But Conceptual.22 does not have anything close to no modern school of design rezinomotornaya championship class, nor to the technique of the previous world Champions Doering and Hofsass, characterized by the wings of large scale and advanced mechanization of automation permutations of the vertical and horizontal tail. The main features of the models Bob Bytes — unusual simplicity of the traditional materials used for the construction of small scale one-piece wing and a specific set of power design of bearing areas, providing high torsional stiffness even with very thin profiles without the use of caisson elements with rigid facings. Model No.22 flies on the rubber motor in the “economic” right-ascending spiral, from which, without any loss of height steadily goes to good planning in stretched left turns. From previous developments of Byte model No.22 differs only slightly changed profile of the wing and stabilizer, as well as reduced height of the wing pylon.
Power front part of the fuselage is formed from carbon fabric epoxy resin. The rear conical wound from babysavage veneer with a thickness of 1.6 mm and are covered with long-fibre paper. At the end of the beam is glued from the bottom celebarty the keel. The entire fuselage is traditional for technology Bytes is painted with red enamel. On the lateral surfaces of the tail section glued silver stripes to help keep track of the model at large distances.
R and S. 1. Rezinomotornaya Svobodnaya models the repeated prize-winner of world Championships, champion 1987 American Robert Bytes.
R and S. 2. The wing profiles (A) and stabilizer (B) model Bytes.
R and S. 3. Rezinomotornaya Svobodnaya models of the world Championships 1991 canadian Tony Matthews.
R and S. 4. The airfoil model of Matthews (A) and similar rezinomotornaya Arc Rosela (B).
The wing has a profile with a sharp leading edge. The balsa edge in the area of “ears” the re-of several layers of veneer. The rear edge of the wing section 1,6×6,4 mm in the middle part (in the center) of the pine, and the “ears” — the balsa. The main spar is represented by two pine shelves section 1,3×14,2 mm, which are the places of transition of the center section in the “ears” are converging to 1,3×10 mm. “ears” beam flange balsa, and the wing tips they, in turn, limits it to section 1,3×1,3 mm. the Balsa walls of the spar, set flush in front and behind the latter, is made of veneer with a thickness of 1.6 mm (thus the spar as a whole represents a small box-like structure). Front balsa stringer is in the center of section 1,3×5,1 mm, in places of transition of the center section in “ears” — 1,3×3,8, and on the ends of the wing—1,3×2,1 mm. All the ribs and polonaruwa cut from balsa wood with a thickness of 1.6 mm. the Finished wing is covered with white long-fibre paper. Left “of USNO” bottom is painted with red fluorescent paint. Thread the front baffle has a diameter of 0.25 mm and the rear, mounted on the spar— 0 0,38 mm.
Stabilizer with a noticeable V-angle as the wing, permanently. The front edge is made of balsa with a cross section of 3×3 mm. Rear, also the balsa,— 1,6×6,4 mm. the Spar is represented by two shelves from balsa section 1,3×6,4mm, autonieuws to the ends of the stabilizer to 1,3×3 mm. wall of the spar is a balsa veneer with a thickness Of 1.3 mm. the balsa of the same thickness and cut out all the ribs of the stabilizer. Plating — from thin white long-fibre paper. Fibre baffle with a diameter of 0.25 mm is placed over the spar.
Dvuhkilevoe vertical tail alnobetula; both element-cut veneer with a thickness of 1.6 mm, and after finish firmly glued to the ends of the stabilizer. To model the planning went leftist circles, both of Kiel, have an asymmetrical profile (left side flat, right-convex).
The simplest folding propeller with a diameter of 648 mm and step 813 mm balsa blades, reinforced at the butt areas by pasting a thin fiberglass— the usual classical scheme.
The rubber motor consists of strands 1×3 or 1 HB mm. Its cross section is 96 mm2. In France, the white used by the American rubber stamps FAI, as he could not find the “old” quality “Pirelli”. It should be noted that when tightening the harness white uses a simple device torque control, located at the site of fixation of the model on the back pin rubber motor Park-zavoloklom device (the latter is well known to athletes and represents the riser with a pair of braces). Many consider this method the moment more practical and more precise than the measurement on zavodnoi drills.
Model No.22 has absolutely no mechanization, up to the absence of the clock mechanism of determinator — the latter driven by the unchanged traditional wick (!). Suitable conditions of atmosphere for the start Byte are determined using not only electronic indicator terms, but also (or rather primarily) by tracking the behavior dymkov from special wicks.
Weight characteristics model No.22: fusepad -80,1 g; wing -57,7; tail Assembly -12,2; the boss of the propeller blades -41,3; full (without rubber motor) -191,3 G.
Balancing data: twist the left side of the center section of the wing +-0; twist the right side of center +1.5 mm (for the rib of the transition of the center section in the “ear”); twist both “ears” is 3 mm. Alignment of the model and the installation angle of the stabilizer is selected in the process of adjusting the engine off and planning in a known manner.
MODEL NO.9 canadian athletes
The final “fly-offs” at the world Championships in Svobodnaya the model aircraft in 1991 became a kind of arena of struggle not only the skill of the two famous athletes modelers — Alexander Andrjukov (USSR) and Tony Matthews (Canada). Probably, this decisive duel can be considered a competition in sports, competition of two diametrically opposite schools of design rezinomotornaya.
The championship was won by Dyer. However, it should be noted that the difference between first and second place was very small — only 15 additional seconds of the final round. It is useful to consider what other athlete from Canada — Doug Roussel — used in the championship, virtually the same model as Matthews. To get the same in the final “fly-off” he not only allowed offensive system failure forced landing. Rezinomotornaya Rosella landed triggered determinization just seven seconds before the end of the penultimate “fly-off”, and “rained,” she’s from a decent height. In the end Rosel became the third.
So the second and third places in the championship in Ф1Б was taken by the Canadians. Unlike most participants of the championship they had a surprisingly simple technique (not to mention not comparing it with rezinomotornaya Soviet, or now Russian athletes have “cool” multifunctional automation and more difficult bosses of the propellers with the “delay”). In addition to the complete lack of mechanization and automation for Canadians characterized by the presence of a single adjusting knot with a small bolt, which when you start you can adjust the installation angle selenoprecise of the keel.
With the lack of mechanization is the way to adjust these simple models to fly in a pattern “right-left”. Well-established rezinomotornaya have this type of planning characteristic mode of virgiawan associated with a small difference in twist in the wing panels. Very similar balance, combined with a sufficiently large angle V-wing and applies his technique and known to Bob white.
Despite the constructive simplicity, the model of the canadian athletes made mostly of modern materials with the latest technology. Wood only made ribs, and they framed the top and bottom strips of CFRP. By the way — immediately catches the eye is a surprisingly large step between the ribs, according to our notions traction associated only with the “school” technique.
The rigid skin of the forehead of the wing formed of carbon fiber (this material is made in the ground and all the other elements of the model). Plating — metalized film of “Mylar” (from domestic analogues closest to her Dacron). The stabilizer and fin are of similar design. Determinator the simplest type of wick.
Boss screw made according to the scheme “Pisari”, and his blades have a geometry, borrowed from Andrukhova. Noteworthy scheme is the angle of the wing, stabilizer and the axis of the propeller based on a negative tilt angle of the root section of the wing relative to the axis of the fuselage.
Weight characteristics model No.9: the front part of the fuselage -55 g; rear part of the fuselage—18; the boss of the propeller blades 41; stabilizer -5; wing -42; dagrosa (ballast) -21; additional nodes -7; full (without rubber motor) -190 g.
Balancing data: twist the right side of the center section +-0; twist the left side of the center section of the wing-1.6 million mm; twist both “ears” -6,4 mm; additional twist last 75 mm of the scope of both “ears” -3,8 mm (rear edge of the “ears” has a pronounced fracture in the rear view). Alignment of the model and the installation angle of the stabilizer shown in the figures. The profile of the stabilizer is not given.
Rezinomotornaya canadian Rosela differs only in the arrangement of the elements of the tail (keel mounted behind the stabilizer) and a propeller (his scheme and geometry of the blades close to the technique of Bob Bytes). The rest of the mentioned models are identical.
Perhaps the appropriateness of the following proposed direction design rezinomotornaya will be contested by several athletes. However… the higher the results achieved with these simple rezinomotornaya, tan or otherwise, speak for themselves. But to follow this school or try to introduce new improvements to the complex mechanics of familiar devices — it is up to you.
Those who inspire unusual given the simplicity of the models, Champions, suggest in any case to try to critically assess their advantages and disadvantages. And most importantly — try to find a “middle ground” between their patterns and their own wishes and possibilities.
The most inquisitive (and experienced) modelers-designers additionally advise you carefully to peruse the journal “modelist-Konstruktor” over the past three to five years, not missing even publications devoted to the frankly simplistic “school” vehicles, like gliders, and rezinomotornaya. Sure — in the light of the proposed post, you’ll find a lot of interesting and useful!
We will not get ahead of ourselves and while we dare only to hint on the available opportunities. So, why is the fuselage, or rather, both part — tail motor — it should be made of CFRP? And worse of pipe wound on a suitable Epoxy resin, Kraft paper? You say — “pioneering” solution for prochnosti-weight characteristics? But to say so, you must at least try to compare both. If you venture to do will be surprised. In addition, we should not forget about the possibility of winding tubes of the fuselage of… Mylar film (preferably “filled”) at speckley, simple or sandwich construction.
And how do you like the stabilizer for rezinomotornaya made solely out of fir wood with Mylar covering, having a mass of only 3 g? And not suitable for the new model the scheme of the wing with monogrammi-spar, used on gliders class A-1 and having a unique data just for strength?
Such questions can now be ask a lot. What is actually result of design search, only time will tell and the results of competitive starts. In turn, we hope will soon be able to introduce followers rezinomotornaya of model aircraft with the new developments of local athletes who started the countdown new searches from today’s publication in the journal.
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