — the direction of movement of the cooling air; 2 — slit of the exhaust air; 3 stops; 4 — bolt front-mount guns; 5 — the Central mount of the gun; 6 — tape feeder shells; 7 — ammunition box; 8 — access panel to the control system; 9 — nozzle engine; 10 —keel; 11 — a brake hook; 12 — mount brake hook; 13 — block of nurs; 14 —external fuel tank (PTB); 15 — and 30-mm cannon DEFA; 16 — illuminators cameras; 17 —slat; 18 — LDPE; 19 — Aileron; 20 — flap; 21 maintenance hatches; 22 —shoulder harness belt system; the 23 headrest; 24 — slot time; 25 — lap seatbelts; 26 — brake pads; 27 — flap landing gear; 28 — fold niches main landing gear; 29 — operating panel in the engine compartment; 30 — fold niches nose landing gear; 31 — landing lights
During testing in the US, killing a test pilot Riccardo Bignamini. February 1, 1961, he did take off with the help of solid-fuel JATO boosters. One of the boosters malfunctioned, the plane spun, the pilot lost control and, unable to eject, crashed with the plane.
The G. 91 for the Italian air force. The first serial combat modification was the plane G. 91R-1. In the nose of the car was equipped with three cameras company Vinten F/95 Mk.3: one of them was facing forward, the other straight down, and the third, with two lenses in hand. The slope of the last two lenses of the cameras relative to the vertical was 15 degrees. Camera allowed to take pictures of objects under the aircraft, with heights from 100 to 600 m, or to the left (right) of the plane at a distance of 1000 — 2000 m from the flight line. The nose cone of the fuselage swing open on hinges to allow access to the cameras. Built-in armament consisted of four 12.7-mm machine guns Browning M-3 with ammunition, 300 rounds per gun. Suspension arms were fixed on the two under-wing pylons. It could consist of two of 113.5-kg bombs, two incendiary tanks with Napalm or different combinations of NUR caliber 70 mm, 76 mm or 127 mm. Instead of weapons on the pylons could be suspended fuel tanks with a capacity of 450 litres. Built 23 machines.
The second production version of G. 91R-1A with radio compass ADF-102, consisting of 25 aircraft, was produced for the Italian air force.
First Italian modification of the G. 91R-1B of the 50 aircraft differed from the previous reinforced chassis, new brakes wheels and tubeless tires.
Aircraft G. 91R-1 and R-1A in March of 1961, was in service with the 51st air brigade (51A Aerobrigata). In 1964 after the reorganization of the air force G. 91 became part of the Second wing aircraft light scout fighters (2 Stormo Caccia Ricognitori Leggeri Tattici) of the Italian air force, consisting of two air groups — Gruppo Gruppo 13 and 14. Both group consisted of three squadrons of 12 to 16 aircraft each. Units were based at the airbase at Treviso.
Aircraft G. 91R-1B, supplied by the firm for the air force in March 1962, were in service with the 13th air group which was based at the airport of Brindisi. In 1965, this part became part of 2 Stormo, and two years later R-1V again brought a separate part of the 32 Stormo.
13th air group used the G. 91R-1A for over 13 years. In April 1974 she changed them for new aircraft G. 91Y. The other part flew to his old G. 91R until 1989 (!) years until the arrival of a new attack aircraft AMX.
In 1964, the firm FIAT has produced 25 aircraft in the variant G. 91R-6. They differed reinforced chassis and air brakes are larger. The equipment was changed on the model of German aircraft G. 91R-3. Under the wing secured two additional pylons for the suspension arms. These planes could be used starting solid propellant boosters, which have reduced take-off distance up to 100 meters.
19 June 1965 Italy showed production aircraft G. 91R-1B at the international air show in Le Bourget. During a demonstration flight by the Italian pilot has not calculated maneuver and the plane crashed into situated around the runway Parking lot, mutilated about 50 cars parked there. Killing nine spectators and twelve were seriously injured.
The G. 91 for the French air force. For the French air force firm FIAT has developed a modification of the G. 91R-2. It was designed on the basis of the Italian aircraft, the G. 91R-1 and different on-Board equipment. But after the French had adopted his fighter Mirage III, from the purchase of the G. 91, but they refused. The prototype of the R-2 was not built.
The main customer of the aircraft, the G. 91 was West Germany. October 19, 1957, the military delegation from Germany visited the factory of the company FIAT in Turin, where he got acquainted with the production of the aircraft and held preliminary talks to license build the G. 91 in Germany. In March 1958 the G. 91R aircraft was test flown by German pilots, and his photographic equipment was examined by German experts on aerial reconnaissance. March 11, 1959, the official representatives of Germany signed the contract on purchase of 50 military vehicles G. 91R-3 and 44 an educational-training G. 91T-3. In addition, they have licensed the manufacture of machinery 294 R-3 factories of the West German aviation consortium (Flugzeug-Union Sud), which included Dornier, Messerschmitt and Heinkel.
The plane R-3 was created on the basis of the G. 91R-1B and differed significantly from the Italian machine. The Germans abandoned the four heavy machine guns mounted on the sides of the cab, two 30-mm cannons DEFA 552 with ammunition 152 of each shell. Under the strong wing has secured two additional pylons for the suspension arms. In a set of weapons added a guided missile of a class “earth — earth” Nord AS-20, as part of the equipment included TAKAN radio navigation system AN/ARN-52, Doppler velocimeter and drift angle of the DRA-12A, the evaluator and the indicator angular position of the plane PHI-3B-5 relative to the ground station that was used for navigation.
Preparation for the production of aircraft in Germany took much more time than expected, so 62 aircraft G. 91R-3 was collected in Italy. In September 1960 the first machine arrived in a 50-school gunsmiths (Waffenschule 50) in Erding, where courses were organized for the training of pilots-instructors on the new equipment. There in October 1961, began the formation of the first aircraft armed with a G. 91R-3, — 53rd aversively squadron (Aufklarungsgeschwader AG 53).
Retraining front-line pilots with the F-84F on G. 91 was held at the 61st testing center (Erprobungsstelle 61).
Another 12 vehicles were delivered in Germany transport aircraft disassembled — they were going at the plant of the company Dornier. Its own production process was launched in Germany only in early 1961. Fabrication of the center section and final Assembly of production aircraft was carried out at the plant of the Dornier-Werke. The front part of the fuselage and the tail Assembly did the firm Messerschmitt, wing and Ernst Heinkel Flugzeugbau. Thus, the G. 91R-3 has begun production of a jet combat aircraft in post-war Germany.
The first G. 91R-3 German production rose in the air from the airfield Oberpfaffenhofen near Munich on 20 July 1961.
Before sending a new aircraft G. 91R-3 Luftwaffe each of them passed thorough flight tests within ten flight hours. During this time the work was checked onboard systems and powerplant.
At the end of may 1962 53rd aversively squadron started training flights. Pilots fly day and night and in different weather conditions. In September 1963, six aircraft ferried to Italy on a dirt airfield, Rivolta for training pilots flying from unprepared sites with grass.
In 1964, two G. 91R-3 was transferred to Algeria on the French air base in Colombes-Bechar, where they were used for tests of the missile AS-20 in the hot and dry climate of the Sahara desert. Within two months, the G. 91 was carried out the flights and missile launches when the air temperature up to +46 degrees centigrade at a relative humidity of 10 percent. For reviews of pilots and mechanics, aircraft and missiles showed high reliability.
Serial production of the German aircraft G. 91R-3 was completed in may 1966. In addition to AG 53 cars were armed with aversively squadron AG 54 on the base Apehorn, light strike bomber squadrons (Leichte Kampfgeschwader) LeKG 41, 42 and 43, located at air bases in Husum, Pferdsfeld and Oldenburg, respectively.
In the early 1970-ies of the G. 91R-3, in service of intelligence units AG 53 AG 54, have been replaced by supersonic reconnaissance aircraft RF-104G.
In legkobombardirovochnogo parts of the G. 91 lasted longer. Latest G. 91R-3 was decommissioned in February 1982. In LeKG 42 have adopted the F-4F Phantom 2, and in other parts of the G. 91 was replaced by light attack aircraft Alpha Jet which was jointly developed by the French firm of Dassault-Breguet and Dornier, the German G. 91 for the air force of Greece, Turkey and Portugal.
Modification of the G. 91R-4 was created by order of the air force of Greece and Turkey. Built-in weapons (four heavy machine gun) plane corresponded to the G. 91 R-1, and suspension armament and equipment was performed according to the West German version of G. 91R-3.
The first G. 91R-4 was officially handed over to official representatives of the air force 6 September 1961 at the airport FIAT at Turin. But from further purchases, the Greeks and the Turks refused, instead of the G. 91 they have adopted the American tactical fighter F-5A Freedom Fighter. This decision was taken despite the fact that firm FIAT has already built all of 50 ordered aircraft. Financial loss to the company compensated US and the aircraft was sent to the disposal of the air force of Germany. In Germany they were used for training purposes for two years.
In the spring of 1966 40 aircraft G. 91R-4, the Germans sold Portugal. The contract between Germany and Portugal indicated that Portuguese air force (Forca, Aegea Portuguese) are not eligible to use the G. 91 outside Europe. However, the government of Portugal, considering their African colonies an integral part of the country, placed them in two squadrons of aircraft — one on the territory of Mozambique and the other in Portuguese Guinea (1974 — Guinea-Bissau).
Pre-production instance of the G. 91Y
In 1967, eight G. 91R-4 from 121 squadron “Tigers” began to make sorties against guerrillas operating in the border areas with Senegal and French Guinea. In addition to problems of a purely melee character with the use of tanks and incendiary bombs, the G. 91 was carried out the flight to escort transport aircraft Noratlas French production, which could threaten the Nigerian MiG-17, fighting on the side of the guerrillas. Acting in a fairly strong defenses, consisting mainly of a 57-mm anti-aircraft guns and portable Zenith missile systems (MANPADS) “Strela-2” of Soviet production, the Portuguese air force lost five aircraft, the G. 91. And two of them were shot down by MANPADS missiles.
Two squadrons of G. 91R-4 — 502-I “Jaguars” and 702-I “Scorpion”, based in Mozambique, in 1968, was used for attacks on forces of the Mozambique liberation Front (FRELIMO) and flew aerial reconnaissance of guerrilla camps in neighboring Zambia. The opposition of the G. 91 with the land was weak, and Portuguese for six years, lost only one plane, and it exploded from the detonation of own munitions when bombing at low altitude.
In 1974 the squadron “Jaguars” was disbanded, and the aircraft transferred to the 93rd squadron of the air force of Portugal, based in Angola. There until the beginning of 1975 G. 91 made rare patrol flights. When Portuguese troops left the country at the airport of Luanda remained four G. 91 R-4. They were included in the air force of Angola, which was formed in January 1976. In the absence of spare parts and qualified ground personnel, the aircraft quickly became worthless and was written off.
Portuguese G. 91R-4 for a long time was the basis of the air forces of the country. In 1976, the air forces of Germany gave the Portuguese an additional 33 aircraft G. 91R-3 and 11 trainers T-3. These machines had to pay for the lease of the air base of Beja in Portugal.
In the early 1980-ies of the Portuguese G. 91 has been improved. They have installed new avionics, which allowed them to use missiles AIM-9 Sidewinder “air — air” and AGM-12 Bullpap class “air — ground”.
In 1993, the air force G. 91 Portugal was decommissioned and replaced by the Alpha Jet.
The G. 91 for the air force of Norway. Especially for the Norwegian air force firm FIAT has developed the variant G. 91R-5 with a larger radius of action, but the Norwegians made a choice in favour of the American F-5A, a G. 91R-5 remained only on paper.
A training modification of the G. 91. Development of two-seater version of the fighter-bomber G. 91 was started before the first flight of a prototype combat aircraft. Firm FIAT has created it on the basis of the first draft of the G. 91R. The new aircraft was to replace the older machines FIAT G. 82 and Lockheed T-33.
The pilots seat was located in the nose of the car under the scheme “tandem”. The student was located in the first seat and the instructor on the second. Both places were equipped with ejection seats. The cab closed its own lights and was divided into a transparent partition, which in the case of ejection, the first pilot played the role of the windscreen.
The original fuselage was lengthened by 1.41 m and amplified in the calculation of the overload up to 12 g (single G. 91 was kept only 7g).
The original project included the use of the aircraft engine Orpheus V. Og.1 thrust 1840 kgs, but in this case the maximum flight speed was reduced compared to the single plane 280 km/h. Therefore, the designers decided to put on the prototypes 801 Orpheus turbojet with thrust of 2200 kgf, and the performance of the car remained at the level of combat aircraft without external suspension. Takeoff weight of Sparky was able to reduce by removing two built-in machine guns.
The composition of the photographic equipment and suspension arms fully consistent with the single option. Thanks G. 91T can be used for training of flight personnel combat use.
The first copy of the G. 91T took to the air on 31 may 1960. After conducting flight tests firm FIAT has received orders for a two-seater plane from the Italian air force, first at 20, and then another 46 cars, and from the air forces of Germany — for 44 cars.
Option for Italy was designated G. 91T-1. The first production aircraft was made available to schools, improved training for pilots Amendola (Amendola) in 1964. It received graduates of the primary flying schools in the specialty “military aviation”. Before that, they already had RAID on 200 hours on the piston and at 125 hours on the training jets. On the G. 91T-1 mastered the elements of air combat, methods of attack ground targets, flying in combat and the techniques of aerial photography. After graduation, young pilots were distributed to combat units for training on a specific type of aircraft.
Serial production of the G. 91T-1 ended in 1974. It was built 76 of the planes. The last ten cars had the designation G.91T-1 Srs.2 — these aircraft were consistent with the variant G. 91T-3, which was developed for the air force of Germany.
Cabin equipment G. 91R-1
G. 91T-3 differed in structure and equipment was heavier than the T-1 100 kg. in addition, they could carry missiles AS-20 or AS-30. To improve visibility from the cab of the instructor his chair was elevated by 50 mm, and the canopy got a convex shape. The aircraft installed engine Orpheus 803 thrust 2270 kgf.
The first 44 aircraft for flight schools of the Luftwaffe were built in Italy. 22 more of the aircraft released by the West German aviation consortium. Series production aircraft T-3 ended in the fall of 1972. In 1976, 11 machines G. 91T-3 was transferred to the air force of Portugal.
For the training of pilots of aircraft F-104 Starfighter firm FIAT has proposed a modification of the G. 91T-4, equipped with NASARR pricelineairfareuqw system, the blocks which were supposed to place in the left gun Bay and radar instead of cameras, in the long by 0.33 m bow. But this modification is not supported by the military, who were completely satisfied double fighter TF-104.
Fighter-bomber-scout G. 91Y. Subsonic fighter-bomber G. 91 was designed for attacks on ground targets and were totally unsuitable for tasks of interception at high altitudes, which assumed supersonic fighters. In Italy and Germany, the interceptor was the F-104 in the UK — twin-engine heavy Lightning in the U.S. — the F-101 Voodoo and F-106 Delta Dart.
In the mid 1960-ies in the West have rejected the concept of two different types of military vehicles and developed the concept of multipurpose aircraft — tactical fighter, which could serve as attack ground targets and intercept. This idea aroused great interest among specialists and led to the development of technically complicated and expensive multi-purpose aircraft with high flight characteristics. Obvious examples of such machines are: the American F-4 Phantom 2, the French Mirage F. 1 and Swedish AJ-37 Viggen. However, the use of heavy tactical fighters in Vietnam forced them to reconsider this concept. Combat experience showed that the use of expensive aircraft and highly qualified pilots for tactical tasks unprofitable. Most of the work can perform simple and less expensive machines.
These considerations have prompted a return to the old idea of creating a light attack aircraft. Experts of the Italian air force came to the conclusion that creating aircraft for direct support of ground troops, attack ground targets from a low height and of military intelligence there is no need to start new development, but enough to make the necessary modification of the well-proven G. 91.
The upgrade was to provide greater combat load, increased range and better maneuverability with a full load at low speeds. It was install on the car with the latest navigation and radar equipment, while maintaining the simplicity of operation and the possibility of landing on unprepared airfields.
To satisfy these requirements, the firm decided that the most appropriate to use as the basis for a double training aircraft G. 91T-3 because it had a more spacious and more solid body compared to the single G. 91.
Modification, designated G. 91Y, had an additional fuel tank instead of the seat of the second pilot, two American turbojet engine the General Electric J85-GE-13A from the F-5A (one turbojet thrust of 1200 kgf without afterburner and 1860 kgs — afterburner), a wing of increased area with automatic slats across the span and a new chassis.
At first glance, the aircraft is almost no different from its predecessor, but the volume of work produced and the use of new technologies allow to consider it a completely different machine. Installation of two engines and increased takeoff thrust by 60 percent and increased the survivability of the aircraft. The empty weight of the G. 91Y compared to the G. 91 was increased by 25 percent, take — off weight-60 percent, and the weight of the combat load — 73%. Fuel capacity was increased from 1700 to 3200 liters — despite the increase in fuel consumption, it is possible to increase the flight range of the aircraft. Modified chassis with larger wheels (700x267x254 626x230x254 mm vs mm for G. 91R/T) provides operation of the aircraft, the G. 91 from unpaved runways, and a suspended propellant boosters turned the car into the aircraft short takeoff.
Firm FIАТ built three prototypes of the G. 91Y. The first was intended for testing of the airframe and engine, the second — for testing aircraft systems, and the third, which was equipped with all the amenities, was considered the prototype of the serial car. The first flight took place on 27 December 1966. Machine test conducted by the test pilot of the firm FIАТ Vittorio Sanseverino. In September 1967, the program of tests and hooked up the second prototype of the aircraft.
During the factory test machine has made 79 flights with a common touch more than 100 hours. The estimated maximum speed of the aircraft was 1110 km/h, but test pilots managed to disperse the car up to 1,200 km/h (M=0,98).
In one of the test flights at the speed of 1020 km/h was seen buffeting the rear fuselage, which was caused by the bottom effect, led to the emergence of transonic air flow in the rear. Conducted refinement (in particular, moving up to 25.4 mm of the horizontal tail and reduces the diameter of the fuselage) made it possible to eliminate the buffeting and to maintain lateral and directional stability up to the speed corresponding to the number M=0,95.
On the plane (G. 91Y has installed a fully powered control system with dampers for pitch and yaw, which could change the efforts on the control handle. In handling response and damping have been optimized for flights at low altitude with a speed of 925 km/h. G. 91Y with a full load was carried out by the output of a dive at speed 555 km/h with overload of 5 g.
Setting the automatic slats to greatly improve maneuverability. The slats are produced with decreasing flight speed to 425 km/h, while the lifting force on the wing was increased by 30 — 40 percent. At take-off weight of 7,800 kg G. 91Y run does not exceed 900 meters.
At normal takeoff weight minimum flight speed was 230 km/h, and with landing gear and flaps — 200 km/h (both are issued by the slats). The stall speed was at 12 — 16 km/h less than the speeds.
With one working engine without afterburner, the plane could gain altitude of 7800 m, and the fast and the furious — 10 500 m.
Air to both engines was done in one long channel of the Y-shape. At first it did not cause any adverse events. Even in the event of a sudden stop of one engine in afterburner, second consistently kept the momentum and temperature. However, during the operation of production aircraft duct showed their worst side in sharp turns one of the engine “choked” and he began surging of the compressor. To remedy the situation, the designers shared a common channel portion by a vertical partition. This enhancement appeared only in the last production aircraft, in service with the 32nd wing.
On the plane were set integrated sighting and navigation system with display on the windshield. The basis of this system was two-axis gyroscopic platform Sperry SYP-820, combined with a DISS Bendix DRA-12, which gave data in the calculator of flight parameters. Radio system of short-range navigation Marconi AD-730 could be configured to one of 12 fixed transmission stations, and the pilot at any moment the flight could get given the course and distance to the station. For G. 91Y mounted gyroscopic sight Ferranti ISIS-B, Honeywell radio altimeter AN/APN-171 and identification system “friend or foe” TRA-62. All the basic navigation and targeting data displayed on the windshield, allowing the pilot to focus on combat missions.
Sighting and navigation system (without photo-reconnaissance equipment) and the weapons were first tested on the second prototype aircraft. At the request of the pilot test, factory test sighting and navigation system were successful. The system gave the error is not more than one percent on the 740 km of the flight. System failure only happened once in 50 flights.
In the nose of the plane was mounted three cameras on the scheme adopted by the G. 91R. Forward and side “watched” cameras like the TA-7M2, and down — KA-60C.
After factory tests, the aircraft was sent to the testing center of the air force, where he began flying combat use.
The aircraft was armed with two internal 30-mm DEFA 552 cannons mounted on the sides of the cockpit. Ammo was 125 shells per gun, rate of fire — 1100 — 1500 rounds per minute. Under the wing there were four pylons, on which may be hung additional fuel tanks or various armaments.
9 June 1968 at an air show in Turin Italy publicly demonstrated his new airplane. The first instance showed in flight, and the third instance with weapons in the Parking lot.
Representatives of the air force of many countries showed interest in the G. 91Y, because it was cheaper than other aircraft of similar purpose. The question of a possible purchase were discussed with delegations of the air force of Germany and Switzerland.
The main competitors of the G. 91Y was considered planes and Mirage 5, Northrop F-5E. Firm FIAT believed that the small size and good flight characteristics at subsonic speeds gave the G. 91Y some advantage over its ultrasonic competitors, especially from the point of view of criterion of “cost — effectiveness”.
For the Swiss air force, the firm prepared a modification called G. 91YS with six underwing pylons instead of four, equipped with a weapon control system that allows you to use missiles AIM-9 Sidewinder, and the modified fairing the bow. According to calculations, the plane is 20 percent heavier, its takeoff and landing characteristics are deteriorated, and therefore, Switzerland has made its choice in favor of American cars, the F-5.
A similar decision was taken in Germany. The Germans focused on a new, joint with France the project of a light attack aircraft Alpha Jet (Dassault-Breguet/ Dornier).
The first order for G. 91Y entered the firm FIAT from the Italian air force. He suggested the construction of the first pre-production batch of 20 aircraft to be delivered to all machines by the spring of 1969. Later received an order for 55 series of combat aircraft. The production machinery has participated in almost all the leading Italian firms: the engines under license from Alfa Romeo was doing; the aft fuselage, tail surfaces, outboard pylons and tanks — Aerfer; the middle part of the fuselage, control surfaces and main landing gear wheel AS; the forward fuselage, cabin and nose landing gear — SIAI-Marchetti; final Assembly and testing was carried out by the specialists of the company FIАТ.
The first production aircraft took to the air in July 1968. Retraining of flight and maintenance personnel were held in the test center of Italian air force. New fighter-bombers went into service in the 101st air group of the 8th distributedgeneration wing (8 Stormo 101 Gruppo Cacciabombardieri) of the Italian air force. April 1, 1970, this part is entirely replaced his old F-84F on domestic aircraft. The second part, received the G. 91Y, became the 13th air group’s 32nd wing. Deliveries of production vehicles completed in 1974.
Firm FIAT has designed a twin training aircraft G. 91УТ, but orders him followed.
Design description G. 91R-1. Fighter-bomber, the G. 91R-1 was a monoplane with low-swept wing and single-fin tail. The design of the fuselage — semi-monocoque. In its Central part was located seven fuel tanks with a total capacity of 1700 L. the lower part is armoured to protect the fuel tanks, and this reservation continued on the air brakes, fixed nodes on the main spar and retractable into the Central part of the fuselage.
The wing had laminar profile NACA-64. The sweep angle at the 1/4 chord is 37 degrees, the relative thickness of about 9 percent. On the wing equipped with two aerodynamic ridge preventing the flow of boundary layer from root to the wing tips. The wing is equipped with slotted flaps. The ailerons, the scope of which accounted for nearly 60 percent of span to each wing, were equipped with boosters, trimmers and internal aerodynamic compensation. In the control system there was a manual emergency control and machine efforts. Traction control ailerons were placed in the sock of the wing. The wing tips were inspection hatches for access to the Aileron boosters.
The design of the wing — coffered. At the root of the rear spar there was a host of the rack mount main chassis and flaps. Inside the wing across the span was riveted stringers, and the number, height and length of which decreased towards the wing tips. In addition, the panels of the caisson in the root parts were reinforced with sheathing fastened with rivets. Panel of the wing box is very similar to the wing panels of the F-86К.
The wing attached to the fuselage by bolts. The fuel tanks in the wing was, but it took the fuel hoses to underwing pylons.
The maximum capacity of each of the two underwing pylons — 225 lbs. On the modification of G. 91R-3 closer to the ends of the wing could be installed two additional pylons with a lifting capacity of 110 kg, which could be hung a variety of goods, including: 12 NUR caliber 76 mm; two 225-kg bombs; two fuel tanks; a six-NUR caliber 127 mm; the containers with 12.7 mm machine guns and ammunition with 250 rounds (one for internal and two on the outer pylons); two 225-kg incendiary tank; two container 31 NUR caliber 50.8 mm in each on the main and two containers with 19 NUR caliber 50.8 mm on the outer pylons; two containers with 19 NUR caliber 70 mm on the inside and two containers with 12 NUR caliber of 70 mm on the outer pylons. After completions of G. 91R-1 and R-3 could carry a guided missile AS-20, AS-30, AGM-12 Bullpap class “air — ground” with a radio command guidance system; two Firestreak missiles class “air — air” with infrared guidance system or two missiles AIM-9 Sidewinder.
Pressurized cockpit, equipped with air conditioning, located on the air intake duct of the engine, in front of the wing. On three sides, floor and front and rear walls were protected by armor. The pilot’s seat — ejection type Martin Baker Mk.4. The sequence of operations when the bailout was first worked conventional firing mechanism with the ejection speed of 15 m/s, then at the end of the movement along the guide rails (less than a second) included a rocket engine; after leaving the aircraft seat with the help of cables have vodilis two attached to the aircraft temporary mechanical devices, one of which is one second after the bailout included a shooting mechanism of an exhaust parachute, under the parachute from the pilot seat has rotated 180 degrees, and after a 0.75 seconds after the release of the pull-out parachute was the separation of the pilot from the seat; next, the pilot chute pulled the dome moreover, the disclosure of the latter occurred during the flight, the pilot upside down; further, the pilot parachute has reached the top of the trajectory at a height of 90 m relative to the point of the bailout and began to decline.
To the chair was moving without deviation from the desired path, the line of thrust of the rocket engine had to pass through the center of gravity of the chair with the pilot. Therefore, the thrust direction was regulated depending on the weight of the pilot before takeoff he had to set the switch on the chair on the number corresponding to its mass.
The canopy ensures a good view forward and down, leaned back on the hinges with an electric drive.
On the sides of the cockpit were located compartments of armament, folding wings which could accommodate four 12.7 mm Browning machine gun AN-M3 with ammunition for 300 rounds of ammunition, two 20-mm DEFA cannon with ammunition 200 rounds per gun or two 30mm DEFA cannon with ammunition 120 rounds per gun. Instead of guns, you could install two containers with 25 NUR caliber 50.8 mm or 15 NUR caliber 70 mm each. Mount weapons, ammunition boxes and related equipment on the wings allow fast change and reload weapon. Folds arms were shot. The mass of each leaf mounted with two 12.7 mm machine guns and ammunition 600 rounds was about 180 kg. the fuselage skin in front of exit openings of the guns were made of steel.
In the forward fuselage in front of the front armor plate placed aviation equipment.
The aft fuselage was attached with four bolts, when her office was provided access to the engine. The tail fairing above the exhaust nozzle housed the drogue chute.
The rudder had a mechanical drive from the pedals supplied with trimmer and yaw damper. The installation angle of the stabilizer could change to balance electrically. Rudders height — booster, irreversible, spring machine effort, corrected for the overload. Emergency management system — manual.
The main landing gear retracted into the fuselage. The pressure in the pneumatic 3.5 kg/cm2 . Unmanaged nose gear with a short stand was cleaned turning back into the well under the channel of the inlet. The pressure in the pneumatic front wheel was 3 kg/cm2 .
Main and front landing gear wheels were equipped with hydraulic brakes.
Flight characteristics of aircraft of the G. 91
N. Food reserve was, A. CHECHIN
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