THE MOUNTAIN BREEZENot so often at the winter tracks and the hills will meet snegohodnomu homemade equipment for children. This is mainly well-known industrial design of the “Chuk and GEK”. On some have low-power internal combustion engines. For all its obvious advantages, they also have disadvantages. However, avoiding discussion on the topic of “for” and “against”, look at the unusual layout of sled-monoskis with the motor.

Monalisa is a lightweight elongated housing with smooth contours, in the lower part of which there is a tunnel with electrically driven crawler running device. The last distinguishes this unit from common snegokatov and significantly extends its capabilities. So, our sleds themselves driven itself up the hill.
The ski is controlled by changing the position of the center of gravity of the driver. Braking— down. The work included a group of muscles that allows to rank the machine to the category of exercise equipment.
As the engine uses the electric motor ДВ1 KM or the like. It is better to use car starter. It really should be significantly modified (see “modelist-Konstruktor” No. 4 for 1996). Power supply are the battery type DAS-12M and a high-capacity paper capacitors (0,5—4 f) that are in idle mode (downhill) fed from motor-generator. If we put quasimolecular the big capacitors, the battery is redundant. The circuit is controlled by a conventional circuit breaker or a thyristor unit.
Case monoskis made in the traditional “ship modeling” method on the stocks. Frames, up to the third inclusive, are made solid, and the other cutout for the tunnel. Sheathing the deck has a technology box, for accessing the interior of the housing when assembling the undercarriage. To exclude the ingress of snow, the front window protected with tight-fitting covers, and others are closed seat.
After assembling the case the outer and inner surfaces are covered with two or three layers of thin fiberglass cloth impregnated with epoxy resin. In the side walls of the tunnel holes corresponding to the holes on the side of the chassis (middle row).
Control knob (if you can call it that) is made of soft sheet aluminum and secured to the body with pegs-tubes, the ends of which is mounted a sheath (tube from the plastic wrap).
1 — body, 2 — switch operation modes of the motor three-position push-button, 3 — pen (ALZ, sheet s2,5), 4— seat cover (foam rubber, leatherette), 5 — housing seat (plywood s), 6— lead pulley (D16), 7—motor ДВ1КМ,8— pulley driven (D16), 9— shell pegs (nylon), 10— step (D16, pipe 14×2), 11 —a cover (plywood s3), 12— caterpillar (resinator), 13 — the stringer (pine, raked 10×10), 14 elements of the hull plating (plywood s3), 15— frame back part (plywood s3), 16 — support rollers (nylon), 17 — spacer (D16, rod Ø 8), 18 — bolt M5 mounting the chassis to the case (14 PCs.), 19 — shaft rollers (STZ, rod 08), 20 — frame 3 (plywood s3), 21 node mounting the tensioner caterpillar (nut M5 washer), 22— transverse beam (pine, raked 10×10), 23 — screw 24 — drive shaft roller (STZ), a 25 sidewall of the chassis, 26 — roller lead (nylon rod Ø 36), 27 — pin (STZ, rod Ø 3), 28 —bushings (brass), 29 — belt drive (520x10x6).
Schematic wiring diagram of the engine

Circuit diagram for motor connections.
Drive and suspension monoskis
The drive and suspension monoskis (caterpillar conventionally not shown):
1 — bumper (rubber), 2 — step, 3 — handle, 4 — switch, 5 — plate (Linden, rail 25×10, L190), 6 — housing, 7 — seat, 8 — capacitor, 9 — battery rechargeable, 10— motor, 11— a skating rink is a leading, 12— side panel (D16T sheet s2,5), 13 — болтМ5, 14 — tensioner caterpillars, 15— bar, 16 — M4 screw, 17 — mounting bracket engine (D16T, area 20x20x2,5).

The seat is made of foam and leatherette and is mounted on the battery cover-the battery compartment.
Chassis consists of an electric motor mounted on two metal sidewalls, guide roller, rollers and tracks. The sides have three rows of holes: under shafts track roller (bottom row), under the M5 bolts attaching the chassis to the body (middle row) and under the screws of the spacers (top row). In addition, at the rear of the side walls are holes leading roller, motor and bracket for fixing it.
Caterpillar and its lugs are made of resinating from the kayak. As rollers used rubber rollers from everyday exerciser for the muscles of the back and legs, but you can make them out of wood.
Assembly of the undercarriage is better to start with a leading roller with the shaft between the sidewalls and the fixing of the engine. Then sidewall spacers are fixed (but not completely), the inserted shafts with supporting rollers and then finally tighten the screws of the spacers. When the design has acquired rigidity, the rollers put on caterpillar, and the pulleys stretches the belt. The ends of the tracks stick together and for reliability make their way with metal clips. In this form of suspension is introduced into the tunnel housing and is mounted with M5 bolts. Caterpillar is tensioned by means of spring-loaded fixture on the third frame by moving the front support roller.
After connecting the engine to the power circuit all electrical connections are carefully insulated and covered with waterproof varnish.
Of course, this is one of the possible design options. Followers suggest when building monoskis not to repeat it literally, and to develop creative built-in ideas, while continuing the search for new solutions.

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