STOVE COTTAGEIn the country, as shown by many years of experience gardeners for cooking predominantly uses electric. Industrial design of these heating devices, usually equipped with thermostats or as they are called, the power switches. Analysis of the causes of failure of the electric range shown in the S. Privalov (1) showed that a significant percentage of failures is necessary just for the power switches. There are some negative aspects of their failure.

In this case, there is a dilemma: buy new tile or repair failed. In case of emergency to solve this problem is possible just by connecting the heating element directly to the network. But this would lose the ability to adjust the heat, which creates difficulties.

Wiring simplified two-position electric thermostat

Wiring simplified two-position electric thermostat

Factory tiles usually have a capacity of about a kilowatt, and therefore quite derationing (with nearly double the supply current) of the diode, for example D232, which is on the radiator can be installed in a separate housing, and inside the tiles. In the latter case, the diode on the radiator should be shielded from thermal radiation is full in the direction of the diode of the bottom of the tile. The toggle-switch, it is possible to use the VPP.602.007 with a neutral position. Installation should be a wire cross section of 2.5 mm2 with heat resistant insulation.

A few words about safety.

The housing of the household appliance at the touch of their indicators show a “fake” phase at any position of the plug in the socket, though its glow is weaker than the actual phase. You must “zeroing” the body electric, line-of-sight wire earthing devices, you Can use a braid of a shielded wire and connect it to the corresponding output of the input power line to the meter installed inside the country house.

Western models of household electrical appliances equipped with three-core supply cable: phase and two zeros, one of which is working and the other protective connected to the housing.


Match the cable and the plug and socket. Not to do so-called “renovation” in the proposed design, the wire protective scratch can be attached to an existing two-wire power cable with tape, transparency, which provides direct visibility protective wire, as required by the elementary rules of electrical safety.

In this article they talked about a single hob tile with one electrical heating element in the form of a spiral of Archimedes. The recommended maximum volume of the pot — 4 quarts.


1. C. halts the Device and repair of machinery for household purposes. Directory of home worker— Petersburg: OOO “Nedra”, Moscow, 2001, p. 133.

2. Labutin V. Semiconductor diodes. Mass radiobiblioteka. Reference series. Issue 643. Edition 2, revised, “Energy”, Moscow, 1967. p.21.

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