AFRICAN Developed industry of South Africa helped to create the country’s advanced military industry, ranking in the global top ten by volume of its products. Enterprises of the state Corporation ARMSCOR under the Ministry of defense, almost completely meet the requirements of your army, developing samples, capable of performing combat tasks, taking into account local climatic conditions.


The vast, complex landscape areas of the country, passing from the subtropics to deserts, from lowlands to the mountains, demanded the creation of military units of mobile armor with good maneuverability, hardy, with great reserve, but, at the same time, long-range and precision.
This requirement of the South African 155-mm self-propelled howitzer G6 Rhino (“Rhino”, “Rhino”), serial production of which began in 1988 It was adopted by the army under the symbol GV6. The howitzer has a four-wheel drive wheel stroke with the formula 6×6, that his choice was due to the peculiarities of the terrain of the country.
In the artillery units of the army of Africa in those same years, was recently accepted into service 155-mm howitzer G5 weight 13,75 so It was towed gun towed by 10-ton with four-wheel drive trucks, Samil 100. Military meets its performance characteristics, especially the combat power and greater firing distance: up to 30 km high-explosive shells M57 and up to 50 km – reactive VLAD, rate of fire to three rounds per minute, even when a large amount of calculation to eight people. However, the military did not suit the relative slow-moving guns – artillery lagged far behind the basic military unit, as on the March, and during the occupation of fighting positions. The main fighting machine of infantry in the 1980s, the army of Africa was the Ratel 6×6 (“RATEL”, “the honey Badger”), established South African company Sandock-Austra (“Sandok-Austral”). Their production started in 1978; it was released more than 1,400 units. These airborne armored vehicles with anti-mine body mass 18.5 metric tons is consistent with the requirements of the military experts, reaching speeds of 105 km/h and with a power reserve of up to 1000 km armament: 20-mm automatic cannon with coaxial 7.62-mm machine gun and a anti-aircraft gun.
The South African G6 SPG Phino. Armed with long-range 155-mm howitzer and a 12.7 mm machine gun. Vehicle weight is 47 tonnes, road speed of 85 km
South African G6 SPG Phino. Armed with long-range 155-mm howitzer and a 12.7 mm machine gun. Vehicle weight – 47 tons, speed on the highway is 85 km away
The solution was found in creating mobile self-propelled 155-mm howitzer installation, able with infantry combat vehicles and other armored vehicles to make forced marches over distances of hundreds and hundreds of kilometers.
Technical assignment for development of such self-propelled guns were issued LIV the South African company, Denel Land Systems Department, is accountable to the Corporation ARMSCOR. The first prototype was developed in 1981, but only in 1988 was also released the production models ACS G6 Rhino (“Rhino”). Moreover, we note that a pilot batch of plants tested in the fighting factions of South African troops in Angola.
SAU “Rhino” link on the massive four-wheel drive wheel formula 6×6. In the front part of the body is the compartment: the driver is a single armored cabin with three Windows closed by transparent armor that allows him to make visual overview of 180°. In combat they can hide behind closed bronezaslonkami, if the observation is conducted through a periscope device.
The cab protects the driver from destruction by the explosion of mines underneath the car, in this case, the blast is directed up over the seat back, without harming him. For input / output of the driver has a hatch in the cab roof.
In the center of the body – motorostroitelnoe office where posted 525-HP diesel air cooling. Automatic transmission has six gears forward and two backwards, the turns are made using only the front axle wheels.
G6 Phino
G6 Phino:
1 – 155-mm howitzer G5; 2 – cutting driver; 3 – tower of the fighting compartment; 4 – retractable side wheel bearing; 5 – shutter engine compartment; 6 – wheel front castor axis; 7, a side viewing window of the cutting the driver; 8 – driver’s hatch; 9 – hatch commander’s; 10 – Luke gunner; 11 – the hatch of the gunner’s sight; 12 – unit smoke grenade launchers; 13 front armor flap cutting the driver; 14 – observation devices commander; 15 – rear tower door; 16 – viewing window of the tower

In the stern crew compartment. Here is an armored tower. It is part of the crew – the commander (right), gunner (left) and two loaders. On the right Board and roof includes door and hatches entry and exit. Also on the roof – commander’s cupola with periscopes of the circular review.
The body of the machine and the tower made of welded armor plates with a thickness of 50 – 60 mm, providing crew protection not only from small arms fire and shell splinters, but also from 20-mm armor-piercing shells. The bottom is double has a enhanced book, is designed for standoff mine explosions.
The arms of the “Rhino” consists of a 155-mm howitzer, 12.7 mm machine gun, smoke grenade launchers. At its creation were used the swinging part of the popular in the army 155 mm G5 towed howitzer with a barrel length of 45 klb. It is equipped with a muzzle brake and semi-automatic piston stopper; has a electro-hydraulic actuators guidance, rammer shells. However, loading it and separate the charges in combustible cartridge fit into the chamber manually.
The elevation range from -40° to +75° firing at various distances, and the maximum range depends on the type of projectile used. In 2000, the South African firm Naschern (“Nachem”) presented at the Paris exhibition of arms Eurosatory (“Eurosatory”) developed by the family of the five new artillery projectiles Assegai (“Assegai” – “Spear”). So, high-explosive shells M2000 HE-FRAK can hit targets at distances up to 30 km, actionreaction high-explosive М2001 to 39 km another new shell M2005 V-LAP staged “pyrotechnic special nozzle” – bottom gasifier, significantly increasing its aerodynamic performance.
Studies have shown that during flight of the projectile over the bottom part are formed by turbulent vortices, inhibiting it. A gas generator (GG) consists of a pyrotechnic checkers placed at the bottom. When ignited, it burns, throwing out through the bottom nozzle of the powder gases. Gases fill the space for the “stern” of the projectile, preventing the formation of any vortices. In addition, to a certain extent helps the acceleration of the projectile.
As a result, such a projectile “flies” at a distance of 50 km.
During the occupation of battle positions installation chassis is raised on two side and two rear wheel bearings, additionally, will be blocked pendant. Preparation for shooting 1 min, the exit time from a fighting position -30 C. the Rate of guns -3 to 4 RDS./min, however, only during the first 15 minutes. The fact is that during this time, the barrel heats up and rises too high temperature in the tower, which prevents the calculation.
Setting on a sharp turn. Her wheel formula 6x6, but are only controlled wheel of the front axle
Installation on a hard turn. Her wheel formula 6×6, but are only controlled wheel of the front axle
In front of the body - cabin of the driver. Front and side viewing Windows with bulletproof glass provide an overview of up to 180°
In the front of the hull – deckhouse of the driver. Front and side viewing Windows with bulletproof glass provide an overview of up to 180°
The G6 crew consists of six people. Photo: tower hatches commander (right) and gunner (left)
The G6 crew consists of six people. Photo: tower hatches commander (right) and gunner (left)
ACS G6 extends to a firing position. Speed offroad up to 35 km/h
ACS G6 extends to a firing position. Speed offroad up to 35 km/h
Installation G6 are shooting at the firing position. The range of fire, depending on the type of projectile is 30 - 50 km
Installation G6 are shooting at the firing position. The range of fire, depending on the type of projectile is 30 – 50 km
ACS G6 Phino (
ACS G6 Phino (“Rhino”) of the army of the United Arab Emirates. A demonstration of the weapons at the International exhibition IDEX. UAE, March 2013
Carry on installing the vehicle carries 47 rounds and 52 charges. Of these, 44 of the projectile are in the tower, the rest in the front of the case. Loading through the aft hatch tower.
The firing of howitzers is conducted using the fire control system (SDA) AS80. It includes, in addition to day and night sights, electronic ballistic computer, laser rangefinder, radar EMVA MK-10G to determine the muzzle velocity of the projectile, sensors, atmospheric conditions, wind, temperature charges. All the data are laid automatically in the process of data preparation for shooting and display. Possible synchronization with an LMS other systems and exchange of information.
“Rhino” is equipped with air conditioning, fire protection system, centralized control system tire pressure, power steering.
Note also that the 525-HP engine enables the machine weight 47 t develop road speed of 85 km/h and off-road up to 35 km/h, which allows you to keep up with military units.
The volume of the fuel tanks is 700 liters, providing cruising on the highway up to 700 km over rough terrain – up to 350 km.
In 2003 an exhibition of defense equipment IDEX in the United Arab Emirates have been shown a modification of the G6-52, which was the further development of G6. The hull and turret cars now have all-welded construction made of steel armor. The armor thickness of the front part can protect the crew from falling 14.5-mm armor-piercing bullets at a distance of 1000 m, Board and food – from armor-piercing 7.62-mm bullets fired from a distance of 30 m.
The length of a howitzer barrel changed to 52 klb. Installed an automatic loading mechanism with computer programming and automated accounting system of ammunition, so the rate of fire increased to 8 RDS./min. Automated the process of installation of the fuse of the projectile. All this also gave an opportunity to reduce the size of the crew.
Provided more precise automatic horizontal stabilization on the basis of the laser gyro, which allowed, along with an improved aiming, to fire in 45 with after the occupation of the firing position.
In the tower put the auxiliary diesel unit that provides the action of the mounting systems at idle the main engine. Supplied with GPS navigation system.
As a result of all changes, especially, of course, increase the length of the barrel, the maximum firing range of projectiles, such as M2000, has increased to 42 km, M2005 with bottom gas generator – up to 58 km.
G6-52 has been the opportunity to fire point-blank in the range 500 – 3000 m. Horizontal aiming is now circular, at 360°.
Although innovations have increased the weight to 49 tonnes, however, this does not particularly impact on mobility and the mobility of a combat vehicle. The speed of its movement, power reserve remained almost unchanged.
Note that in the creation of a self-propelled modified G6 and G6-52 appeared now common trend of using a lightweight chassis wheel travel in conjunction with field guns of large caliber. Such systems allow to produce powerful weapons along with high mobility, which provides survivability and effectiveness in counter-battery.
The PERFORMANCE characteristics of the ACS G6
Weight, kg……………………………………..47 000
Wheel formula…………………………….6×6
Length of body, mm…………………………9200
Length with gun forward, mm…………10 400
Width, mm……………………………………3500
Height, mm……………………………………..3400
Ground clearance, mm……………………………………..450
Track, mm……………………………………….2800
Weapons………………….155-mm howitzer,
12.7 mm machine gun
Length of the gun barrel, klb……………………45
of fire, km………………shell FFS – 30,
VLAP – 50
Engine…………………diesel air
cooling, power 525 HP
The volume of fuel tanks, l………………..700
Cruising range, km:
on the highway………………………………………..700
the lane……………………………………350
Speed km/h:
on the highway………………………………………….85
the lane……………………………………..35
Specific power, HP/t………………..11,2
Overcoming obstacles in m:
the width of the pit……………………………………..1,0
fording depth…………………………………1,0
ascent, hail…………………………………….40


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