For the past three years an enviable stability in the class 84В shows Moscow racemode-sheet O. the ravens. It was not the case, so he did not became the winner. So the next championship of Russia, held in Orel, Oleg took the second place. To a large extent the key to this is the reliability of sports “projectile” rocket plane. N addition to the model, there is absolutely oryginalny automatic forced landing. I hope that this design will interest our readers.The proposed model is a bright representative of the so-called “Moscow” scheme raketoplana. Fuzuli — tapered beam of plastic. Its manufacturing technology Tenova. On the mandrel of variable cross section with a diameter of from 4 to 8 mm is wound first single steklotarny layer with a thickness of 0.06 mm, then the first layer of carbon fabric with a thickness of 0.12 — 0.14 mm and the second, just a length of 160 mm. then applied another two layers of glass, all carefully vyshkurivaetsya. The weight of finished beam is obtained in the range of 1.5 g.
In the forward (wide) beam end glued the fairing of lime. At a distance of 120 mm from the front NRA beams mounted vtmenu attachment point of the wing, machined aluminum edges, and glue to put the base plate of balsa with a length of 62 mm and a width of 7.5 mm. the mount consists of four parts: bushings, bolts, washers, and nuts. VSV them, except for the washer (it’s silicone), machined from duralumin with a high surface finish.
The pylon — shaped bapinova plate 4 mm thick, size 46×10 mm — is glued to the forward fuselage. The pylon is made of a 4 mm hole for the rod determinator. From below to it is attached the container MRD, made of two layers of glass on the mandrel with a diameter of 10.5 mm. In the front of the pasted fake fairing, which drilled eight holes for gas exhaust when triggered, expelling charge mrad.