After replacing the straight swept wing fighter called the XF-86. So came the famous F-86 SABRE (sabre, eng. — saber), widely known during the fighting in Korea and became a worthy adversary to the Soviet MiG-15.
At the same time on arms of the Navy was not a fighter, able to counter the Soviet MiG-15. Had the leadership of the Navy to order the company North American carrier-based version of the successful “land” fighter.
Upgraded SABRE adopted by the Navy, called the FJ-2 FURY (fury, eng. — fury). The first flight of carrier-based fighter took place on 27 December 1951.
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Test flights from the aircraft carrier “midway” and “coral sea” has revealed many deficiencies in the new carrier-based fighter. Two years later, the company released an upgraded version of the aircraft, the FJ-3. A car, a wing of increased area, the fuel tanks of greater volume and a new engine with increased thrust. In this form the aircraft was put into service.
A modification of the fourth naval fighter FJ-4 was distinguished by a new wing, increased fuel capacity and a new engine. Changed machine, and outwardly it appeared overbuilt fairing. The aircraft was also produced in fighter-bomber version — the FJ-4B. In addition to the cannon armament of a fighter plane used guided missiles “Sidewinder” and “Bullpup”. FJ-4B FURY could also be used as a carrier of nuclear bombs.
NORTH AMERICAN FJ-3M FURY: the length of the plane 11.45 m; wing span 11.3 m; wing area 28,09 sqm; empty weight 5536 kg; normal takeoff weight 7797 kg; maximum takeoff weight of 8626 kg; maximum speed 1096 km/h; climb rate of 43 m/s; practical ceiling 13 700 m; the maximum range is 1593 km; the mass of load-1000 kg; armament four 20-mm cannon.