THE FOUNTAIN OF LIVING WATERSSpring, source, key all of these names refer to the mysterious place where no one knows where from under the earth breaks a timid trickle of clean and cool water. All peoples have always been anxious and careful attitude to such a place, because as suddenly appeared this source, so suddenly he could disappear, no one knows why. Spring tried to protect, to arrange so that nothing threatened this vulnerable stream and you can use this natural gift as long as possible.

Here are usually equipped with a special key wells, which are of two types; ascending and descending. They are most simple and do not require large amounts of construction materials. In the construction of them can do only stone and clay.
Ascending key wells
To such a well clear a place, it is carefully deepen and equip. The resulting indentation is put in the receiving waters: strong wooden crate, a barrel without a bottom or a small wooden house, a small concrete ring. The walls of the recesses strengthen, laying brick and stone. The space between the walls of the intake conduit and a lb to fill in wrinkled clay layer of 15 — 20 cm and thoroughly compacted. To this clay is not eroded by water it is covered with a stone-limestone or filled with gravel. On the bottom of the well also poured gravel or crushed stone thickness 10 — 15 cm of gravel Is suited well as a major river sand.
When the device of the rising of the well must include the following. The edge of the water intake (concrete rings, box, barrel, or more tank) must be below the water level, which may raise the key. If the sides of the tank are made above, they should penetrate the drain hole to the water did not rise above it, and merged. Gels this condition is not performed, then over time, influenced by the increasing mass of water and its pressure, a spring could find a solution elsewhere on the surface of the earth, merging their excess, or completely gone from this place. As a result you can get water — the most delicious, clean and, of course, useful.
Not to pollute (though flowing) water dirty dishes, from the tank should contain water pan, which will drain the accumulated water it and type in any container or containers on Top of the tank covered with a dense cover that prevents the ingress into the well of the leaves, dust, insects, atmospheric water.
Bottom-up key well
Ascending key well:
1 — source; 2 — tank inlet (the barrel); 3 — gravel “bottom”; 4 — drain pan; 5 — tank; 6 — clay; 7 — blind area (limestone); 8 — cover
Around the well arrange blind area through which rainwater is drained to the side, bypassing the well. Crawl space should be covered with cement slabs, bricks, stone-flagstone, concrete or asphalt. It is advisable to arrange also around the source wall, placing it at a distance of not less than 3 to 4 meters from the tank. The fence protects the well from approaching nome animals.
Drained from the well water should be given as far as possible.
For this special dig the groove of such depth that the water did not spread to the sides and not saturated soil. The bottom wall of the groove it is recommended to put a mint layer of fat clay, which prevents the penetration of drainage water into the ground. That the clay is not washed away by water, it is necessary to impose a stone-fieldstone.
Descending key wells
They settled where the spring is weak, “without pressure”. Tank it is a small, “cumulative.” It can be made of any material, but always with wood, concrete, brick or stone bottom As the water key carries particles of silt, soil or other undesirable impurities, the reservoir should be divided into two parts. The partition can be made of any material and put across the flow of water. Thus two compartments: water enters the first, settled there and in its purest form is poured through the upper walls in the second, which through the drain hole out of the tank and is discharged via the discharge groove as far as possible from the well.
If the key is weak, you can do without the tank having the water path and the water outlet any material. For example, dropping a stream on the pipe. But in this case it would be much better if across the flow of water to make a partition of any material inserted in her pipe of suitable diameter. If its bandwidth is not enough, you can put next several. Before entering the pipe, the water flow should pass a sufficiently thick layer (20 — 30cm) gravel or crushed stone to be cleansed from all impurities and get to the transfer case pipe is completely clean. This water can immediately type in any of the dishes from the drain pipe.
Key downside well
Descending key well:
1 — key; 2 — vodonagrevatel (box concrete); 3 — partition of the settling tank; 4 — drain hole
Making weak spring
Making a weak spring:
1 — key; 2 — sand filter; 3 — partition; 4 — drain pipe
These wells are the most simple and cheap device. But sometimes they are far away from home, which is not always convenient, especially with increased water consumption. So around the house to obtain drinking water from shallow aquifers or layers of soil suit mine well.
Mine wells
Mine call them because for the construction of these wells satisfied the mine — houses of wood, rings of concrete or reinforced concrete, masonry, stone (bowl of all iron ore), or very good brick (but not Alou in color, which is very quickly destroyed by dampness).
The total depth of such wells is usually not more than 10 — 20 m and rarely exceeds 40 — 50 m.
Drilled wells consist of a head (upper portion) of the barrel (the longest part), intake parts (immersed in the water) and the sump (bottom of the barrel. which satisfied I when constantly taking place the fence and the water supply). Depending on the materials used for the construction of a new shaft, mine shafts can be wood, concrete. brick and stone
First of all, we talk about wooden. Headroom is the ground part of the well, it protects it from contact with water, dust, grass, snow and rain, various foreign objects. In winter, the cap protects the well from frost and ice. Waterproof cover is fixed on top of any material which tightly closes the well and at the same time can be easily removed (or, depending on the design, lifts, extends, rotates around its own axis).
Wooden shaft well
Wooden dug well:
1 — sediment filter; 2 — the crowns of logs; 3 — lateral filter; 4 — the rims of the plates; 5 — trambovanija clay; 6 — cap; 7 — cover
The barrel is going down strictly vertically, that is, the part of the mine to the depth of the well. That the soil does not crumble from the stacks of the mine, and firmly held them. it strengthens the wooden walls (called log).
The log cabin consists of log crowns or timbers, felled from a dense dry wood. To facilitate the work of the crowns of the framework (beams or plates) and serves to control the gather at the top, respectively hopefuls. First make the lower crown. followed by the second and so on. to Customize the logs and plate rims to each other as tightly as possible it is necessary that between the grooves could leak water is perched and various pollution, including the ground.
Instead of a wooden frame is used, as mentioned above, concrete rings, or stone masonry or reinforced concrete. Regardless of the material used and all the components of the barrel of the well should be laid as tightly as possible. The best is the steep shape of the trunk, but more often it is made square and less rectangular. The simple square shape.
Intake part (the sump) is the lower part of the trunk, which collects and accumulates water. Depending on the required amount of the per day intake perform different depths (height). This part of the frame constructed of the most durable material, capable to serve the maximum number of years. It is designed to collect the required amount of water at the small of her arrival. In this regard, well be sure to bury at the desired depth below the aquifer. You can increase the lower part of the frame, having a sump in the form of a tent.
Arranging a coal mine well, take into account the characteristics of the soil. The most dangerous of them — the so-called quicksand, this is a very soft muddy or moist sandy layers, grain size of 0.10 — 0.15 mm, soaked with water. The presence of it and the soil determine the degree of its deliquescence (from small to large).
Granular soils — loose, the particles in them are poorly linked to each other, these include sand, gravel, crushed stone, gravel. These soils are easily developed, but also easily crumble. So they are in the process of digging is often necessary to reinforce the walls with wooden struts.
Soft soil is mostly earthy breed, they are muddy and sandy loam. The particles of such soils are bound together not very tightly. Typically, such layers are referred to as plastic. They are easy, but because of the shedding of the soil also require the device walls.
Some soils are porous they are quite weak. These include gypsum, clayey slates, etc. are Developed in these soils is also easy, but crumble slightly. This reduces the complexity of the digging of the mine,
There are soils that are medium-hard rocks. For example, dense limestone, shale, Sandstone, calcareous spar. To work with them harder. than with the weak. Finally, a strong pound, whose rocks have a high hardness. These include slab limestone, quartz rocks, feldspar, etc. to Work them hard, but they fall less and less.
When developing amenable to manual a pile of rocks use crowbars, picks, scalpels, and other durable tools. Easy pound choose a normal shovel, and lift buckets, tubs, fortified PA blocks. Of course, the operation can be mechanized and that, of course, greatly simplifies the execution of works.
a — with hole b — with teeth
Sumif — the lower part of the frame
Sumif — the lower part of the frame
Each soil during operation requires special attention and compliance with safety regulations. Not enough to account for its properties and accordingly dig. Otherwise, people who build a well with their hands may get injured or, worst of all, to be filled up.
Sometimes there are incorrect advice on the construction of the wells. In particular, I propose to lay shallowly in a well first dug a trench about 4 — 6 meters, then assemble the frame and slowly lower it into the depths of the aquifer, choosing in the course of lowering the ground and putting the bottom row of beans. This technique is the most difficult, but, oddly enough, it is recommended as the easiest, that is completely wrong. The easiest, fastest and least time consuming method of device structure is to build a log cabin in open pit, starting from the bottom, and climb up. Take out of the mine soil must be taken away, in order to avoid collapse of its walls,
To represent the composition of the soil and properties of soil, which will meet during the digging of the well, you need to get the data on it. For this purpose, use a feeler gauge. This cone-shaped steel rod are made of flat steel thickness 15 — 20 mm with holes diameter 20 — 25 mm, drilled every 100 mm with teeth on both sides. Teeth usually upturned, sometimes in the teeth there are holes in his kind of spoon with which they engage the ground. Probe length 2 — 3 meters. The ear probe is inserted into the gate or just a pipe, by which it is rotated. Pull out the dipstick you need with a small rotation, which provides a more easy release of it from the ground. The composition of the soil can be determined by drilling, but it is necessary to have the appropriate equipment.
The characteristics of the aquifer
A device well starting first and foremost with finding the water source under the ground and workpiece materials and tools. If there are wells or leak the keys, the depth of the water determine very simple. But if wells and spring water near there, you must look for its sources.
Signs of shallow water are the following. 1. Places with a green and thick grass on a gently sloping, shallow gullies during a drought in June August. 2. Fog of different density, appearing in the evening above the earth’s surface in places where there are rivers, lakes, marshes, ponds where the mist is dense, water is there. 3. The level of streams, rivers, lakes, where available. 4. Moisture-loving plants (rushes, sedges) that occur on a normal vegetation cover. 5. Places where the air of mosquitoes or midges in the summer after sunset. 6. The place of education in the winter glades and ice in the snow cover. 7. Places with bright green vegetation in the valleys, when in other places the ground cover is already faded. Also, the water can be shallow in river floodplains, valleys, in areas with landslides.

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