UNDER ONE ROOFSummer in the village – the most stressful time. And not only in connection with the preparations for the winter, but also in construction. People are building new homes, expanding their living space through extensions. The last way allows you to not only save the existing building, but also significantly reduce costs for increased living space. The total for all new buildings is a new single roof with an old house.


The first thing I encountered strolling through the Highlands, it’s a house extension due to the summer veranda. It would be easier, removed the old building and erect a new one. But in this case you will have to share, and for the entire season and maybe longer. So the owners adopted an unusual, but practical solution was to build a new roof with regard to future extensions and attic.
Of course, construction began with the Foundation. The bookmark, if you follow the science, preceded by hydrogeological studies to determine the bearing capacity of soil at the construction site. From these parameters depend design Foundation (columnar, tape, or even slab) and its penetration. Survey work of the road since time-consuming, require special equipment and laboratory tests. Although the Foundation is the Foundation of the house, not every developer is willing to pay for surveys, the more money in this time of much needed materials and payment of construction works. Therefore, the owner prefers to lay the Foundation, relying on the experience and practices of both their own and neighbors, since they, as a rule, hydrological conditions are similar, if not identical.
Subsurface soil in the area is sandy loam consisting of about 20% clay and the rest sand. But there are loam -more clay and a little sand. Such a soil usually has the ability to wet and distend. Therefore, the base of the foundations under the house experts recommend doing below the maximum depth of freezing (in the area -1,4 – 1,5 m). When the choice of Foundation is also not the last place is the value of the specific load of the house to the ground, especially when extensions do not light frame, and the capital – of concrete blocks or bricks.
The view from the street on a wooden frame of a new porch and roof joint (the old porch is not yet dismantled)
The view from the street on a wooden frame of a new porch and roof joint (the old porch is not yet dismantled)
Casing frame front and side walls, new porches, pediments of the same house oriented strand Board (OSB) and the device of the new common roof over both parts of the structure. The back wall of the verandah is not yet covered - it will make dismantled the old porch
The casing frame front and side walls, new porches, pediments of the same house oriented strand Board (OSB) and the device of the new common roof over both parts of the structure. The back wall of the verandah is not yet covered – it will make dismantled the old porch
Removal of old hip roof with a mezzanine after the erection of walls of garage
The dismantling of the old hip roof with a mezzanine after the erection of walls of garage
New common gable roof and a new gable over a wood house and garage of expanded-clay lightweight concrete blocks
New common gable roof and a new gable over a wood house and garage of expanded-clay concrete blocks
Old wooden house and the new porch of aggregate concrete blocks under a new common roof
Old wooden house and the new porch of aggregate concrete blocks under a new common roof
In this case, the owners considered sufficient for frame extensions, as at home, to make a strip Foundation with a depth of about a meter. The foundations of the outbuildings and the house are rigidly connected.
The frame of the roof and outbuildings erected quickly. Then put the roof and the outside walls sheathed oriented strand Board (OSB), protecting the home from bad weather. The case has proceeded to the winter, the porch was cold, and it was dismantled as unnecessary, in logs and boards through the remaining doorway at the back of the yard. In this construction temporarily “calmed down” before the new season, when it was planned to cut the window openings and sheathing structure on the outside with panels of PVC, popularly known as “vinyl siding“.
I must say that the proposed solution is not new. The author in the 1970s, the years witnessed the erection of the old log house around the new brick wall, and when it came to the roof, then, and only then proceeded to the dismantling of old homes.
On the same street I found another building. Two sides of a log house owners have actually decided to build another house with a garage, and a hollow lightweight aggregate blocks. The Foundation trench was zagubili about 1 m, laying in her sand cushion thickness of about 0.8 m. Then, placing formwork and rebar, filled with concrete. As the site sloped, the height of the base is from 0.3 to 0.5 M.
The construction of the walls progressed quickly and in early October, taking advantage of the good weather, began dismantling the roof. Beams, without further ADO, sawing them with a chainsaw, and a week later over the house and annexe was built a new roof. The builders had time – the completion of the roof coincide with the autumn rains.
One of the challenges this project is the interfacing of old and new dwellings, and the main danger lies in the possible progress of the Foundation. But the builders claim that its depth is sufficient proven experience. As for the seams, they are at the final stage will be to seal the foam.
Nearby, across the street was in full swing one building, however, is much more modest. Under the Foundation of the extension was dug trench depth of about 1.3 m and laid in her bed of sand and gravel (ASG) with thickness of 1 m. According to the owner, this pillow will not allow the Foundation “to walk” in height.
Then put the formwork for the monolithic concrete strip Foundation with a height of about 0.5 m. the base was built of solid ceramic bricks. After completing the cap, put the ceiling (joists) of the floor. Only after that proceeded to the walls only of the hollow lightweight aggregate blocks.
The gap between the scrap wood and an Annex in the old days, closed up with clay mixed with sawdust. Now this is easily done with foam
The gap between the scrap wood and an Annex in the old days, closed up with clay mixed with sawdust. Now this is easily done with foam
Wooden beams-joists under the flooring on the porch was laid during construction before construction of the walls
Wooden beams, joists under the flooring on the porch was laid during construction before construction of the walls
Here an extension would be rather old building, new building, according to the Foundation, much more than before and covers its two sides
Here an extension would be rather old building, new building, according to the Foundation, much more than before and covers its two sides
The construction of the walls of the new structure is under the old roof, securely installed in the uprights-poles
The construction of the walls of the new structure is under the old roof, securely installed in the uprights-poles
Reconstruction of the old house resulted not only in an extension of the garage of ceramsite hollow blocks, but also in the construction of the attic, or rather the upper mezzanine with timber
Reconstruction of the old house resulted not only in an extension of the garage of ceramsite hollow blocks, but also in the construction of the attic, or rather the upper mezzanine of the timber
For sealing of the joints between the outhouse and the cabin, the owner initially wanted to use an old “recipe”: a mixture of clay and sawdust, but changed his mind, applied after erection of the walls of the foam. Finished the season with the construction of the roof and preservation of the outbuildings.
A year after erection of walls of buildings can be stated that all of them withstood the test winter and offseason. But this does not mean that the Foundation should be done by eye, and grasp it, don’t forget the “100 times measure” and only then make the decision.
And here’s another version of an extension, this time separated from home. Preparing its Foundation, based on local conditions, after some strength monolithic concrete Foundation sufficient to Peredovoy laying around the perimeter of the concrete walls of a new home, started their construction. Every day the wall rose to the number two, and at this time the Foundation gained further strength.
But the construction of the roof the owner has planned for next summer. The roof involves making mansard (broken) and a single on the new built and the old house.
Next, almost exotic method of construction: new construction under the old roof, installed temporarily, but securely on poles-pillars. Now it serves as shelter from rain. But, maybe the owner uses it for new construction.
In conclusion, I want to offer, peeped in the same village option outbuilding cinderblock garage with the erection of the upper floor (or rather the mezzanine) from a bar. All the cracks between the extension and the home and between beams on the second floor filled with foam.

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