Unfortunately, there are many places in our country where the average Modeler is not able to provide not only quality Mylar film stitched winged vehicles, but even so elementary a binder, like glue BF-2. For such restricted security conditions and designed the proposed design model of air combat. Designed by the classical scheme and has a fairly high potential.
The wing runs from a foam sheet (best to use a plate of fine-grained, type a packaging for electronics, although it will fit and construction brand of foam). Harvesting with a sharp knife and sandpaper is attached to the desired profile. With a knife cut the same window of relief, and the distance between them it is desirable to leave large, generally not affecting the Central part.
The middle of the wing glued any other thin cloth with a width of about 150 mm, to gain the most loaded zone of the model. Then the entire wing is covered overlapping… newsprint (overlapping runs great on the forehead and the rear edge for their gain). The sail tension is formed after the coating of its liquid diluted white glue or “Bustilat”.
After drying of the sheathing into the slot in the Central part of the wing is glued motor mount, pre-assembled from two layers chetyrehkilometrovoy of plywood, and mounted the remaining elements is the tail boom of three-millimeter plywood, the load at the right end of the wing and the guide bar on the left (all is on thick PVA or better yet, epoxy resin). Stabilizer, cut out of plywood, serves only for attachment of the Elevator. The latter is made of cardboard, through a kinked rail and glued as her, and on the rear edge. Hinged — on nylon fishing line; hog and rocking the control standard. Pull the helm presented a Bicycle spoke. It is useful to equip the attack model basic single-strut landing gear, which then will help to keep trim when landing on unprepared sites.
All surface models are thoroughly covered by the liquid diluted varnish to protect it from moisture and splashes of fuel. Of course, then you can do the coloring of the machine, this will add to her weight. In the present embodiment, the model is completely ready to fly with engine, but without fuel, has a mass of about 600 g. it is Designed for the micromotor working volume of 2.5 cm3 of any available brand.
At the conclusion of the Assembly in the slot of the forehead, stepping back from the motor 20 mm, the glue stick is already soldered tin tank with copper tubes, dressings, drainage and power of the engine.
Before the first flight is desirable once again to check all joints and components and, if necessary, to shed them with epoxy or PVA.
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