BIRD.Once there were birds-titmouse. They were happy summer warmth and sunlight until they came to the short fall, followed by winter. Winter in Siberia comes early and long. And in the European part of the country winter is not uncommon. It’s hard to survive feathery snow and frost without feeding. Kindly Siberians are always satisfied with small feeders and hang them on the branches of trees near the Windows of their homes.

For those who are not under a window or tree or a peg, I suggest to make a portable version of the house-the trough, so to speak, the bird squatting.
A bird feeder can be made from the waste trim boards, for example, the size 150×15 mm. it is Possible to count the size of the structure and Board size 120×20 mm or even – 100×25 mm. what is Important is the principle of the Assembly and installation of the feeders.
The house is assembled from cut billets of ordinary evrokompani (screws) on wood using a power screwdriver. But it is not so difficult to build and regular screwdriver.
First to the two side walls (2) to fasten the base Board (1) and left (5) right (6) side bars. Then install the crossmember (4) to the bottom of the skate (3) and, already assembled, tighten the screws the ends of the crossbars (4) to the side walls (2).
The bird feeder
The bird feeder:
1 – base; 2 – side walls; 3 – the lower part of the skate; 4 – crossbar; 5 – right side bar; 6 is a left side bar; 7 – roof (galvanized sheet); 8 – screws-screws; 9 – base plate cabin; 10 – leg-stand; 11 – supporting tripod

The finished frame house cover, pre-cut to size galvanized sheet (7) and attach it with the screws (8) to the crossbars (4).
Leg-strut (10) of the trough – from a metal pipe (it will not get any one, even the most nimble cat). At the top it is welded to the base plate, so to speak, the Foundation of the house (9), and below – reference tripod (11) from the pipes. Screws (8) through the four holes in the plate leg-front is attached to the house. Alternatively, the house can be attached directly to the rack, sawn its top end on a four-lobe and tilting them by 90°.
After the decorative painting and drying for the finished feeders need to find a suitable place. Preferably around the Bush (birds) and close to house Windows (for visibility feeders, observations of bird flock and admiring her whole family).
One of the side bars does not reach the wall, in order to be able to sweep away the remnants of fertilizing, snow and debris
One of the side bars does not reach the wall, in order to be able to sweep away the remnants of fertilizing, snow and debris
The design of the feeder has several hidden from view solutions. First, one of the side bars (5) does not reach the wall, in order to be able to sweep away the remnants of fertilizing, snow and debris (as protune for rolling out dumpling dough). Secondly, the transverse bars (4) are hearths for the arriving birds. And, thirdly, by the known physical law, the three support legs provide stability on any surface.
Those who want to make such a feeder, attach photos and drawings.
A. MATVEICHUK, Zavodoukovsk, Tyumen region.

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