the LITTLE ENGINE WITH a GREAT FUTUREthe Impetus for this publication was a letter to the editor father and son Roganovich — our readers from the city of Pokhvistnevo Samara region. They sent a newspaper article entitled “Kurochkin invented the motor. “Toyota”, “Ford” and “Chrysler” panicked” and asked to tell more about this engine. Publications on this engine was not only in regional but also national press. You can learn from them about the fact that the invention protected by five patents of Russia, the international patent Bureau in Geneva notified the A. G. Kurochkin on the registration application and the temporary protection of copyright in 31 countries, including Canada, USA, South Korea, and Japan; some foreign car makers offered the inventor to continue working on the engine they have, but he refused, explaining the refusal by wish to leave his invention at Home, in Russia.

Technical data module-engine Kurochkin today known to many. However, until now few even of the leading engineers of the Rybinsk aviastroitelnaya plant, where he worked as Andrey knows exactly how it is arranged МД15-70. The journal “modelist-Konstruktor” — the first edition of which, with the permission of the inventor, openly publishes the acclaimed design of the motor.
Inventors have long been looking for an opportunity to get away from the classic layout of internal combustion engines based on the principle of translating reciprocating piston motion into shaft rotation.
One of the options found once van-Kel, creating a rotary-piston engine. However, the “Wankel” was not widely used because of its inherent cinematic flaws.
Almost for the same reason, don’t Excel and vane rotary machine having a low mechanical efficiency.
A. Kurochkin was able to “feel” your way.
First, he suggested something between the rotor and the turbine. Duty cycle in its MD 15-70 like cycle gas turbine engine (GTE) process a continuous feed of fuel burning and venting (by the way, and on the Otto cycle, too — the conditions of heat supply in combustion); but at the same time and different as it is not the kinetic energy of the jet, and the potential energy of gas pressure on the rotor blades of the rotor.
Thus, the organization of its work, the module reminds GTE engine and method of energy use — piston engine. This he fundamentally differs from the rotary-piston “winkelen” where the workflow is the same as what happens in a piston engine.
Layout module-engine МД15-70
Layout module-engine МД15-70:
1—diffuser inlet; 2 — mesh chicken wire; 3 — stud tensioning; 4 — adapter; 5 — impeller; 6 — the generator stator; 7 — the generator rotor; 8 — flange front; 9 — area separation of air; 10 — engine; 11 — axle rotor forward shaft fan drive, generator, and pump lubrication systems and cooling; 12 — end cap; 13 — cylinder; 14 — cooling fin; 15—cylinder; 16 — the screw of fastening of a sleeve; 17 —working blade; 18 — a connecting flange; 19 — axle rear rotor with a shaft; 20 —rotor; 21 — rear bearing; 22 — one of the nozzles of the exhaust system; 23 — silencer; 24 — window exhaust; 25 — working cavity; a 26 — channel cooling (metric — in order to intensify the cooling of the rotor); 27 — intake window; 28 — front bearing; 29 — pump lubrication and cooling system; 30 — pin connector of the control system; 31 — a window for wiring management; 32 — front panel; 33 — ratchet manual start; 34 — liner compression (similar to piston rings); 35 — antifriction liner (bronze); 36 — fuel injection; 37 — Central Bush; 38 — seal graphite blades.
duty cycle rotary machine Kurochkin
the duty cycle rotary machine Kurochkin:
I — purge with clean air from the fan; II — partial air compression and fuel injection; III — initial compression of the fuel-air mixture; IV — further compression of the mixture and ignition of the combustion products coming from the previous cavity via the bypass groove in end cap (initial ignition and start — up candle); V is the initial expansion of the combustion products and their partial overflow in the subsequent cavity; VI,VII — further expansion of the combustion products and making them useful work; VIII — release of products of combustion and the beginning of a purge cavity clean air from the fan.

Throttle characteristics module-engine МД15-70

Throttle characteristics module-engine МД15-70.
Second, he managed to bypass the kinematic problem by developing and patenting an original mechanism called “rotary machine Kurochkin”. Its cylinder has an octagonal inner surface and United to one piece opposite the working of the blade. Four Such parts, they have a small radial movement to relative to the rotor and work more like the o-rings in a conventional piston engine. The design was very tight. Due to this, managed to minimize the loss of pressure in the “combustion chamber”, in the same “van-Kele” was never implemented.
In MD there are many other ingenious finds. Coupled with a superdense arrangement they are enabled to produce a motor with the unique design and performance properties. Here are some of them: the ultimate compact; dust-, dirt – and water-tightness; amoureusement kinematic mechanism; spatial neuorientierung lubrication systems, cooling and power; the insignificance of the torque pulsation; low specific weight; high efficiency; low toxicity; flatness throttle characteristics; the potential to work on any hydrocarbon fuel.
Externally, MD 15-70 it resembles a large thermos. And at first hard to believe that for the smooth cylindrical surface of the casing are all necessary for any engine system. Namely: starter, alternator, radiator, air cleaner, some pumps, and even the muffler. In design is widely applied to various structural materials from high-alloyed steels to ordinary aluminum. This details the MD is ten times less than conventional internal combustion engine!
However, it is a complete internal combustion engine, with a capacity of 70 HP and a weight of only 15 kg! It is suitable for light, air, water, ground vehicles and mobile power plants. Can be used as a single or block of several MD power drive on one shaft. It is also possible (with the aim of further increasing the power) parallel or serial connection of several such units.
The principle of module-engine the following.
maximum, kW…………50
Weight, kg………………………………..15
Specific mass, kg/kW…………….0,3
The frequency of rotation of output shaft rpm:
Torque, N-m……………..58
Specific fuel consumption,
g/(kW h)……………………..240
Power built-in
electric start, kW……..0,1
Power built-in
power generator, kW….0,7
The main fuel…………….gasoline
Resource hours…………………3000
Overall dimensions, mm:
Centrifugal fan sucked through a fine mesh air, spins it and submits to the zone of separation. In this zone a single air stream is divided: one part together with thrown to the periphery of the dust goes to the radiator for cooling the engine and then goes out; the other part, purified, through the inlet window is directed into the working cavity (the flow zone), where there are processes, typical for two-stroke internal combustion engine. The sequence of these processes simultaneously is shown in figure.
The release occurs through a window in the muffler, where the exhaust gas is mixed with cooling air from the radiator and vented to the atmosphere through an annular exhaust diffuser apparatus. The color of The exhaust flame is solid blue, indicating complete combustion of the fuel mixture. And this is at idle, when traditional engines are the most toxic!
Rotary vane machines are also in principle have a high efficiency. However, the inherent kinematic disadvantages — jamming and high wear and tear of critical parts — kept until recently, their development. Overcoming these deficiencies in the design МД15-70 allowed the new motor to have the fuel economy is approximately equal to the corresponding indicator of the diesel engine, but to 1.22 times better than carbureted four-stroke and rotary “Wankel” and in 1.9 times — two stroke piston.
However, comparisons show that the overall volume of MD 70 times less diesel, 20 times — four-stroke Yves 10-12 times rotary or two-stroke piston engine. Less and its weight (metal content): respectively 30, 10 and 4 times. And all this, note that with equal power.
External speed characteristics of the module, the engine tend to be more hollow than other engine types. This makes it attractive for use in cars, because it allows to reduce the number of stages in the gear boxes, as well as operating costs of fuel. It is estimated that with the installation of МД15-70, for example, on “the Muscovite-2141” fuel consumption will not exceed 3 liters per 100 km. In addition, the rotary machine Kurochkin can be used as a hydraulic or pneumatic motor or pump.

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