DOUGLAS A20 BOSTONAmerican Douglas aircraft company was founded in 1921 by aircraft Donald Wills Douglas. Among the first aircraft issued by the firm were the torpedo bombers, passengers, mail and transport machine. One of the landmark cars of the company became the passenger all-metal aircraft with retractable landing gear DC-3 (military version C-47), issued in the amount of more than 10 thousand copies.


No less famous during the war was a twin-engine light bomber DOUGLAS A20 BOSTON. The prototype of this machine first flew on 17 August 1939. US air force first ordered about two hundred machines A20 and А20А with engines R-2600-7, and then about a thousand bombers modification А20В.
Bomber А20С became the first American aircraft that took part in the fighting of world war II, consisting of 15 squadron, arrived in England in may 1942.
The most mass modification was bomber A20G, issued in the amount of 2850 copies. Machine first releases were armed with four 20 mm cannons and two 12.7 mm machine guns, later guns were mounted 12.7 mm machine gun; bomb load was 1814 kg.
The A20 bomber was in service with many countries of anti-Hitler coalition. It was built 7385 bombers of the A20, including the Soviet Union was delivered 3125 of cars.
DOUGLAS A20 BOSTON: 630 length 14 mm, wingspan 18 690 mm, height 5360 mm, wing area 43,11 m2, empty weight 7250 kg, takeoff weight of 12 338 kg, engines RIGHT R-2600-23 power-160 HP, maximum speed 546 km/h, ceiling 7865 m, the distance of 1754 km, crew 3 men.

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