CONTACT LENSESContact lenses small made from transparent materials lenses, worn directly on the eye for vision correction (i.e., to improve visual acuity).

Contact lenses, according to experts, are about 125 million people in the world. Method of vision correction using contact lenses is called contact vision correction.

Almost 50% of those who wear contact lenses, are young people aged 18 to 25 years. And among those who wear contact lenses for the first time, the proportion of young people under the age of 35 years, almost 90 %.

The story of the creation of contact lenses starts with the name of Leonardo da Vinci. In 1508, he designed the device in a transparent globe filled with water, through which people with poor eyesight can see better.

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AN-70An-70 medium — range cargo (operational-tactical military transport) aircraft of the new generation of short take-off and landing. Antonov an-70 intended to replace the obsolete An-12. Performed on the aerodynamic configuration vintoventilyatorny four-engine turboprop high-wing monoplane with single-finned tail and tail cargo hatch.

The development of military transport aircraft (MTC) An-70began in 1986 After seven years of tactical and technical requirements specified, wherein, based on the need to transport a medium tank, the maximum capacity of the machine increased up to 47 T. the Peculiarity of the aircraft were four gas-turbine engine with coaxial propeller-fans and fly-by-wire control system. In the aircraft design is widely used composite materials.

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CDSSince 1981, these disks began to advance and now it is not only a device for storing information for computers, and discs with your favorite music or your favorite movies.
And here is how to make these disks on an industrial scale and how they put it on these discs says this video.

CD-ROM (eng. Compact Disc) — optical storage medium in the form of a plastic disk with a hole in the center, the process of recording and reading of information is carried out with a laser. Further development of the CD-ROM became a DVD.

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HELICOPTERSThe helicopter rotary wing aircraft unit, which are necessary for flight lift and thrust generated by one or more rotors (propellers) driven by an engine or multiple engines. Almost every time the main rotor of the helicopter is equipped with a swash, which moves the center of pressure of the propeller for flight control (with the exception of some schemes with 3 or more rotors).

In the case of a single drive rotor, it is obligatory mechanism for damping its torque (often a tail rotor or fenestron, less ink-jet device, etc.), and in mnogolistovyh diagrams, torque usually kompensiruet the counter-rotation cores rotors. If the screw is driven in rotation by jet engines mounted on the blades, the torque is almost not noticeable and freely kompensiruet aerodynamic control surfaces. To unload the rotor at high speed, the helicopter can be equipped with a well-developed wing, to increase directional stability can in turn be used plumage.

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SNOWBOARDSSnowboarding is a sport that has gained huge popularity in most ski centers all over the world. Similar to skateboarding, plus the unforgettable romantic mountain peaks attracted to this sport more and more people of different ages.
Many believe that learning to snowboard is easier than skiing, and that the Board provides more freedom to perform different tricks and pirouettes. However, regardless of this You need to learn some things, which is the basis of snowboarding, and which are necessary for the correct selection of equipment for skiing.

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TRUCK GAZ-53AOne of the most popular Soviet postwar trucks became the GAZ-51 or, as it was called drivers, is “lawn”. Released in 1946, this 2.5-ton vehicle became the basis for many specialized vehicles — trucks, tractors, vans, tankers, cranes and buses. However, as time went on, and won the national love the truck gradually handed over their positions — the country needed a more powerful, higher gross weight and higher speed machine.

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Every day we use a huge amount of things and have almost ceased to notice them. But it turns out in the production of minor things at first glance hides a lot of interesting and informative. Entertainment “Conveyor MK” reveals the secrets of making the most ordinary things at first glance. Today’s program: CEMENT.

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