PLOW? NO MOWINGPerhaps no one in the right mind would plant potatoes otherwise than in the ground. And complexity used in this conventional technology well known. And because of the large gardens still uncommon, on small plots apply to any mechanization difficult, and so most of the work is done manually.

However, to dig up the soil with a shovel is half the battle: still need to plant potatoes, but not once its to till, to fertilize, if necessary, to water, to deal with pests… in addition, one of the major drawbacks of classical technology is that spring tillage is necessary to perform relatively late, after the ground is dry will be ready. But potatoes are responsive to early planting: the yield is significantly increased it. But the cold after the snow melts, the soil is good for grass that begins to grow wildly, without waiting for the heat.
I tried not just one “potato” technology, but the easiest and most effective was the following: early planting without plowing…. Describe the problem fits in the same sentence. Put the potatoes in a little dried from the spring sun and untouched by the spade the ground and fall asleep here, rows of cut grass.
Now a few more. In the spring, when they grow up, the young grass, we must prepare for landing. If the area is small, you can mow the grass hand scythe; if more — to use a rotary mower (the grass it still grinds). Planting potatoes is done in rows. In a small garden, the tubers are laid out on the ground by hand; if necessary, you can use plain potato, but without incorporation of tubers in the ground.
The width of The aisles depends on the amount of grass in this area: it should be enough to properly cover the tubers. In the future, when the grass again grows, it is possible to make its re-cutting in the aisles with podsypaniem fresh grass on the rows of potatoes. As used young grass, she quickly rot and fertilise the potato almost immediately.
The tubers produce shoots quickly, they sprout through the grass, and the roots do go into untilled land; crop as planting material located on the surface of the earth, between the earth and the grass.
Planting without ploughing
Planting without ploughing:
1 — rows on a sloping plot of an herbal vegetable garden; 2 — potato tubers laid on the rows; 3 — mowed grass to cover the potato rows

Harvest is also easy. If you want potatoes, don’t have opposed to undermine: it is enough to pull the stalk of potatoes hanging on it. By the time of full ripening of the potatoes cut grass almost all decays, and it only remains to rake the roots, lying covered on the ground.
The advantages of this technology are obvious. On mowing the grass consumes less power than the plowing, planting potatoes in the ground and hilling. And fertilizer “grow” here on the field, no need to buy them to plow into the ground. (By the way, the plowing of organic matter deep in the earth is harmful, toxic substances are formed).
Mulch in the form of grass clippings besides prevents evaporation.
In the dry season potatoes of this technology provides significantly higher yields than planting in the ground. When rainy autumn weather, I assume this method would also be effective: the potatoes are rotting, remove it immediately after rain.
To the spring grass grew faster in the fall, you can sow its seeds or winter crops.
In conclusion, I want to say that the quality of potatoes and sustainability it is also at altitude. All — natural, no chemicals And soil erosion will not. Grass clippings will recycle worms, enriching the soil with humus and loosening it.
For truckers, and even farmers this technology at the time. You just need to start with a small area, gradually increasing it as the development of technology.

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