HOUSE-FOLDINGOn the garden or vegetable part does not need a capital house — often a small cost easy structure type outbuilding. In such an environment feel the need for the country part, starting n the construction of future giving, which is often delayed not for one season. However, all such structures are needed only in summer: from late autumn, all winter and until the spring warming, they are empty, open the weather and the evil “visitor”. Now, if they could not only set, but also to clean, fold for storage when the season is over. The idea of this collapsible house water supply without says our reader A. Nizovtsev.

The development of a garden plot usually begins with the construction hozbloka. Commonly used ready-made kits for construction. But very often in haste to cobble together a pretty miserable structures, which are then demolished or collapse of their own.
Attention novice developers it is proposed to design a collapsible garden shed, details of which can be made in advance, and Assembly is carried out on the spot in a very short time. Unlike traditional options house is not peretyazhelen bearing elements of the frame. Based on the proposed solution, each can independently determine the final size depending on the available materials, the real needs and possibilities.
Portable outbuilding consists of a room area of 9 sqm and a terrace with an area of 4.5 sq. m. the frame is made of 16 boards with a cross section of 120×40 mm. cross section Dimensions of frame elements can be different, but in the direction of increasing, and thus must be complied with the ratio of thickness to width of 1:3 at least in places of connections of frame elements. Diagram of the supporting frame and the node connection shown in the figures.
To ensure the Assembly of the wall panels from scraps of boards, the horizontal frame members further razbirayutsya struts of H-shaped cross-section placed in the middle. If the Board, which is expected to make filling the walls have a greater length in their thickness at least 40 mm, of course, to saw should not be, and accordingly modify the decision of the panels. It is possible that with low-quality Assembly of the wall can lead, then, probably, still have to impose on them a further vertical ties of bars (outside and inside) on the M8 bolts.
The height of the vertical racks of a skeleton is determined by the dimensions available for the door unit. In our case it is 210 cm, the Length of the horizontal elements of the frame 470 cm At a distance of approximately one-third of the length they accomplished through holes the size of 40×120 mm. At the ends of all load-bearing elements of the frame have grooves of size 40×120 mm.
Fig. 1. Prefabricated amenities building
Fig. 1. Prefabricated amenities building:
1 — Foundation, 2 — Board sheathing angle, 3 metal screed wall panel, 4 — fitting boards to walls, 5 — the horizontal elements of the frame, 6 — rafters, 7 — tightening bolt 8 — the ceiling — “loft” 9 — window to the terrace, 10 — vertical frame elements, an 11 — plank flooring.
Fig.2. Frame house
Fig.2. Frame house:
1 — vertical elements of the frame, the 2 horizontal elements (longitudinal, longest, raised rib).
Fig. 3. A stem node is connected (1) and vertical (2) frame elements
Fig. 3. A stem node is connected (1) and vertical (2) frame members.

Fig.4. The scheme of an arrangement of wall struts of the frame and installation of wall boards
Fig.4. The scheme of an arrangement of wall struts of the frame and installation of wall boards:
1 — horizontal frame elements, 2 vertical frame elements, 3 — strut, 4 — limiting strut bars, 5 cage wall Board. A — design struts: 1 — horizontal frame element, 2 — bar-bar, 3 — limiting boards forming the grooves for laying wall boards.
Fig. 5. Foundation concrete sabiki (A — pyramidal, B — cylindrical) with embedded parts under the frame amenities:
Fig. 5. Foundation concrete sabiki (A — pyramidal, B — cylindrical) with embedded parts under the frame amenities:
I — column, 2 — wooden plug, 3 — metal profile.
Fig.6. Building wall panel
Fig.6. Building wall panels:
1 wooden mallet, 2 — Board-pad with extended keyway, 3 — wall Board (stacked mixed pattern of annual rings).



Three vertical posts, placed near the centerline of the structure, at the ends there are thorns cross section 40×40 mm, which should make the corresponding holes in horizontal framing members.
For such a simplified house and possibly the use of the simplified Foundation of any type. However, the best — columnar, using, for example, asbestos-cement pipes have the vertical elements of the frame. But since the mass of the house is relatively small, to counter the overturning from a wind load frame must be securely connected to the base. For this purpose, for example, in concrete pads can be mounted pre-impregnated wooden plugs, to which the frame is mounted grouse. Or use metal rebar: channels, angles of suitable section.
The overall stability of the structure against various distortions is ensured by the reinforcement frame diagonal braces made from wire with a diameter of 8-10 mm, with thread at the ends. Horizontal mating plane of the basement is controlled with the level and verticality of the uprights — by the plumb, by manipulating the degree of tension of the stretch marks.
On the vertical elements of the frame after its Assembly fasten bruski section 40×40 mm and 80×40 mm (on corner post — Board 120×40 mm): they form grooves for laying boards of the wall panels. Boards are laid on the inside of the house, top to bottom. Therefore, the bars inside the building should not reach the top of the width boards.
Filling of wall openings it is best to make tongue-and-groove boards (40 mm thick, but you can use boards of smaller thickness, including connecting in a quarter). To reduce cracking from warping boards are encouraged to fill wall openings with respect to the location of annual rings in the boards, as shown in the figure. The crest of the pile should be oriented upward to prevent the penetration of moisture. For a better seal sheet joints when laying the boards it is recommended to use snow leopard is a powerful mallet and a Board cut with an extended tongue and groove joint groove.
On completion of filling of the wall panels and the gaps between the longitudinal elements of the frame and the last Board temporarily filled with any sealing material. After shrinkage of the walls subsequently you can install the permanent Board.
For roofing water supply without four pre-assembled roof truss of the arch. The rafter connection at the ridge area of the roof is done with a metal screed with a diameter of 8…10 mm with threaded ends. Under the nut you need to put a metal washer. The cross section of the rafters shall be not less than 40×100 mm. In the rafters for mounting to the frame are notched cutouts and used steel bolts M8.
If the roof is made of asbestos cement sheets, for the sheathing must be applied bruski section 40x60mm, placing them at a distance of 500 mm (single leaf roof should be based on three bars). For more economical use of slate part of the leaves have to be cut in half with a hacksaw or piercing the holes with a punch, gently break the sheet. For soft roof sheathing, of course, need to do more dense.
Attic space above the living room, such small amenities block ceiling flooring impractical. However, to improve the internal appearance of the house rafters from the inside sheathing should be high-quality materials: clapboard or hardboard on a frame of slats. It is advisable to use non-corrosive fasteners: hardboard, for example, can be nailed of aluminum alloy, used for fastening roofing, or any other, but galvanized. In the area of the terrace, on the contrary, it is desirable to create attic space, blocking the ceiling part boards 40 mm thick: formed a kind of loft or bedroom “for two persons”. Amenities the Gables are covered with quality material, ensuring the appropriate density or “lap” joints on the boards or sheets. Above the terrace is necessary to provide a window to ventilate the house.
Floor installation does not require special explanation, on this subject, there were many publications. To longitudinal frame boards attached to the joists (pre-impregnated, for example, means “Senezh”), just three pieces, a section of 80×80 mm. In their middle part are arranged additional support. The floor boards is taken with a thickness of 40 mm For easier Assembly and disassembly, the covering of the rafters, ceiling, Gables and floor can be addressed in Zelikovich panels attached, for example, furniture screws, or bolts.

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