The second stage — the production of frames. This will require a plywood with a thickness of about 20 mm. in the absence of such, you can cut a duplicate set of pieces of plywood with a thickness of 8-12 mm and put them together. For transom Board will need three such blanks.
When marking samotnych blanks keep in mind that on the theoretical drawing — in and projection — imaged the outer contour of the cladding, so that a practical circuit the frame should be understated relative to the theoretical thickness of the plating.
The theoretical drawing of the hull Motorboats.
The design of the hull Motorboats:
1 Kil (beech, bar 60×60); 2 — stem (beech, Board s60); 3 — solitaire (pine, boards, 250×20, 3 pieces); 4 — bracing (steel strip 30×5); 5 — transom (plywood, s30); 6 — frame (plywood, s20, 10 items); 7 — bottom and side stringers (pine, rack 30×20, 12 PCs); 8 — stringers bilge (pine, rail 40×40,2); 9 sheathing Board (plywood s4); 10 — deck the stringers (pine, rack 30×20, 5 PCs); 11 — the keel timber (pine, whetstone 100×60); 12 — Klondike (pine, Board 150×20, 2); 13 — corner stringers (pine, rail 40×40, 2); 14 — Klondike solitaire front (pine, Board 150×20, 2pcs.); 15 — pad (beech, rake 25×20, 2); 16 — deck plating (plywood s4); 17 — hull bottom (plywood s4); 18 — Sprayhood (beech, Board 70×20, 2); 19 — edging of the cockpit (beech, rail 40×40, 2 PCs); 20 — fin (aluminum, sheet s6); 21 — duck (beech, 50×25 bar, 3 PCs.).
The configuration of the bulkhead and transom Board.
Installation of the slipway:
1 — timber keel; 2 — wheels; 3 — braces.
The third stage — the manufacture of the bench. It will need three tragus and keel beams, whose dimensions on the drawing. It should be remembered that the lower portion of the rail must be exactly horizontal. Under the frames on the timber cut grooves, the width of which corresponds to the thickness of the frames.
The fourth stage is the installation of the frames into the keel timber. The plane of each frame must be strictly perpendicular to kilimo beam, and their position relative to the bottom (horizontal) parts of the keel timber to match the theoretical design (the projection of “housing”). Then mark out on the frames and choose the grooves for the stem and keel, after which the frame elements are fixed to the frames with epoxy glue and screws.
The fifth step is to install the stringers. The slots marked in accordance with the drawing frame boats. Attach the stringers to the frames with screws and epoxy glue. Screws are best to use stainless steel, such as galvanized or chrome-plated. After the adhesive has cured, the frames and stringers should be otmelivat using as a monitoring tool flexible rail.
The sixth stage is the covering of the plywood frame of the body (diagram operations are shown in the figure). For this you will need sheets of plywood with a thickness of 4 mm. in the manufacture of shell elements it is recommended to use the patterns from heavy paper. The casing is fastened to the stringers with epoxy glue and galvanized nails. To start working best with bottoms, then the sides and last but not least — to the deck. The hull is treated with sandpaper, even with epoxy putty and paste over a layer of fiberglass. It is recommended to individual surfaces of the housing “privorovyvat” (tight grind with a dry cloth) thin plastic film. This not only accelerates the polymerization of epoxy resin and reduce the evaporation of harmful products of polymerization, but also gives a superior surface finish, requiring virtually no additional processing.
Inner surface of the housing and carefully cleaned two or three times covered with hot linseed oil with intermediate drying. Final processing — coating oil varnish.
Frame Assembly on the slipway:
1 — wheels; 2 — frames; 3 — beam keel; 4 — keel; 5 — stem.
Assembling the bow frame:
1 — stem; 2 keel; 3 — bilge stringer; 4 — ribs; 5 — front; 6 — strut mounting.
Design steering:
1 — steering wheel; 2 — steering shaft; 3 — drum; 4 — roller; 5 — cable; 6 — lanyard screw; 7 — traverse; 8 — front oblique; 9 — keel beam.
Plating the frame:
1 —tragus; 2 frame; 3 stringers deck; 4 — transom; 5 — a lining; 6 — the bilge stringer.
Control Motorboats — rope, driven by a steering wheel, which, together with the steering shaft and a drum mounted on an inclined rack in the front of the cockpit. Cable harness includes two swiveling roller, screw and lanyard tubular yoke.
Sofas occupants are light frames covered with strips of section 50×25 mm, covered with several layers of hot drying oil and oil varnish or multiple layers of varnish parquet. The design of the sofas allows you to remove them in the cockpit and easy to remove before sailing.
In the last turn on deck hook Sprayhood, windscreen and three or four ducks, and on the sides — RUB rails (beech or oak slats).
That’s all the recommendations for making this simple Motorboats. I hope that readers will appreciate her seaworthiness and performance.
According to the magazine “Tehnium” (Romania)
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