The primary problem encountered by young modelers, who began classes in class aerovision — the choice of the constructive scheme of the housing needle. This is very important details and we have paid the most attention to when developing new models. Look at the pictures: it was possible with modern hull shapes to design it so that nothing but foam, thin strips, pieces of plywood and cardboard, will be required. All these materials are really easy to find in sets-parcels or purchase in the store, not to destroy without the need of a few hard-fought sets.
In many respects the advantages of the proposed variant is due to specific covering of the cardboard. Replacements are difficult to find. Two times lighter scarce mm plywood, it has almost equivalent strength that allows you to make the body extremely light, almost the same, which are also used on their superoperator.
Control line speed model aerolaser with internal combustion engine working volume of 2.5 cm3 .
Because of the relatively small volume of the filler body can be cut from a foam of any brand, but most good results are obtained by using melkosortnogo packaging, which are equipped with boxes for color or other large TVs. The advantages of this material not only in lightness. Also important is the almost complete absence of pores on its surface even after treatment, normal cutting tool. And hence the small loss in mass when pasting cardboard in epoxy resin. Do note — the whole Assembly of the apparatus can be conducted in conventional resins, which come in home improvement stores, and without the introduction of plasticizers.
When working on a model with any resins, the most careful attention should be paid to the quality of the degreasing and preparation of the joint surfaces. Initially very difficult to convince myself that the seam strength after seizing even a seemingly clean hands can fall several times. But once you understand on the basis of the reference gluing, as there is little need for the loss of the reliability of this connection and how it is possible to reduce the weight of the nodes with careful Assembly, as in the future you are going to tell newcomers about the principles of work with a binder. All this applies not only to boards with a semi-glossy surface and foams. Degreasing is needed and when working with wood! However, there is enough proskurivka joints before gluing, but not hurt, and wiping with acetone, especially if the node is very tight, and the parts already sahateni in the process.
Constructively the hull, and the floats, simple. After you cut the filler with the help Malki (a description of such a tool is in any literature on woodworking) with fixed needle is a fragment of a razor blade doing the grooves for the longitudinal stringers. Last vystrugivajut from quality pine or Linden slats to the cross section of 2X2 or 3X3 mm (for floats rather than 1,5X1,5 mm). After adjustment, the stringers and their installation, together with all two-millimeter plywood polosamote you can set the gain of the sides and then fit the finished building insulation. The slots for racks of plant it is better to prepare in advance to avoid casting resin significant irregularities formed during the punching of the slots on the finished housing. Under the head of the engine need to drill a hole under the key adjusting the degree of compression, and is useful even before the tight turn over this hole an insert of wood or metal tube, tightly wrapped cotton thread in several layers until the ends of the tube.
The main body of the model:
1 — “sole” radanovo ledge of the housing 2 — lining “sole”, 3 — filler housing, 4 — lower stringer 5 — stringer top, 6 — retany prosperous, 7 — upper and lower hull plating, 8 — strengthening side, 9 — a-plant, 10 — window frame for stabilizer, 11 — feed prosperous, 12 — side of the hull plating. On a side not shown covering the left side, and top view of the upper cladding.
1 — filler, 2 — covering float, 3 — stringers, 4 — prosperous, 5 — transom. Plating is not shown in the figure main body.
1 — ending, 2 — trailing edge, 3 — filler, 4 — the leading edge-spar, 5 — the Central insert, 6 — trimming the stabilizer, 7 — the suspension unit. Dotted lines indicate area of mounting of the hull and floats.
Engine mount:
1 — spinner 2 — fairing cylinder engine, 3 — lining, 4 — screws of fastening of the engine, 5 — removable cover fairing, 6 — plate motor, 7 — bars strengthen the joint, 8 — bottom fairing, 9 — stand, 10 — bottom wall 11 — fairings junction, 12 — strap attachment of the bridle. The dashed line shows the technological allowances.
So the building, in addition to exterior, can be completed. As already mentioned, floats are exactly the same. For decoration better to use thinner grades of paperboard. Now it’s engine. Choosing the engine (most likely KMD-2,5), draw the entire motor part in full size. Someone proposed option can seem complicated. However, “worth it”. Try to at least mentally compare the new design with the classic engine mount-plate with a thickness of about 10 mm, and, moreover, and the re-is of heavy plywood, as will become clear — two-column option allows a sensitive to reduce the weight of the model. But to make such a detail is not so hard On the crankcase is marked motor mount from plywood 6 mm thick and is cut to reflect the technological allowances. Then, from the two-millimeter plywood are cut stand. Together these details are collected only after the sealing of screws, studs engine, the Assembly should be installed and the bars strengthening the joints of the birch. A ready node is monitored for connections to it are adjusted all the elements of the fairings, and then he is glued to the model. It only remains to carry on the proposed drawings the stabilizer, cover it thin writing paper, and finally assemble the glider.
A few words about the exterior. Despite the fact that the resulting close-fitting coat of resin protects the camera from water, deserves its share of attention and power cording from cardboard. We successfully tested a finish of readily available materials. Outside all the details of the model are covered by artistic oil paints. After drying, apply one to two coats of two-component parquet lacquer, thinned with alcohol. The use of art makoterty compositions provides a thin paint layer, and hence his low weight. The task of protection of the paint from exposure to fuel and water performs reliable varnish.
V. VLASOV, head of the society, engineer
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