TRACE Despite market saturation, radio-controlled car and their simplistic and relatively cheap likes — RC avtokraski, EN-route kits are all also attract the attention of fans of sports automodelisme. I must say that the model market offers a lot of interesting tracks for: here and small motors with samarium-cobalt magnets that develop a power of 100 watts, and painted the inside of the one-piece shell-the housing of Iksanova film, and even finished chassis of various designs. However, the desire to make a completely homemade design is truly indestructible. The more that the advantages of such models include their relative simplicity, speed of production, and with the use of very simple equipment — literally “on the knee”.

The main problem with the development of the trace model is the creation of reliable, powerful and lightweight power plant. Now on sale there are a lot of motors, including high-rpm “Mabuchi” and “Miura”, but to guide modelers of the tracks on these elite motors would be wrong. Because the trace modeling — a passion for massive, available to modelers middling and prosperity. For them and fit cheap domestic DK-5-19. I have to say that carefully executed model with this engine is not far behind on the track from the models with heavy duty “Japanese.”
A characteristic feature of the trace copies of the “Mazda” is a spatial frame made of fiberglass foil with a thickness of about 0.8 mm — lightweight, durable and technologically advanced material. It is created by the method developed at the Moscow auto-modeller-Transavia I. Nikolaychuk.
Important advantage of fiberglass foil — able dock cut from his panel by soldering. When connecting parts of such material, it is recommended to spray a small amount of solder. If you want to create the seam thicker, it makes sense to use “filler” of copper wire.
Tin parts should be done with a little flanging and sufficient under the brazed joint area is necessary in order to load the foil was glued to the fiberglass.
It is desirable to solder quickly and accurately, otherwise it can overheat the glass fiber and reduce the strength of the gluing foil to the substrate.
Work on the model begins with tracing and cutting out jigsaw blanks of the spatial framework. After adjustment of the parts by soldering connect the longitudinal beams and the front pad and then to the obtained node is soldered cover frame.
The trace model is a copy of the car Mazda Kudzu DG3
The trace model is a copy of the car Mazda Kudzu DG3 (2)
The trace model is a copy of the car Mazda Kudzu DG3:
1 — pad-front (foil-glass fiber controller s0,8); 2 — cover frame (folgero-bath fiberglass s0,8); 3 — brush collector (braid armored cable); 4 — follower (PTFE); 5 — bandage (copper wire Ø 0,5); 6 — washer; 7 — area spacer (foil glass fiber s1,0); 8 — washer-gasket; 9 — bolt M2,5; 10 nut M2,5; 11 —longitudinal beam (foil glass fiber s1,0); 12 — M2 nut; 13 — Bolg M2; 14 — area (sheet s0.H); 15 — sidewall (foil glass fiber s1,0); 16 — pin (tin s0,3); 17—motor DK-5-19; 18 — pinion; 19 – strut bearing (plate s0,3); 20 — the tire of the front wheel (microporous rubber); 21 — front wheel hub (aluminum); 22 — the axle shaft of the front wheel (steel nail Ø2); 23 — thrust washer; 24 — the base frame (foil glass fiber s 1.0); 25 — the hub of the rear wheel (aluminum); 26 — tire rear wheels (microporous rubber); 27 — ring (steel wire Ø1); 28 — sleeve (aluminum); 29 — washer; 30 — bearing (brass); 31 —toothed wheel; 32— Bush the gears; 33 — rear axle (steel wire Ø2 OVS).

Likewise, the sidewall frame connected with the nooks, and corners — with nuts. On the basis of the frame are laid out and drilled the mounting holes and are installed in the sidewall. You should then cover them from the top node of the beams and caps and tack in a few places with solder. After that, the base is removed, and the joints between the parts finally propisyvayutsya throughout its length.
Front axle trace model is the simplest design. Axle made of small nails suitable diameter (about 2 mm) with modified (rounded and polished) heads. From axial movement, the wheel is fixed with a washer soldered to the axle. To provide clearance between the washer and wheel hub, the installation is laid the puck out of drawing paper. After you fix the wheel on the axle, the washer is removed. Thus, the axial clearances at the left and right wheels become the same.
Ready units (axle with wheels) soldered to the Jack ground, and that, in turn, by soldering is mounted between the longitudinal beams. The site is also attached and a smart host with brushes-slip rings.
The Assembly of the rear axle begins with the installation of the axis of the wire with a diameter of 2 mm with thread M2 at both ends in bearings; at the same time on the axis of the worn bushing with disc gear. Wheels to lock screwed on the axle. Locking wheels — brazed to the ends of the axle rings from steel wire.
The engine is mounted on a spatial frame using brazing and a pair of metal brackets. If this operation is done quickly and accurately, no damage to the motor will not. After fixing the engine on an axis permanently fixed sleeve disc to the gear wheel — is also soldered. The important thing is to ensure the optimum clearance between the pinion and gear wheel.
The body shell is the easiest way to applied to the wall of papier-mache on the clay disc. Instead of paper and glue is better to use epoxy resin and any fine fabric. If the creation of a series of similar buildings, it makes sense to make the master model from basswood or foam and carefully polished it, applied to the wall on it a matrix of fiberglass and are already in the matrix to produce shell casings. Made so the case will have a perfectly smooth surface. If before Villenoy matrix to coat with resin, tinted with dry pigment or enamel, painting the body much easier.
A few words about the prototype. This vehicle, called the Mazda Kudzu DG3, refers to sports class WSC (World Sports Car), which provides for the following constraints; width up to 2000 mm length up to 4500 mm, minimum height — 1020 mm. the Indispensable requirement: the seat of the rider should not be located on the axis of symmetry of the vehicle.
The car was first presented to the European public at the races in the French city of Le Mans in 1995. The year before the “American” version of the car started the race in Indianapolis (USA).
“Mazda” — Mazda rotary engine-Wankel displacement of 1,962 l, equipped with a five-speed transmission of the type 88Т March.

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