Po-2 (U-2)

2 (U-2)Training U-2 aircraft – single-engine biplane of wooden construction with fixed landing gear, was designed at the factory number 1 in Moscow under the leadership of H. H. Polikarpov. His first version took off in the beginning of 1927, the Basis for the series was the second option, took to the air July 1, 1928

U-2 engine with the M-11 was produced in 1928, mass production came with the 1930’s In the years he has built six plants in the USSR. Since 1944 the U-2 was renamed Po-2. The production ceased in 1953, but havyarimana CAF they were produced up to 1959 Only built about 33 000 copies. After the war, in 1947 – 1955, they were made in Poland and Yugoslavia.
U-2 (Po-2) had a large number of modifications. The highest quantity of collected training machines without weapons, but for the air force from 1933 and produced a variant with two machine guns and bomb load 50 kg. From the end of the 1920s, the U-2 was the main type of aircraft initial training in the USSR In civil aviation have served double and triple transport biplanes, agricultural and ambulance.
During the great Patriotic war made military aircraft communication, light night bombers (LNB), scouts and spotters. Option LNB could carry up to 350 kg of bombs. The machines of war options set one or two machine guns. U-2ЛНБ was the main armament of regiments of light night bomber until 1946, aviation of border troops it served until the mid 1950s.
The aircraft U-2 (Po-2) was exported to many countries in Eastern Europe and Asia.
A mass write-For-2 in the Soviet Union led in 1959
Data-edition 2, 1930 with the motor M-11 B power 100 HP Length -8,17 m, height – 3.1 m wingspan of the upper wing -11,4 m, wing area – of 33.15 m2. Empty weight – 635 kg maximum take-off – 890 kg Maximum speed – 150 km/h, cruising – 111 km/h Practical ceiling – 3820 m, the flight range is 400 km.

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