Good to have a home library, and it is enough space and appropriate furniture to its content. And let it be a separate shelf or their combination on the wall, and even better — special a roomy closet or an entire glazed wall, entirely given to the books — still their location requires some organization. Good when it works in many volumes: composed of one to another, they themselves hold in strict order, backing each other. But if it is a separate different-sized books, albums, brochures? They usually require auxiliary angles, props to the publication stood firm, not falling and not deformed.

Available in the trade ready, these devices are often focused on library shelves and are not suitable for a home library. Book lovers have to come up with a homemade device. One such option, proposed by the Hungarian magazine “Earmaster” may be of interest to our readers, as it successfully solved the main task of these devices — include the use of versatility. In addition, for the manufacture of such book backup does not require any scarce materials, no special carpentry skill to play it, everyone can DIY.
How is it arranged?
The design of the proposed book backup solved so original that she can serve as a table shelf for books everyday use — for work, learning, current reading. Judge for yourself.
After all, most book lovers are made to support books simple wooden area: combine vertical and horizontal panels — there’s your backup.
A witty solution to the considered variant is that it combines two of the area, facing each other and having a perforating-pin connection, do not allow them to disperse the pressure placed on the sides of books. What does not table of the regiment? And set in between volumes, so the backup is not “go” under their onslaught, holding a number of books of any size vertically without any of offsets. What is the secret?
There is no secret
Indeed, a feature of the design is visible at once: first, the area two, and they combined; secondly, the supports are not the same, and that complement each other, providing reliability and versatility.
One area, let’s call it left, simple, similar to conventional, manufactured bibliophile: one panel vertical, the other horizontal. In the latter, however, there is a slight difference: two number of holes. The number of holes (pitch) and the diameter of the spikes is at the discretion of homebrew.
Combination book prop
Combined book backup:
1 —horizontal panel of the right corner; 2—horizontal panel of the left corner; 3 — screws fastening the vertical panel; 4—the vertical bar in the left corner; 5—patch corners to reinforce the attachment of vertical panels horizontal; 6—spikes fixing the right area; 7—vertical panel of the right corner; 8—holes for spikes fixing the right area

The second area, call it right, too similar to traditional, but somewhat different. The horizontal bar he raised: it is in the groove of the vertical panel, retreating from its lower edge to the thickness of the horizontal panel of the left area. This allows the parts to freely move closer to or away from each other: one horizontal bar slides over another. But it won’t slip because the bottom right panel there are two pin can enter the perforation in the left pane. The position of the parts is rigidly fixed at a desired distance from each other, providing a reliable spacer in Mirage books.
Use cases
The backup is named as universal is not accidental. Given the dimensions of the parts are approximate, for example: they can be any, in accordance with the features of a home library and her books. But the main thing — that the backup is like an elastic, can compress or decompress, each time taking a strictly fixed position in the aisle of books. And as already mentioned — not only in the aisle, but also in the form of additional separate mini-shelf on the Desk or shelf. And since this duet parts disassembled if necessary, each of them can be used as a normal single angle backup with books on the horizontal panel.
Use the corners
The use of angles:
A—spacer in midrage books; B—independent mini desktop shelf

Interestingly, inserted in the Pro Gal number of books backup are left empty: inside it, too, can be inserted in books, paintings or photo frame, planter, vase with flowers. Depending on this, as well as the material used can vary and trim back up. In principle, it is traditional for wood surfaces, whether the structure is assembled from boards of plywood or chipboard. It is primarily a stain, varnish, and oil or enamel paint.
Stain good if you want to accentuate the natural pattern of the wood or to give the surface the appearance of noble wood (e.g., oak, walnut). It is applied with a brush or swab in one or two layers depending on the desired colour intensity. After thorough drying in a similar way to cover bright or dark furniture varnish, also in several layers, with intermediate drying and grinding very fine sandpaper (emery paper).
If you want to install the backup potted plants, to protect from moisture better to paint the horizontal part (and the rest) with oil paint. And in the case of using chipboard for the manufacture of props — painting it with enamels or oil paints required (not only decorative, but also environmental objectives).

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