HOME BATHThrifty when the owner erected a cottage or manor house, then after (and maybe during) a desire to build bath. It happened to me. First of all analysed the options for baths, which I had to bathe or just to see them. Remembered what I liked and what not. And read all the available literature on the subject. Whatever you say, and the main “bath” is a furnace, so the “dance” started for her — decided on its design and location in the bath. With the wall material of the questions was not clearly wood: a log or lumber, and of such thickness that could make bathing even in winter when they are particularly pleasant and helpful.

And just had a chance and I bought cheap is not new, but a good frame of thick logs.Plan and section of the bath

Then draw a plan of the baths: the mutual arrangement of the three functional areas (steam room, washing and changing rooms) relative to the furnace and with each other. Decided on the height of the rooms is about 2 m (height of the son as the tallest person in the family, plus another 200 mm), design underground, floor, roof and figured the estimated cost of the bath. It turned out that the funds that we could allocate from the family budget for the construction of the object, not as great as required, and the project had to be revised. So, we had to abandon the construction of attached dressing room (decided to do it later) and move the locker room of his log walls, replace industrial thermal insulation and other building materials local natural. But combining facilities (steam room, bathroom or secnow with dressing room) did not — each of them will be let and small, but separate! Although the combined option also has the right to life, and a plan of one of them, leading to dressing room furnace, I am also here to lead.


Since bath is the property still in the design stage, its construction Placement of equipment in the bathmust be agreed with the local architecture. In addition, given the fire hazard of buildings, necessary to provide and comply with fire safety and to coordinate them in legally.


Construction of the baths began with the Foundation, but rather with the excavation of the trench under it to a depth of about 500 mm and is rectangular in plan with the sides on the walls of the future frame. At the bottom of the trench distributed layer of sand with a thickness of about 150 mm, watered it with water and stamped. Then the trench was filled with concrete mix with backfill up to ground level. In the Foundation wall from the future of the sump (with a bias towards her) laid plastic pipe with a diameter of 150 mm.

The walls of the baths were supposed to be wooden, in order to lift them above the ground forSteam eliminate exposure to ground moisture, rain and spring water on the Foundation, laid the plinth height of about 200 mm from the (red) solid brick. Top of the plinth gave the cement screed and covered with a layer of roofing material.


By the way, for walls used the so-called chopping block or plate — a split or sawn lengthwise halves of thick logs. This gave considerable savings of material. But the logs though, and was thick, but not so long to cut the frame “in a Cup.” Well, to complete the pairing boards “in a paw”, it required a lot of experience, which I nedoOven-heater and steam room behind the door on the leftstavan, and very time consuming this way. Therefore, the scaffold was just shostakovian at right angles and held together with steel clamps. Here I note that the joints, like the joints between the rims, the inside has prokonopatit, and the outside was sealed with clay-straw mortar. And in addition all seams throughout their length covered customized rails with cross section in the form of a trapezoid with rounded bumps of the logs side-to-side. The window in the steam room and in the bathroom there is double glazing. Both glass fitted in a single frame (on opposite sides), as in the glass.Compact metalicheskaja stove tower

The ceiling of the bath with a crate of edging 30 mm boards on log joists with internal lining 5 mm birch plywood. Ceiling insulation double — layer: first poured his creamy clay-sand-straw mortar with a thickness of about 50 mm, and after drying, the top is covered with fireproof insulation is 100-mm layer of slag (but can be expanded clay, and even the ground).


The roof structure is extremely simple — shed, purlin log beams edged and soft asphalt roof. Yes unless it has some value for bath procedures? Because the roof protects the structure from rain and nothing more. Well, can still to decorate the structure.

Stationary shelves with stepsBut what do the “red” bath — so it’s stove. And not the external view and functional capabilities: the ability to consume as fuel not only the wood of any breeds of a tree, but the leaves, branches, and even combustible debris, while not clogging up the chimney; quickly heating the bath for a long time to cool down (to keep thermal inertia); simultaneously heating to a high temperature a large enough amount of water and stones; give a lot of steam. In General, to have high efficiency. And another very important point — carbon monoxide should not fall from the furnace into the premises of the baths and to leave through the chimney into the atmosphere. Of course, to satisfy these sometimes conflicting demands is not so easy, but, in my opinion, the stove-the heater in our bath to a considerable extent they correspond.


Will lead a drawing and brief explanation of the operation of the stove-heater.

The intensity of fuel burning in the furnace (and therefore the heating rate of the bath) is governed byFolding shelves opening the ash-pit doors. You can use four options of heating the premises of the baths:

— the wide-open doors the doors of the heater in the steam room and opened the door of the heater in the washing compartment is made equal heating of both of the premises;

— fold door of the heater in the steam room closed and the door to the washing compartment is open — there is priority heating of the washing compartment;

— fold door of the heater in the steam room open and the door to the washing compartment is closed — by a rapid heating steam;

— all doors are closed, there is an accumulation of heat in the heater (this option is the use covered by a door blower).


ShopYet I note that since the firebox of the furnace is located in the washing compartment, before it has fulfilled the pit, which closed with a grille mounted flush with the floor. This not only eliminates litter during firing, but also increases the fire safety.


For the readers I want to offer another version of the very compact all-metal stoves tower. The furnace is cylindrical. Her body parts are made of welded steel thick-walled (s8 mm) pipe diameter of 600 mm.Capacity for cold water from the two tanks from washing machines

After a laying of the furnace arranged Underfloor space. First, the planned soil slope from wall to drain pipe. And secondly, distributed on the ground not thick layer of concrete, and after it hardened, its surface is “salesny”: sprinkled with cement, moistened and smoothed with a trowel.

Then set about construction of floors. For them, is also of reinforced concrete, wooden formwork, cast the joists, leaving, where necessary, openings for the passage of water. On top of lag laid waterproofing of roofing sheets and laid down planks-“the forty.” Thus between walls and floors around the perimeter left about 30-mm gaps.


In conclusion, and in the washing compartment, and in the steam sheathed ceiling of 5-mm birch plywood, and the walls are wooden paneling, and boards placed vertically. And before that he probely and the floor and ceiling of lime-copper sulphate aqueous solution.


A"scoopNear the baths dug a drainage ditch about the size of 1200×1200 mm and a depth of 1700 mm. Bottom laid the flake (flat) stone-“savage” with gaps between them, the walls lined with mortar and laid the walls of ceramic bricks with incomplete filling of seams and gaps that water could seep and go into the ground. The pit was blocked with a piece of road plate. For inspection of the pit, and if necessary, pumping of water in the ceiling gave the hatch and closed it with a massive cover.


At the end of the pipe in the hole made the valve from a sheet of 5-mm rubber. In normal times, it tightly covers the pipe hole and allows you to enter in the bath undesirable odors. With the same purpose and installed vent pipe. The floor slab was covered with earth and sown with grass.

With regard to the arrangement of the baths, that each does on its own. However, along with the stove-heater in the bath necessarily have to be the steam shelves. I note here that if the premises a steam room and a washing compartment in the bath combined, shelves better to do folding. I have, as noted, these premises are separate and shelves in the steam room made stationary. The dimensions given on the drawing. Their customized for the growth of the son, as the tallest person in the family. The height of the shelf is selected such that the son could sit on it without bending, and not resting on the ceiling. For easy access to the shelves in front of him arranged in two stages which can be used as a shop, if at the top seem too hot. By the way, these benches I made for the washing compartment and dressing room. They are for baths are more appropriate than chairs and even stools for them if you wish, you can even lie down. All the details of the regiment and benches made of aspen boards and planks. Their design is simple, and therefore in the figures I cite only their overall appearance.

Washing room

Alternatively, here we will lead drawing and a folding shelf, which I helped to make a neighbor for a bath with combined offices. I will explain its structure. Metal shaped parts made of stainless steel sheet with a thickness of 2 mm. was carried out on a Flexible mandrel. Shelves extends between the side walls, so that its ends are supported by wooden brackets-blocks nailed directly to the walls. But the wood shelf near the ends United with each other as well as in the middle of the crossbars, which are attached to trailing wall via hinges. And the shelves don’t SAG in the middle there is a “foot” connected with the crossbar hinge. When the side walls are far away, you can do two legs, sliding them together with the cross members of the regiment from the ends toward the middle about two feet. “Legs” can be made of wooden bars or wrap them in insulating material in order not to burn yourself by accidentally touching it.


Another necessary and volumetric object in the bath is quite large capacity for cold water. I made it with two tanks from old washing machines.


Of the bucket for splashing water on hot stones with the purpose of getting a pair, birch brooms, and gloves and hat conversation did not lead — this is known to all lovers of steam.

Easy you couple.




Plan and section of the bath, placing equipment(the arrows indicate the flows of air and steam):

And — steam;

B—washing room;

In the dressing room;


D—drainage pit;

E — version of the plan of the bath;

1 —walls of a steam room and washing departments (logs);

2 shelves with steps;

3 — partition;

4 — oven-stove;

5—bench (3 PCs.);


7—cold water tank;

8—the locker rooms;


10—walls of the dressing room;


12 — table;

13 single window of the dressing room;

14—double window steam and the washing compartment (2 PCs.);


16—crate (timber Board s20);

17 — roof (roofing material);




21—a ceiling;

22 — walls waterproofing (roofing);

23—cap (solid ceramic bricks);

24 — the Foundation (concrete);

25 laga floor (solid concrete);

26—Paul (Board s40);

27—floor underground (in situ concrete);

28—grid (Board s40);

29 — the drain pipe;

30 valve;

31 and exhaust pipe;

32 has a hatch cover;


34 — the overlap of the pit;

35—wall of the pit;

36—the bottom of the pit;



Compact metal bath oven of the tower type— variant (arrows indicate the course of the combustible gases):

1 —bearing part (steel pipe ∅600×8);

2—ash pit (steel sheet s6);

3—blower door (steel sheet s6);

4—grate (cast iron);

5—furnace (steel pipe ∅600×8);

6—the furnace door (steel sheet s6);

7—the vault (ceiling) of the furnace (steel sheet s6);

8—retaining ring (steel sheet s6, 2 PCs.);

9—duct (steel sheet s6);


1 —door box (steel sheet s6);

12—afterburner (steel pipe ∅600×8);

13 — water tank (steel pipe 0600×8);

14—flue pipe (steel pipe ∅250×6);

15—hot water;


17—water-supply pipe;

18 — steam-discharge pipe;



Oven-heater(on the main view of wall 23, the panel 24 and the partition 25 is not shown):

1 —base (quarry stone stone and river sand);

2 — oven (ceramic brick 250x125x65);


4—ash pit;

5 — grate;

6—box door-blower (area and 25×25 steel strip s3);

7 — pit;

8—the door blew;

9—fire door;

10—Paul (Board s30);

11 —box of fire doors (area and 25×25 steel strip s3);

12—binding of the firebox (the area 25×25);

13—water tank V=100 l (steel sheet s4);

14 — tank cover (aluminum sheet s2) with handle (aspen);

15—fold doors of the heater from the steam bath (steel sheet s2,2pcs.);

16—door catalytic Converter (purchased product);

17—Converter (steel pipe ∅200);

18 — the lintel of the heater (steel sheet s4);

19—steel chimney with ∅130;

20—pipe (steel pipe ∅150);

21 — nut of the heater (steel sheet s4);

22—the bottom of the heater (steel sheet s10);

23—the wall (logs);

24 — fire panel (asbestos sheet);

25 — the partition between two compartments (ambientcolor);

26—the door of the heater from the washing compartment (sheet s2);

27—filling of the afterburner (steel and cast iron scrap);

28—sealant (solution);

29 — the cover of the sauna heater (steel sheet s5);

30—the bottom of the water tank (steel sheet s10);

31 —smoke constipation (steel strip s10);

32 filler Kamenka (stone-“savage”, porcelain insulators).


Stationary shelves with steps (material—aspen):

1 —shelves (Board s50);

2—upper side-bar (the bar 40×40, 2);

A 3—foot shelf (the bar 40×40, 6 PCs.);

4, the lower transverse side-bar (the bar 40×40, 3).

5, the lower longitudinal side-bar (the bar 40×40, 2);

6— top notch (boards s40);

7—drawer side upper stage (block 40×40, 2);

8 — foot upper stage (block 40×40, 2);

9—lower level (Board s40);

10—foot lower level (block 40×40, 2 PCs.).


Folding shelves(I position; II— raised position):

1 —shelves (Board hardwood, s30…50);

2—leg (stainless steel, sheet s2);

3—crossbar (pad legs (stainless steel, sheet s2, 3).

4— pad leg (stainless steel, sheet s2, 6 PCs.);

5—panel crossmember (stainless steel, sheet s2, 6 PCs.);

6—bracket-ear hinge (stainless steel, sheet s3, 3).

7—plate (stainless steel, sheet s5, 3).

8 — axis hinge (steel, range ∅10, 4 PCs.);

9—screw-self tapping (L100, 9 PCs.);

10—longitudinal wall;

11 —L30 screw (as required);

12 — pin (4 PCs.).



1—seat (Board s50);

2 — cross member (Board s40);

3 — leg (Board s40, 2 PCs.).

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