BACKPACK ON THE WHEELOur Housewives, especially the elderly, has long been appreciated by trolley — a small two-wheeled cart attached to its frame bag, reminiscent of a tourist backpack. How many different purchases they are taking on these gurneys, returning from the market or from the store! It turned out that a small gurney, the official capacity is only 20 kg, can withstand a 30, 40 or more pounds!

The gurney was quickly adopted by tourists, primarily kayakers. It is with their backs moved the huge bales Packed in collapsible boats. Outside the city, on a camp, truck facilitates horbaty, such as fetching water and firewood to the camp kitchen.
Why not shake off a heavy backpack do not put it on wheels? It is difficult to say which of the tourists first came up with this idea, to abandon the ancient way of carrying heavy loads “on their own backs”. It doesn’t matter. To us in edition a one-wheeled carts for tourist backpack sent from Ufa restless homebrew — Vladimir Petrovsky, whom readers know as the author of numerous microvesicles and party contests of self-made vehicles. Vitaly Vasilyevich turned two-wheeled the trolley into the one-wheeled vehicle, thanks to its much improved traction and manoeuvrability and reduced weight.
General view winders “Tourist” is shown in figure 1; diagram in two projections, figure 2. The wheel size 12X2 1/2 taken from scooter, a fork from scooter or bike. If you are ready to get the plug will fail, it is made from thin-walled steel tube Ø 20 mm, bent according to the drawing or of the three cook children Shea. To bend the tube, it is necessary to fill tight well dried sand the ends to close the wooden plugs. Then the bugle or in the flame of a strong blowtorch to heat the steel to bright red heat and bending on a metal mandrel of appropriate diameter.
Fig. 2. Diagram of a wheelchair.
Fig. 2. Diagram of a wheelchair.
The plug is welded a shaft of steel pipes with outer Ø 30 mm, has two cross-beams from a steel angle for mounting of the loading platform, folding stand and handle. The rich can do folding (articulated or telescopic), then the stretcher is disassembled would fit in a backpack. The cargo platform is made of plywood with a thickness of 5-6 mm and fixed to the cross members by bolts M3. Depending on the type of backpack it is advisable to priklepany to the loading platform of the lugs or ring for a quick “mooring” it when loading. It should be borne in mind that the backpack during transport the wheelchair must be densely Packed and tightly tied to the platform, otherwise the stability of the whole system deteriorates and freight becomes tedious.
In our opinion, the design of the wheelchair, suggested by V. V. Petrovsky, opens up the possibility of “translation wheel” of different goods that tourists still wear on the back. For example, much easier to use may be recently arrived in new easel backpack Ermak, if you provide it easily removable wheels etc.
The editors hope that tourists will share in the journal their experience of creating various inventory and equipment: boats, kayaks, tents, sleeping bags, backpacks, bonfire men devices.
Recently become more popular autometamorphism. Great interest in this regard, a variety of trailers to passenger cars, the roof and bike racks, residential complexes.

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