
LaGG-3The first flight of fighter I-301 with motor liquid cooling M-105P, created under the leadership of S. A. Lavochkin, V. P. Gorbunov and M. I. Gudkov and became the prototype of the LaGG-3 was held on 19 March 1940, Good armament (20mm cannon and 12.7 mm machine gun) together with a high speed (605 km/h) prototype machine contributed to the rapid introduction And 301 for six aircraft factories. The first production aircraft took to the air January 23, 1941


The head was the factory No. 21 in Gorky, where in the first half produced 214 military vehicles. Their weapons varied from series to series. For example, car # 3121855 it included the gun ShVAK, BS machine gun, two machine guns ShKAS and 8 rockets RS-82. But the most common version was the armament of 20-mm ShVAK cannon and one machine gun HB caliber of 2.7 mm.
LaGG-3 was considered to be all-wood aircraft, the only exception was the spars, wing socks and some small details from deletedrevision, as well as metal frames and elevators turn, covered with percale. The beginning of the war pilots combat units only mastered the LaGG-3, and in the fighting was only introduced a month later. Serial production of the aircraft ended in 1944, issue 6545 machines. LaGG-3 became the basis for the establishment of fighter La-5 with the motor cooling air.
The basic data of the plane LaGG-3 №6011
Engine M-105PF with a capacity of 1260 HP at an altitude of 700 m. Wingspan — 9.8 m. the Length of 8.82 m. wing Area — 17,62m2. Takeoff weight — 3006 kg. fuel capacity — 350 lbs. Maximum speed of 595 km/h at 3400 m. the Ceiling — 9400 m. the Maximum range — 832 km Run — 370 — 450 m, distance about 450 m.

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