THE NEW ZEALAND TANK BOB SAMPLEAt the beginning of world war II the threat of Japanese invasion on the island of New Zealand growing by the day. The country was in danger, not having any modern weapons. Under these conditions, the Public Works Department has proposed a draft tank on the basis of the tractor D8 Caterpillar (“caterpillar”). The army was interested.

The first sample of the tank was made in June 1940 in Temuka under the supervision of engineer T. Beck. We started with the fact that the chassis closed box of wood and plywood on top of the car put a tower the height of the “structure” was very large — about 12 ft (3.65 m), which somewhat surprised even themselves designers, but did not affect further development. At this stage the service is not installed, but later was supposed to put a 37-mm cannon and several machine guns, “Vickers”, “Lewis” or “Bren”.

Army experts examined a car June 16, 1940 They also were worried about her excessive height, however, they stated that it is willing to accept and a tank, if it will be effective weapons. By the middle of July tank-tractor sheathed armored and prepared for the next inspection of the Gun in the tower to place and failed, it is not like the representatives of the army, which even began to insist that in this case the tower is generally removed.
Special claims military presented for mobility and flotation machines. On rough terrain the tank was moving too slow and hard to get out of pits and craters. Therefore, his suspension was decided to alter and to increase the speed to maximum. To do this, set an additional gear box, strengthened and improved the suspension on the vehicle had at some extend, although the motor compartment is decreased by a foot.
The new Zealand tank Bob Sample on the basis of tractor
The new Zealand tank Bob Sample on the basis of tractor “caterpillar” D8
Tank Of The Bean Sample
Tank Bob Sample:
1—frontal gun; 2—observation slit part; 3—turret machine gun: 4—ring; 5—a protective armor segments; 6, a side viewing window; 7—coupling; 8—support roller tracks; 9—a steering wheel; 10—front corrugated protective plate; 11—the commander’s cupola; 12—turret; 13—observation Windows of the tower; 14—recess the frontal machine gun; 15—viewing window of the driver; 16—triangular tabs of the roof; 17—right side machine gun; 18—aft machine gun; 19—left side machine gun; 20—feed observation window; 21 —tank tracks: 22—the breach aft machine gun; 23—side protective sheet corrugated

The first sample of the tank Bob Samples. June 1940
The first sample of the tank Bob Samples. In June 1940
The Caterpillar tractor, the chassis of which is constructed the tank of the bean Sample
Caterpillar tractor, the chassis of which is constructed the tank of Bob Sample

A big problem for tanks was the armor, the Military insisted that it could not break through the 20-mm shells. However, this armor plants of New Zealand at that time was not allowed. The closest Australia did not want to sell it — she was needed by the Australians. The upshot was that the tank is sheathed with sheets of tempered patterned rolled that bears only attack from machine guns, “Vickers”.
In September 1940 a sample to test on the ground. He developed good speed, but his weight was too great, causing the mobility in rough terrain became better not. The upshot was that the tank was again sent back for revision.
Finally, in December the tank was transported to Burgaski military camp for further tests. Here the machine has shown the ability to move over rough terrain at a speed of 5 — 6 mph, but its so much shaken and rocked, to conduct aimed fire, the crew was very difficult. And the military is now again demanded to be installed in the tower gun. As the case dragged on, the initial order of six tanks were reduced to three.
Now the pace of manufacturing accelerated the tank. But the reason was only the parade of the armed forces of New Zealand in Wellington on 19 April 1941 And although the machine sometimes stopped to shift gears, the gathered audience were amazed. In honor of the Minister of defence of New Zealand it was immediately nicknamed “tank Bob Sample”, and further only so called.
American observers who attended the parade, said: “dear God, what is this?”. And then got the explanation that this machine is built from them on the basis of American tractors than he was shocked even more.
However, a lot of negative feedback on the design has led to the fact that in June 1941 were instructed to stop all work. Made two tanks still passed the army for testing. In October of that year at a military air base near Christchurch, they had fire shooting. Been done 1000 shots. The return fire of the samples showed that the spray of lead from the bullets penetrate into the body around ball gun emplacements and through peepholes commander’s turret.
In January 1942, these two tanks were sent to workshops, in order to deprive them of their towers, and Luke to close the half-inch “armor”. Rework took several months, but by April, and the work was done.
However, it was followed by the novelty: the army agreed to leave these machines, but without weapons. Two of the machines Burnham immediately disarmed and turned into bulldozers. In February 1944 he did the same with a tank from Auckland, and all three cars have regained their characteristic peaceful soul.
Armor, machine guns and all other military equipment are written off to scrap. The public works Department in Christchurch made a request on the part of the corrugated iron from these machines, but the profit was too small.
Still looked like a tank in reality Bob Sample?
The weight of the tractor D8 was 14.5 T. the Transformation of it into the tank resulted in the installation of longer tracks, corresponding to the length of the body of the fenders, the transfer of the driver’s seat on the left side. The casing is manufactured of mild steel of 8 mm thickness reinforced it with corrugated sheets of half-inch (12.7 mm) 12% manganese steel. The tower is also of mild steel, to which were screwed into four segments of half-inch armor of manganese. Two triangular ledge on the roof of the enclosure was defended by the turret. While the vehicle weight increased to 25 tons.
The tank’s armament consisted of six standard infantry machine guns, “Bren”, which was assembled in ball systems. Two of them were in front of the body, one on sides, one back and another was placed in the tower. Observation of the fire was conducted through triangular holes in a ball mask each gun Besides, the tank had peepholes, covers the tank’s valves.
Tank armor of corrugated steel sheets
Tank armor of corrugated steel sheets
Tank armor of corrugated steel sheets
Test tank at the landfill. September 1940
The test tank at the landfill. September 1940
Tank on the parade of the armed forces of New Zealand in Wellington. 19 APR 1941
The tank on the parade of the armed forces of New Zealand in Wellington. 19 APR 1941
Ammunition of the tank was 25 thousand, 12 thousand of whom were kept in the rear of the tank, including 160 curb shopping “Bren”.
The crew consisted of the driver, the mechanic, who was sitting behind him, and six gunners, one of whom was the commander of the machine. They all had a seat with cushioning. Only “front” heavy shot, lying on a special mattress and thermal insulation Mat is laid on an iron sheet on top of the engine. The driver had a hinged hatch, but it was considered too heavy, after I trimmed armor plates.
Engine — 6-cylinder diesel water-cooled, four-stroke, 95 HP. fuel capacity was 90 gallons (410 litres) in two tanks. Interior lighting was provided by a generator that powered the searchlight.
To carry tanks Bob Sample the public works Department has created a special trailer on wheels from the trolley, which was supposed to tow on the road two trucks.
Weight, kg……………………………………..25 400
Length, mm……………………………………….4200
Width, mm……………………………………3300
Height, mm……………………………………..3650
Reservations mm…………………….8 — 12,7
Weapons…………….6 machine guns, “Bren”
Engine…………..6-cylinder diesel engine,
power 95 HP Maximum speed, km/h:
on the highway………………………………………….24
the lane……………………………………….9
Reserve, km…………………………………..160
Overcoming obstacles in m:
the height of the wall…………………………………1,2
the width of the pit……………………………………..2,1
fording depth…………………………………1,2

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