HILL OF HEALTHThe kids in our country are surrounded daily by care and attention of adults. A lot of effort to Oka grow up healthy and cheerful. This is facilitated by the physical education and sports, in this we see one of the main objectives of sports movement. No wonder there are in schools, appropriate training programs, conducted morning exercises, organized outdoor games during recess. Learn the basics of the sport and younger students, primarily in extended-day groups — and even the smallest children in kindergartens.

But often in the classroom is not enough expression of dynamism “attacked”. And who are the kids that refuse to swing on the swings, climb a ladder, rope, or even on the smooth pole, to spin out on the “tire” and then have fun to descend on an inclined tray.
All of this can be both a game and exercise, practiced coordination, to develop different muscle groups. Helps to organize fun activities children’s Playground with sports equipment — “hill of health”, which can be constructed in any summer camp or on school grounds. In its structure the trapeze, swing, group and some longitudinal — on a few guys at once, ropes and a pole for climbing, “tire”, logs — low booms, vertical rope and wooden high horizontal ladders and chute for the descent. They are located so that the guys can practice without disturbing each other and at the same time so the design could not be a source of injury.
The shells on the horn are chosen for their functional significance with regard to the requirements of the age. So, climbing a rope, pole develops the shoulder girdle and legs, a horizontal ladder — shoulder girdle, arms, abdominals, exercises on the boom contribute to the coordination and spin the “tire” trains the vestibular apparatus. But children are particularly attracted by the flight simulation swings: it is both a great exercise that combines a set of exercises.
The basis of the sports complex two triangular frame with a height of 3.7 m, placed in parallel to each other. In the middle part they are connected by a set of horizontal bars, partly covered by the dais. To them in various places hung the shells; set apart smooth pole, speaking over a slide, it can serve as a flagpole. Base RAM horizontal bars, raised above the ground, are low in booms.
Over the porch the roof was reinforced: it was an indoor attic which can also be used for games. Hence down moves the trigger pan, ending with a small jump to dismount on the ground.
Main material slides — wood, only the pole is a metal pipe Ø 30 mm, but the trough of the tray is covered with a metal sheet. The rest — frame beams, loft, tray section 50×150 mm pine or spruce, the platform — plywood with a thickness of 20 mm or boards-“Dugdale”, railings, diagonal stretch, and ligaments — boards section 40Х100 mm. Roof is also plywood, but the thickness of 10 mm, the top covered with slate or ruberoid.
Children's Playground
Children’s game complex:
1 — the frame-triangle, 2 — swing, 3 — trapezoid, 4 — bars of the second “floor”, 5 — rope, 6 — roof, 7 — coupling, 8 — scaffold, 9 —horizontal ladder, 10 — tray, 11 “tire”, 12 — rope-ladder, 13 — longitudinal swing, 14 — pole, 15 — a log-boom, 16 — bearing-“boots”; A diagram of a second “floor”, B — scheme of “house”.

Build a roller coaster start? on the ground, collecting the first “triangles”. Lift them and put in Foundation — concrete pillars-“boots” 200Х200Х400 mm, or sleepers, laid in the soil so that the base frames have passed over the earth at a height of 50— 80 mm. Connecting the frame with temporary ties, strengthen horizontal attic set. Lay the platform, make the roof. Finally hung on hooks shells and pole digged into the ground at 300mm and at the top fastened by a thick bar to the ridge of the roof.
The tray is also collected first on the ground and then lifted and put in place.
During Assembly, it is desirable to use the bolts M8 and M10, to be able to disassemble the slide for the winter.

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