THE FUTURE BEGINS IN THE PASTThe exploration of outer space has the beginning, but the end of these proceedings, with no end of the universe, where they are conducted. But whenever in the future, we turned to the topic of penetration of earthlings into space, we will inevitably look back to seek the origins.
V. Sevastyanov, cosmonaut of the USSR, twice Hero of the Soviet Union
Tsiolkovsky, Tsander, Korolev, Tikhonravov… With these names is connected with the dream of mankind about the future. They were at the beginnings of the space age. They start with “the East”, “Unions”, “moon”, “Venus”. Years pass, new ships fly away to the stars. And the farther away the beginning…
In the room above the Desk is a portrait of Sergei Pavlovich Korolev. Opposite on the wall — painting Mikhail Klavdievich by Tihonravova. On a bookshelf crowded books: “Orbits chief designer”, the “Admiral of the universe”, “Designer of the spacecraft”… a Lot of books. Among them became a bibliographic rarity — “Flight of birds and machines with flapping wings”. On the title page the inscription: “Dear Victor and Lele memory not only about the author but also on the joint study of some phenomena in nature, referred to in this book. 1950 G. M. Tikhonravov”.
Look at the huge beetle in a glass case, on a collection of butterflies with beautiful names “Emperor moth pear”, “miss bear”, “dawn”.
Victor A. Andreev, the owner of the house, catches my glance and says:
— This beetle I Tikhonravov presented. And the butterflies he caught. From Michael Klavdievich, right, passed on the passion. Recognized considered an expert in entomology. All considered, studied them — the problem of the flight of the ornithopter was worrying him. Actually, if he took something, fundamentally. Here then, in the thirty-second…
Victor recalls the times that we now consider the source. The first rockets, the first of their tests, working with Korolev, Tsander, by Tihonravova, the famous gird — Group of jet propulsion study.
But I would have sinned against the truth, claiming that even then, the thought of space flights, I decided to dedicate this life, he says. — Of course, some fantastic projects have arisen, but so… abstract. But the real impetus to the fascination with the space program became acquainted with Sergei Pavlovich Korolev. This meeting had a huge impact on my life…
In those years, Viktor Andreev at the end of the special school “Knygos” worked as a bibliographer and also studied at the courses of draftsmen-designers. Learned that the engineer Queen need a draftsman to work at his home. In short, the beginning was prosaic — went to earn a little. What happened was, all his life dedicated to this man and his great cause.
The first design Bureau, which has started to serve Andreev, was located in the apartment of Sergei Pavlovich. Here and dining room, and recreation room. Draw ribs and spars, aircraft parts, and fabricated assemblies. Sometimes the “chef” took the assistant on test flights on the Moscow station Planernaya. There, and introduced it once with aircraft designer Boris Ivanovich Cheranovskii, author of “glider-triangle” without a tail.
…Korolev sat in the glider, overclocked, PA the absorbers. “Triangle” lunged like a wild horse, was discharged in the air a sine wave and began to rapidly lose altitude. Fortunately, in the valley made irrigation works, the earth was loosened… Seeing ran frightened and confused Andreev, Korolev began to calm him down. And suddenly said firmly: “He is small this speed. Put-ka it has a jet engine”.
Then Andreev at the drawing Board for a long time “shredding” the inside “triangle” to place them in a jet engine Tsander OR-2. Cheranovskii sighed, begged the smaller cutting elements of the machine, and Queens in a hurry. Zander suggested to first try a small engine on a Bicycle, then a motorcycle and car, and if all goes successfully, put on a “tailless”. “Go, please, on the bike as hot Korolev — and I quickly let the engine on the airframe!”
And here the test OP-2 in Nakhabino. On the machine the engine is set, the command is fed the fuel. Heard hissing, and the ignition does not work. After another attempt you hear a deafening explosion. Canvas canopy hump swells and erupts. And in the area of fire — the tanks with liquid oxygen and alcohol. Sergei Pavlovich rushes to the roof of the dugout and pulls a burning tarpaulin. Andreev along with the others rush to help him. Plumbers trying to disconnect the fuel tanks, but to no avail. Then they cutter roll tube and pull the tanks to a safe place. All went well.
In any case, in addition to labor, need luck. Korolev, Tsander, Tikhonravov, all ginovci that luck was created. It was impossible to rely on someone else’s experience, nowhere to wait for the Council. They are the first.
As if fate was testing Andreev. In November the thirty-first year was called up for military service in the army. Wrote letters, called Queen, was afraid that will break the thread connecting him with such a person. And when I returned — Queens — refused to take it into the gird. Was offered a good job in the aviation industry, kindly, but persistently, repeated: “we Have difficult conditions, the material will be difficult.” But Andreev kept saying, “I Agree. You yourself taught me to be stubborn in achieving goals!”
Started. Draw, redraw, customized individual nodes. Worked day and night. Hundreds of times I repeated the same experiments. Endured the ridicule of others. What is the belief in your idea should be to scratch — all equipment Girda first consisted of manual sharpening — less than two years to convene and launch the first missile!
Now, many years later, from documents and records of those years surprisingly succinctly formulated program gurtovtsev. From the sea the problems of rocket technology was allocated to the main: the establishment of small experimental rockets and liquid rocket engines for them, the development of liquid rocket engines, high power fuel supply pump, the construction of supersonic wind tunnels and jet engines and, finally, the implementation of missile flight.
After 12 April 1961, after the “finest hour” Gagarin this program is perceived humdrum and businesslike. But then…
Nodding with a smile on Friedrich Arturovich Tsander, the neighbors said, “Now children one that’s going to Mars…” a Crank? Fanatic? No, his fantasy is not spaced out. He was brilliantly erudite engineer. The iron logic of mathematics. Zander’s first led rocketry and space exploration in a number of applied Sciences. About how hard it was to believe, then, that he’s really going to Mars!
Viktor Andreyev, a no-no and read in the glance even of his father, an educated, serious: “Yeah, well, two-the son I have nothing, but the third…” And the son”loser” in those days they worked in a team tihonravova and charted contours, and nodes “elevatas” — the USSR’s first liquid rocket, which is August 17, 1933 on the ground in Nakhabino rose into the air.
Difficult still people in his consciousness to transcend the barrier between fiction and reality. But note how easily implemented dreams become everyday. The entry of man into space flight to the moon, to Venus…
Mr Zubkov seemed to guess my thoughts and said:
— When I speak to kids and adults, lectures on the history of space exploration, saying that soon people will live in space. Doubt someone, but guys never. As a Member of the jury of the national competition “Space” I can see what models of missiles make the young technology, the rush to their imagination. By the way, today the model boys are flying higher than our “09” on that first flight…
That first flight… With excitement to read the writing on the sheet from a Ledger, a document that simply and without any solemnity tells us about this historic event.
For gurtovtsev it was not just the start, not just a technical victory, but a real sunrise that illuminated the entire infinite future of their business. Baikonur began in Nakhabino…
It then becomes possible, all available, when created, tested, proved. Maybe even good that in life there are skeptics, by their unbelief they create resistance for the dreamers, make them move, to get angry, to realize his dream.
The people who laid the foundations of Russian rocket… Who are they? Dreamers, visionaries? Realists, vzveshivat all the “pros” and “cons”? Mathematics, the strict logic of valeriusa the trajectory space of the road? The wizard studied the properties of matter and subjugate its laws?
Sergei Korolev once said; “Zander dreamed of flying to Mars, and it is this great goal allowed him to solve many urgent practical problems.”
Korolev, Tsander, Tikhonravov, Andreev, Dushkin, Galkovsky, Efremov, Kruglov, Matysik, Merkulov, Paravina, Pobedonostsev, Snegireva (wife Andreeva Elena Ivanovna), Yakaitis and dozens of people — ginovci brought on Sadovaya-Spasskaya his enthusiasm, youthful energy, their hands, which, in fact, created the first rocket. As said later on, O. K. Paravina-tihonravova, they experienced great happiness and along with the blast-off if they grew the same height…
In a recently published book, find the lines: “…By the middle of 1937 the designers of the A. S. Popov and V. A. Andreev finished prototype launchers for firing rockets RS-82 fighters.” I know that these are the “heresy” that two years later, installed on the aircraft And-15, took part in the battle on Chalgii goals. Later, Katyusha rockets, ballistic missiles and in its creation took part ginovci. As the echo of Nakhabino!
Rose would be without them, without these people, the dawn of the space age? It is likely. But whether swift would be this way? Still amazing time crossed the lines of their fates with the trajectory of our century!
…Most recently, Viktor Andreyev, visited an art exhibition “the World of tomorrow”. Guys can paint the future. Installers in outer space build a space station, earthlings meet aliens, the everyday life of the astronauts on Jupiter… And one picture even the name turns imagination — “Blue star — energovodokanal system the planets of the “galactic” mind”. I almost smiled at Victor Zubkov wildest imagination of the artist, but I caught myself, remembered views after Sandero, smirks at the address gurtovtsev eyes narrowed once again came to the picture. Thought.

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