After 1990-ies the influx of all sorts of previously scarce goods on the shelves is not cool the imagination and enthusiasm of the Russian homebrew. Confirmation of the club “Russian craftsmen”, created in 1992 in Chelyabinsk and combining proactive and creative craftsmen. Over the years the club has accumulated considerable experience in creating original household devices, and design and technical documentation for their manufacturing. Many homebrew familiar with the work of “Russian craftsman”, gladly use it; the reviews are mostly favorable. The highlight of the club’s structures — maximum utilization of the products ready for the possibility of low-cost parts and components.
With the inclusion of the author’s imagination connection in a single whole, it would seem, ordinary things sometimes gives very unexpected and useful effect. For example, the case of your old battery can be the basis for electrolysis welding machine, and on the basis of the medical inhaler shrewd craftsmen will manufacture the device for clearing of automobile injectors and glow plugs, etc.
Is in the Arsenal “the Russian craftsman” structures that make up the special pride of the club (some of them patented): an electronic smoker, a device for cleaning injection systems of cars, shovel-plough, a whole range of welding machines from micro-plasma and electrolysis with capacity of 1000 l/hour to machine and resistance welding machine. I want to emphasize that developed in the club design tech, made from available materials, their production is quite Amateur to professional and, very importantly, they cost much lower industrial analogues.
The author of the majority of development is Sergei Igorevich Hammers (no wonder he wears the honorary title of “chief-designer of the club “Russian craftsmen”), who produced his first art project (demonstration compass) in 1st class.
With rasskaza of miniature winch we begin a series of publications on the development of the club. In subsidiary or country economy, compact hand winch with lifting capacity up to one ton can always use: load-unload weights, correct the rickety fence posts, pulling stuck cars, etc. Well, if you instigate the construction work, then there’s without a winch is indispensable. Such a winch can, of course, and in the store to buy it, but why not do it yourself, especially if it’s easy?
Your attention is invited to a miniature winch (ML), which is based on the principle of the lever and the gate. The latter consists of a casing, lintels and cheeks. As a lever suitable car mounting the blade, oblong. Case ML is made of channel No. 5. In the vertical wall of the drilled holes with a diameter of 13.2 mm for a tubular bridge, in the shelves vypressovyvaetsya grooves for installation of the lever (if it is not possible to carry out milling, the grooves can be done by drilling a series of holes with the subsequent processing of a file). To ensure the necessary rigidity of the housing on the edges of the channel on the side opposite to the wall, welded strips of steel strip 20×3 mm.
Cheek is a steel rectangular plate 3 mm thick with two holes, the same as in the case.
When assembling the winch first, jumpers are inserted in the housing bore and cheeks and prihvatyvayut welding, providing that they are mutually perpendicular arrangement. Then is the final welding from the side of the chamfers. Straps are welded in the least. Welding seams are frenched and the winch will be painted with nitro in two layers (if possible, instead of paint is better to use the galvanic coating, such as galvanizing or phosphating).
The working principle of ML is illustrated in Fig. 2. Between the two jumpers injected nylon ribbon, such as a car tow rope (width 45 mm, thickness 3 mm). One end of the ribbon is fixed on a movable load, such as a car; the second — vnatyag is attached to the rigid fixed support. In the housing grooves is inserted a lever, which made the rotation of the body, the tape is wound on a jumper, and as a result, the load is moved toward the support.
The maximum distance that you can move the load at any one time is limited by two factors. First, it is the thrust T of the tape. At T = 600 kg (this will allow you to pull stuck in the mud or snow the car) and the length of the lever Lр = 750 mm (large length creates inconvenience in the work) at the end is necessary to attach a force P of about 35 kg during the first revolutions of the winch. With each successive shoulder of the force T will be increased by 12 mm, and, accordingly, on 9 kg need to increase the force P on the lever. Thus, people with the average physique in one cycle will be able to crank the winch, probably not more than two times. The cargo will be moved by approximately 0.5 m.
Fig. 1. Mini winch with manual “transmission”:
1 — body (steel, channel No. 5, L90); 2 — cheek (steel, sheet s); 3 — jumper wire (steel, pipe 13×2,5, L60,2); 4 — strap (steel, strip 20×3, L68, 2); 5 — tape (nylon 45×3, L10 000)
Fig. 2. Scheme of operation:
1 — cargo; 2 — strip; 3 — the case of the winch; 4— bridge; 5 — lever; 6 — bearing; a — the location of the winch between the cargo and fixed bearing; b—the beginning of work; — laying of layers of tape after the second revolution of the winch
The second limiting factor is that the jumper is wound on the tape should be within at least one dimension of the cheek and the wall of the housing of the winch. Otherwise, may occur slippage of the belt and the emergency. When the thickness of the tape of 3 mm and adopted in this design the dimensions of the winch on the lintels can be wound with eight layers of traction and to move the cargo to 1.7 m.
When you install the winch between the support and the load it is necessary that ML was not one of them is closer to 1./2 — half the distance that moves the load at a time.
For fixing of transported cargo and protection of the winch from inadvertent unwinding tape is put on a metal ring the inner diameter of 60-70 mm (can be welded of 8mm steel rod). When it is necessary to stop the load, it’s happening on the lever hoist.
When working with ML you must comply with all security measures required when working with load-lifting mechanisms.
S. Hammers, (H e l I b I and C, club “Russian craftsmen”)
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