T-28 “Trojan”

T-28 Training aircraft, T-28 “Trojan” developed by “North American” replacement for the T-6 “Texan”. The first flight of its prototype HT-28 was held on 26 September 1949: in mass production was designated T-28A. Double the aircraft was a cantilever low with retractable tricycle landing gear. Built 1194 machines, including variations of the T-28B and T-28C with the brake hook, and intended to study landing on the deck of aircraft carriers.


Based on the T-28A was established counterinsurgency aircraft T-28D with six wing hardpoints and weapons training version of the at-28D. In addition, produced a number of experimental modifications, including aerial photography and turboprop engine. In France, the company “Sud aviation” remade 245 T-28D option “Fennec”; part of them were used in the Navy of Argentina.

Basic data aircraft T-28A
Length of 10.06 m. Height — 3,86 m. Engine R-1820-86 with a capacity of 1425 HP Wingspan 12,22 m and an area of 24.9 m2. Maximum landing weight is 3856 kg. empty Weight — 2914 kg. Maximum speed of 522 km/h Ceiling— 10 of 820 m. the flight Range is 1760 km.

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