AIRBOAT: ATTACKING AND MINIATURE…Already left behind a crucial period of the war. Vienna, like many Austrian cities, a lot of bitter’ve seen over these difficult years. Destroyed the magnificent palaces and buildings, and striking in its beauty of the bridges in the centre of Vienna there was only one “Imperial”. Yes, and it is now given purely strategic value — now only it connects the two halves of the city between them.The command of Hitler’s troops, based in the Austrian capital, could not know about the approach of Soviet troops, and therefore a lot of attention to the protection of the Imperial bridge. And despite this…

When the bend in the river with an incredible roar and hiss of air came extremely fast small boats strange, the guards almost didn’t have time neither watching fantastic machines, nor to think, nor for the organization of the attack. And boats with red stars on the sides near the bridge, and the sound of roaring engines began to weave a continuous crackle installed on vessels with machine guns…
The efficiency of the fighting troops of the river was very high. The only intact bridge of Vienna and the surrounding area cleared of Germans and held until the main forces of our army…
The success of a daring military operation conducted by the Soviet Army in the Austrian capital during the second world war, largely due to the use of aerolister the Danube river flotilla. An unusual technique, combines the advantages of the armed vessels of the lungs and clean air velocity speed, allowing to solve many problems, not only of military nature. Well-deserved recognition of those manufactured in small series aerolizer found not only here, but in the river fleets of friendly States.
Design boats of this type is quite simple. Easy uncomplicated lines the body carried in the aft two struts of the pylon supported by a boom struts. Upstairs racks mount engine mount engine M 11 110 HP (this engine is widely known for the aircraft Po-2), Behind which was located a metal fuel tank of cylindrical shape with a conical tip of the fairing. Prop wooden aircraft type. The front edges of the blades to prevent paper jam, which is formed in contact with the plane of rotation of the screw with random items bound metal. Managing carburetor was carried out by means of wire rope. On both sides of the boat in the area of the propeller is installed inclined longitudinal spray deflectors, not allowing the jets and the splashing of water coming from under the steps, to get into the plane propeller. For rigidity, the boards on the top edges were connected by a horizontal transverse bar. He has also served as a barrier to those on the deck of paratroopers.
Fig. 1. Soviet military airboat with aircraft engine M-11 machine gun
Fig. 1. Soviet military airboat with aircraft engine M-11 machine gun.
Drawings of boats based on the materials of the Romanian journal
Drawings of boats based on the materials of the Romanian journal “Modeling”.
Fig. 2. Model-a copy of aeropittura
Fig. 2. Model-a copy of aerolister:
1 — tip of the keel (plywood with a thickness of 2 mm), 2 — below deck stringer (pine cross-section 3X3 mm), 3 — bilge stringer (pine cross-section 3X3 mm), 4 — keel stringer (pine cross-section 3X3 mm) 5 — side casing compartment (plywood with a thickness of 1 mm), 6 — deck (plywood with a thickness of 1 mm), 7 — the bottom compartment (plywood thickness of I mm and rods with a cross-section 3X3 mm) 8 — stringer, 9 — posterior part of the zygomatic stringer, 10 — the Central insert of the keel (plywood with a thickness of 2 mm), 11 — a block for mounting details motor (beech cross section 10 X 10 mm), 12 — rear wall of the compartment (plywood with a thickness of 1 mm and rods with a cross-section 3X3 mm), 13 — below deck fore end (plywood with a thickness of 2 mm).
The numbers of the sections correspond to the frames of the projection of the “body” of figure 1. The framing of the cockpit detailing to the hull plating conventionally not shown.

Kokita part of the body consisted of two sections, compartments. The rear was assigned to the boat control: inside installed single post seat, dashboard and steering column. Levers engine control was located on the left side of the compartment. Place ahead of “captain” framed light panel (and sides), which was complemented by flat windshield. The front compartment with the jump seat was designed for the shooter, and were protected by a low metal superstructure. Upstairs the last standing swivel turret aircraft type with a machine gun.
To increase the rigidity of the deck almost all of its surface had a number of longitudinal postanovok. The rudder, pivotally hung on the transom of the hull, he could climb back up when passing shoals. In addition, the wheel could be raised to the upper position by the cable when transporting the boat. Steering — cable. Maximum speed of aerolizer with a full load — about 40 km/h.
When building the model copies of military aerolizer in the first place it is very important to determine the optimum copying scale. The fact that plus size the copy will be too heavy and planing can go OUT only with great difficulty and over a long time. On the small models have a problem of a different kind, first — side stability in curves. The fact is that regardless of the size and weight of model the weight of the plant-specific micro motor, internal combustion will remain almost constant. This means that on a small light model with a relatively narrow hull, the moment caused by the centrifugal force from the plant on a steep turn, may lead to the overturning of aeropittura, especially in case of an unsuccessful meeting with the wave at high speed.
For plant-based compression motor working volume of 2.5 cm3 and a power of the order of 0.3—0.4 L. E., can be considered the optimal model with a length of about 600-700 mm and a total weight of 1-1,2 kg. under such dimensions and was designed offered to your attention the machine.
Case design is typical for all similar models. The manufacture and Assembly of its simplified by the fact that almost the entire length of the deck of the boat absolutely flat (there’s only a slight bend in the bow). This allows you to assemble the frame and sheathe it when not shooting with flat Board stocks, where stiffeners are attached without complex additional reducers.
The frames are cut from waterproof plywood with a thickness of 2 mm, with the exception of the transom Board, which is cut out of plywood with a thickness of 4 mm. From two-millimeter plywood is made and the two notched plates of the bow (keel and deck). All the slats of the longitudinal set of vystragivaetsja grained pine and are constant along the length of the cross section of 3X3 mm. When mounting the bilge stringers will inevitably have problems with their forming in the bow of the hull where the curvature of the cheekbones are very large. It is therefore useful, collecting frames with the rest of the stringers on the stocks, at first, to steam the zygomatic Reiki, “seniority” them on the case and only after the wood dries to glue the stringers in place.
All the elements of the trim panel cut out templates of paper and millimeter plywood as the deck of a boat. During installation of the sheathing boards is also useful for stew plywood in the nasal areas, where the curvature of the sheets is great. Gluing is carried out, as the rest of the model building, epoxy resins. To be tightly pressed against the plywood to the hull to help different “pegs”, rings, sheet rubber and sewing pins. After curing epoxy resin allowances are cut and covering the entire outer surface is carefully ground with emery paper of different grits.
Access perednezadny compartment equipment radio — through the open front, the volume of the cockpit. Of course, all the components of the apparatus can be installed directly in the cockpit. However, this would accurately simulate the details of the copy and place the layout crew. But the main thing — in this case, the model would have to weight in the bow for the desired alignment, as this copy has an extremely posterior position of the plant. Servos instrument easily installed under the seats where the most is simply to provide access to their levers.
Pylon engine mount with the best done of metal, it will increase knot strength and eliminate vibration of the engine. The pylon struts should be scale adjustable in length. This is important because due to the selection of the installation angle of the engine could largely rid the airboat from the trend to jump on a large wave or “galloping” on average.
Ending a copy of the combat glider, try not to rush and to the maximum extent reproduce the finest detail of two units: the machine gun and the M-11. The fact that these large items will be “business card” of your skill, and that their quality will determine the class aerolizer as copies as a whole. Of course, we should not forget about the other “small things” — bollards, anchor, hatches and signal lights (although relatively small size) also determine the perception of the copy.
The color is made by traditional methods. Below the waterline of the boat was painted red, and the top had informal geometry camouflage pattern made up of squares of light gray, dark gray and gray-blue colors. The metal parts copies, you can perform dark grey. The seat upholstery is brown leather. Pylon power plant and the surface of the tank under the metal (or light grey). Cylinders simulate engine M-11 should be black, like exhaust pipes. Propeller the color of dark stained wood with brass ferrules front edges. On the outer sides byshooting shields you need to put red star in a white thin border. The rudder is painted red.
On the Microdrive KMD-2,5, which was mounted on the copy, installed a homemade air radiolaboratory and wooden screw 220X130 mm.

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