THE DINGHY FOR THE TOURIST“Eureka” is the Dinghy to the simplified construction, designed for home fabrication technology. The hull of the Dinghy — wooden, lightweight, with the lining membrane type. It consists of three bead frames, keel and four stringers. Midel-frame — reinforced, as it mounted mast and additional parts. The mast of the dural tube or wooden, swivel. The sail is a Latin, with a mainsail area of about 3.2 m2. Additional parts of plywood hinged in the dural tube, sealed at the midship frame.

For frames you will need pine slats cross-section of 50×20 mm and 3 mm plywood. Assembly of the frames is made on a sheet of plywood applied to it the contours of the theoretical frames. After mutual adjustment of all parts on top of them superimposed a sheet of plywood and attached to the billet frame nails with epoxy glue. On the other hand the joints are strengthened with plywood gussets. Transom Board has a double-sided plywood sheathing.
Frame Assembly is done on a level floor — it temporarily fixed the frames, transom Board and the stem, and then screw and epoxy glue to fasten the keel, stringers and other longitudinal elements of the set. After curing of the adhesive frame is aligned with a plane, rasp and sandpaper.
The next stage — getting the skin. For this frame using small nails vtupuyu is covered with fiberglass, then covering impregnated with acetone diluted epoxy resin. When you do this, be sure to use a respirator or mask, it is desirable to work outdoors. For the next two or three layers of the resin is not diluted.
Received lining inside pasted over with foam (construction and packaging). First it is cut into plates of 10 mm thick and 100 mm wide red-hot nichrome wire stretched over a slab of particle Board on two porcelain insulators. Press the foam to the hull is best plastic bags with dry river sand. After pasting, the surface of the foam is leveled, puttied composition of epoxy resin and sawdust and glued inside one or two layers of fiberglass.
A pleasure-tourism Dinghy
A pleasure-tourism Dinghy “Eureka”:
1 — housing 2 — screw turnbuckles; 3 — forestay (steel, wire Ø3); 4 — mast (aluminum, pipe 50×2 or plywood of wood); 5 — shrouds (steel, wire EOD Ø3); 6 — end of the mast; 7 grotto (3.2 m2); 8 — block of the geek of the Scots; 9 — boom-sheets; 10 — tiller; 11 — the steering feather; 12 — additional parts (2); 13 — guy; 14 — axis sverzov (steel, pipe Ø22×2)

The frame of the Dinghy
The frame of the Dinghy
In the upper part of the mid-bulkhead with nylon cord and epoxy putty of sawdust attached duralumin pipe with a diameter of 22 mm it will be fixed side additional parts. The deck of the Dinghy is made of plywood or hardboard.
Additional parts and steering the pen are cut from 12 mm plywood pasted with fiberglass and after viskazivaniya primed and painted bright nitroenamels.
The axis of rotation shvartza dural is a stud threaded on one end. Swiercz it is fixed between two nuts. Fixing sverzov tube with nylon start that it is attached to the duck.
The steering is feather attached to the transom by a hinge-brackets — sided threaded rods, bent in the form of the letter G and mounted on a transom Board with nuts and washers. Of the same bent pins and mating loops reminiscent of safety pins with rings. Steering pen they are fixed in the drilled holes on epoxy glue. Rumple, of oak or beech slats, pivotally connected to the stock.
Inside, on the keel of the hull, near the mid-bulkhead is mounted the glass steps of the mast and flush with the deck clamp from a steel strip 3 mm thick: they form two supports rotatable mast.
Rails and the boom of Latin sails vystragivaetsja from straight grained wood and unite in front of the dural lining, ensuring their swivel.
Hull plating
The hull plating:
1 — glass-casing; 2 — filling (foam plastic); 3, 6 — elements of the longitudinal set; 4 — glass cloth inner lining; 5 — frame

Steering gear of the Dinghy
Steering the Dinghy:
1 — rumple (beech or oak, block 30×30); 2 — joint tiller (bolt with nut smoketree); 3 — ballerina box (made of anodized aluminum, s2,5); 4 — steering pen (s12 plywood, covered with glass fiber epoxy resin); 5 — loop hinges (pin M6)

Side swiercz Assembly
Side swiercz Assembly:
1 — swiercz (s 12 plywood covered with glass fiber epoxy resin); 2 — nut; 3 — stud (aluminum)

Rails and the boom fixed to the mast with nylon startmy that turn into “figure eights” around those elements of the mast. Fixing the sails according to the height — due to the transmission mounting start through the hole in the mast.
To sail is better suited to fabric type “Bologna” or pillow tick. Suitable tent fabric. Rey-com boom and the sail connected with pockets is cut from thicker than the sail cloth. All the corners of the sail are enhanced with cloth overlays botami.
In the first exit on the water set up the Dinghy. The main thing — to combine the centers of the sail and lateral resistance. A mismatch can be noticed immediately: sailboat at a neutral position of the steering wheel will either be given (to go luff) or evaluates (to go better to windward). To balance the Dinghy, or need to move (forward and back) of the sail relative to the mast, or reject (forward-backward) additional parts. Well configured sailboat has a small tendency to go luff; it helps in the squalls, or in emergency situations to transfer the Dinghy in position, head to wind — bow into the wind.

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