GARDEN SOFAMankind is made and described a huge selection of garden benches. But two reasons are not allowed to benefit from centuries of experience: the lack of specific and the availability of suitable materials.
Almost always after the construction of more or less significant buildings remain a crop of pine timber boards. It happened to me. Here are some of them and decided to build a garden bench — or rather, a small but comfortable sofa.

When preliminary design was viewed the idea of making a sofa in the style of the middle of the last century-like installed in parks, squares and even train stations. This couch (with an oval smooth transitions in the profile between the seat and the back), even tough you could sit “tirelessly” for hours. Cast iron patterned sidewall with legs provided them not only beauty and durability but also gave some special monumentality. Unfortunately, such a side I have not been. So I had to rework the design to fit under your existing materials.
As carrier beam used a couple of cohesive (docked to length) pine boards section 140×140 mm, their ends rest on two legs of the same, but a single beam. In the soles of the paws were cut down with an ax recesses with a radius of 850 mm, leaving the ends of the rectangular heel — supports, the sofa will be stable, even on not very flat ground.
Instead of iron sides have manufactured wood composite elements (they used the Board-the forty) and secured them with staples on the beam not only sides, but a couple — and in the middle part. These elements (call them ribs) came to the same and forming the seat and backrest of the sofa. For this, appropriate that their edges again with the axe carefully cut along the marked radii, smooth grooves, and the corners cut down large chamfer.
Fig. 1. Orthopedic ergonomic wooden garden sofa
Fig. 1. Orthopedic ergonomic wooden garden sofa:
1—carcass; 2—cladding (wooden slats 20×60, according to needs); 3 — screws (as required)

Fig. 2. The skeleton of the sofa
Fig. 2. The skeleton of the sofa:
1 —paw (pine timber 140×140); 2—longitudinal beam (pine timber 140×140 mm, 2 pieces); 3 — edge of the backrest (Board s40, 4 PCs); 4—the edge of the seat (Board s40,4 PCs); 5—clip (wire Ø6, on demand); 6—nails (L120, 150, as needed)

Legs, the beam and ribs are first primed and then painted white acrylic outdoor paint (color doesn’t matter, just its remnants were available). The primer prepared from the same paint diluted with thinner solvent.
The seat and backrest of the sofa is made of bars cross-section 20×60 mm. the modules are manufactured from boards-twenties, first carefully obstrusive them on the one hand, and then sawn lengthwise into several pieces 60 mm width (how many fit). The edges of the planks are also planed, and the top edge dulled. Bottom trims painted the same white paint pre primed, and the front surface and edges are first soaked hot yacht clear varnish, and then (after drying) coated with another layer of varnish “room” temperature. Final Assembly is not only difficult, but even a pleasant experience — it is a new product!
The build order
I-beam laid on the legs and sealed the parts with nails and staples. Staples made of smooth reinforcing wire with a diameter of 6 mm with the size of the place. Also “where is” determined by the direction of the mustache brackets: in this case, unwrapped them 90 degrees relative to each other.
Produced by pairwise Assembly of ribs of the seat and back in common item nails L120 and fixed it on the bars of the beam L150 nails and staples.
Attached the straps to the “orthopedic” edges of ribs seasoned with screws (screws).
The skeleton of the sofa The skeleton of the sofa
The skeleton of the sofa
Ready-made sofa set in a beautiful and cozy corner of the garden or in the gazebo.
The quality of starting materials no special requirements: enough b length (incidentally, one of the beams beam — composite, and the other glued on the longitudinal crack), but it would be only the smaller of resin from knots on the front surfaces of the slats covering the seat and backrest. By the way, it would be nice to make strips of hardwood.
First test — relaxing on the sofa confirmed the ergonomic and comfortable design. Even some massive benefits — the sofa does not move from accidental push and break under a heavy rider.
Having spread a Mat (and in cooler weather is covered with a blanket), useful and relaxing in the shade of the garden a quiet hour.
A. MATVEICHUK, Zavodoukovsk, Tyumen region.

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