Twin-engine “Biiter” became the first night fighter with the RAF. The first prototype fighter aircraft designed under the leadership of L. Frisa, flew on 17 July 1939; adopted, he enrolled in September 1940, when he began night raids of the Luftwaffe on England.
Double heavy fighters were able to inflict significant damage to the German night bombers, however, after the main night fighter was equipped with four 20 mm guns De Havilland “mosquito”, “batytery” was transferred to Coastal command as a long-range strike fighters.
The release of these fighters continued until September 1945, was released 5562 machine.
“Biiter” Mk I with radial engines “Hercules” was produced in two versions — Mk IF Fighter command and the Mk 1C for Coastal command. They were followed by a modification of the Mk IIF with in-line engines rolls-Royce Merlin XX, which joined the squadrons of night fighters.
BRISTOL BEAUFIGHTER Mk lF: wingspan 17 630 mm; length 12 700 mm; height 4820 mm ; wing area of 46.73 m2; empty weight 6623 kg; maximum take-off 9798 kg mass; star engines, Bristol Hercules VI with a capacity of 1670 HP ; maximum speed of 536 km/h; ceiling 8075 m; range 2382 km; crew-2 people; armament — 4 20mm cannon, 6 7,69-mm machine guns.