THE HAMMOCK IS SO...Relax after work in the garden while resting on the hammock. Ready to buy a hammock now is not the problem, but a true master likes to do things with their hands. Especially if it does not require much effort. And to make a hammock very easy.

You’ll need a piece of any dense fabric with a minimum width of 1 m will Fit a thick tarpaulin, tent cloth or a synthetic substitute — avizent. As the cross-suspension elements are used, the cross-bar 45×20 mm of beech or other hard wood enough. Longitudinal “frame” of the hammock runs of nylon cord with a diameter of 6 — 8 mm.

Lay material on a flat surface and find the base of the hammock in accordance with the specified dimensions (optionally can be changed). Make the corners of the rectangular cutouts, and the edges are reinforce with additional strips of cloth. Now fold the edges on the short sides of the workpiece, as shown in the figure, and prostrochite them with three sutures of type “zigzag”. Similarly executed and edges on the long sides.

1 — base (tarpaulin); 2 — cross (2); 3 — cord suspension; 4 — node locking (4 PCs); 5 — reinforcing plate (4 PCs).
Processing of the ends of the crossbars

Processing of the ends of the crossbars.
Length of the cross bars should be slightly greater than the width of the base of the hammock. The ends of the straps, handle and clean cloth. Remain ready to install planks into place, paternot cords pendants and tie them retaining knots. Do it in place, in accordance with the desired depth of the hammock. That’s all. Have a great holiday!

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