Bomber XB-70 VALKYRIE. The first jet bomber the BOEING b-47 came to the command of the U.S. air force in late 1951. However, the aircraft with maximum payload of about 10 tons could carry in their sections, not all types of bombs from the nuclear Arsenal of the United States at the time and thus became just a huge addition to the piston b-36. This circumstance was the cause of the development of the heavy bomber b-52, the first modification which was twice higher than the b-47 take-off weight in the range of about 5500 km, and, most importantly, could carry a hydrogen bomb MK.17 weighing 21 tons with a TNT equivalent of 20 megatons.


Bomber P2V NEPTUN. In the late 30-ies of the leadership of the U.S. Navy began to develop the requirements for patrol aircraft anti-submarine escort convoys and deep sea exploration. New aircraft with long range flight was to carry the weapon systems of a wide range from conventional bombs to sea mines and torpedoes. To develop for this purpose flying boat did not make sense, because its pressurized fuselage are not satisfied with the capacious bomb Bay and external weapons worsens the already poor aerodynamics of a floatplane, reducing the maximum range and speed of flight.
Tank builders from different countries have sought to create a new machine jointly. In the summer of 1963, the Ministers of defense of the United States and Germany signed an agreement on joint development of main battle tank for the armies of both States on the program of the MBT (Main Battle Tank). In 1969 tests were presented prototypes of tanks, MBT-70, developed in Detroit, and in Augsburg. Although the sample was designed according to General technical requirements, they differed significantly from each other with weapons, engines, chassis. As a result, in the same year, the Alliance broke up, dispersed and tank builders, who then went their separate ways. In the US there was a tank “Abrams” in Germany – “the Leopard”: similar in their main characteristics, but at the same time.
“…The outcome of the war could be very different”
In 1848 started the Danish-German war. The Germans, of the fleet which virtually did not exist, had nothing to oppose to the Danish ships, which blockaded the German coast. Then the corporal of the Bavarian army Bauer and offered to build a submarine to break the blockade. Funds for the construction of “sea diver” — so Bauer called his brainchild (16) -gave the Schleswig-Holstein army and some private pizza. In 1651 in Kiel Bay began testing this vehicle, culminating in the fact that he… sank. Bauer and two members of the crew were miraculously saved, and the boat remained lying at the bottom of the Bay.

Rapid growth in the number of high-speed torpedo ships in the Italian Navy, which began in 1920-e years were not accidental, although the background of stagnation in the global shipbuilding industry seemed the exception. Mussolini came to power, has seriously embarked on a long-standing dream — to make the Mediterranean Mare Nostrum — “our sea”. In the area of interest of Italy to reach the Balkans, Greece, Turkey, North Africa. Accordingly, defined the main potential enemy — France. So between the two countries began the race for naval armaments, in which a special role was given to leaders and destroyers.
City bus ZIL-158. In the postwar years for urban transportation used mainly the bus ZIS-155, which was produced from 1949 to 1957. But in the mid fifties it became clear that these machines will not be able to cope with the increasing passenger traffic, and the design of the bus left much to be desired. To replace the ZIS-155 local reports were released two more modern cars of the middle class — ZIL-158 and LAZ-695 (the latter often used on suburban lines).