From the family of microstructures developed by students of Kharkiv Institute of mechanization and electrification of agriculture, the easiest and most accessible for self-production – how “the Kid” (HIMESH-2): it is the most used units and components of machinery produced by industry. It’s a small two-wheeled machine driven reaching for her operator. A large set of interchangeable towed and mounted implements makes a compact and versatile, allows to use it for plowing, harrowing, cultivating, hilling and other operations soil cultivation, plant care, and in the coupling with a single axle truck – like vehicle for transportation of various household goods. In the latter case, the operator becomes the driver and is placed on suspension seat on the front of the truck. Thanks to these properties, the tillers can be applied not only in a personal farming, but also can be used for mechanization of labor-consuming processes in crop production, especially in vegetable production and experimental plots of breeding stations, as well as livestock and greenhouses.

The main components of the design of “Baby” are the engine of the VP-150M, transmission system, PTO, chassis, control system and coupling device are arranged on a rectangular frame of channel.
Of the motors manufactured by the industry for equipment located in private use, most suitable for walking tractor was the engine of VP-150M scooter “Electron” with a capacity of 7.5 HP (5.5 kW). He single-cylinder, two-stroke, carburetor; features a compact integrated gearbox and a clutch; it has electronic ignition. Not less important is the fact that the motor is equipped with a centrifugal fan, while when using other engines Amateur designers have a hand to solve the issues of forced cooling.
In case of use of other motors for comparison the main engine of VP-150M. Torque transmission to the gearbox is helical with a pair of gears with a ratio of 3,045. She transmission – three-stage, with constant-mesh gears. Of gear stages: the first transmission – 4,883, the second – 2,888, third – 1,800. Since the engine and transmission are made in one piece, their description is not given. No special requirements for the operation and maintenance of the engine complete with clutch and transmission: they are governed by the recommendations of the manufacturer.
The Tillers
Motoblock “Kid”:
1 – frame; 2 – silencer; 3 – engine; 4 – fuel tank; 5 – locking yoke; 6 – traverse; 7 – lock of the trapezoid control; 8 – Toolbox; 9 – transverse rod of a trapezoid; 10 – clutch lever; 11 – the lever of the wheel lock; 12 – throttle; 13 – gear lever; 14 – the lever of a reverse differential; 15 – cover of the transmission; 16 – PTO shaft; 17 – a clockwork pulley; 18 – shaft final drive; 19 – the implement (cultivator)

The layout of the transmission
The layout of the transmission:
1 – output shaft of the engine; 2 – an intermediate shaft; 3 – differential; 4 – wheel drive axle

Kinematics of two-wheel tractor
Kinematics of walking tractor:
1 – engine; 2 – an intermediate shaft; 3 – double-strand pulley PTO; 4 – differential; 5 – the final drive; 6 – wheel; 7 – locking mechanism wheels

The frame of the cultivator Assembly
The frame of the cultivator Assembly:
1 – spar 2 – brackets rod; 3 – bearing housing and the axle shaft; 4 – a casing of the transmission (looking down from the top right half is not shown); 5 – mounting the neck of the output shaft of the engine; 6 – front bearing of the engine; 7 – mounting journals.

Transmission tillers – mechanical, gear-chain. It consists of a serial differential with reverse (motor scooter cargo “the Ant”), the intermediate shaft, the two end gears and the locking mechanism of the wheels. Intermediate shaft simultaneously serves to power for attached devices.
The torque is transmitted from the engine to the intermediate shaft by a chain with a pitch of 12.75 mm; with him on a differential – pitch chain 15,875 mm and then again by the chains of the final gear step 15,875 mm – drive wheels. Sprocket Z1 engine, the Z4 comes with the differential, and Z2 and Z3 is borrowed from a motorcycle “Rising”.
The intermediate shaft is made of steel 40 and is mounted in two ball bearings No. 180205. Flanged housing for them can be used from discarded farm machinery; mount – to lateral cheeks of the casing of the transmission. The diameters of the seats of the shaft is selected according to the size of the hubs of the sprockets and length depending on the width of the casing of the transmission, plus some margin to it on the right side it was possible to install a double-drive pulley ø 100 – 120 mm.
Walking tractor frame is welded from the available suitable profiles; “the Kid,” for its longitudinal side members used the channel number 6, and for cross – № 8. From the bottom to the horizontal frame rails to the brackets with the bolts to fasten the bearing housings of the axles. Here are the bearings No. 180207 – two on the drive axle; the body it also better to pick from decommissioned machinery. Install them on the brackets should be executed especially carefully: it is as accurate as possible to withstand the wheel alignment and perpendicularity of the axle relative to the longitudinal axis of the frame. For marking holes for mounting housings with bearings to attach them to a one piece axle frame which is to be later cut into two half-axles. Indicator of correct installation of buildings – free rotation of the mandrel in the bearings of the axles.
Intermediate shaft
Intermediate shaft:
1 – shaft; 2 – the landing of the pulley; 3 – a lock ring; 4 – bearing; 5 – a bearing No. 180205; 6 – spacer; 7 – an asterisk Z3; 8 – flange; 9 – asterisk Z2; 10 – casing

Half coupling with locking wheels
The axle shaft with the coupling locking wheels:
1 – guides; 2 – return spring; 3 – slider; 4 – plug; 5 – cable; 6 – axis; 7 – the fixed half-coupling; 8 – a movable coupling half

Then to the frame in the rear part welded corners 25×25 mm to which is screwed the casing of the transmission, made of steel sheet with a thickness of 5-6 mm.
It serves as the basis for installation of the intermediate shaft, differential and control mechanism. Back casing has a removable cover; a front bracket for mounting the fuel tank.
At the front of the frame are welded on the inside corners of the bracket under the engine fan forced cooling.
Possible positions of the traverse control
Possible positions of the traverse control
Final drive
Final drive:
1 – a casing of the transmission; 2 – a casing end transmission; 3 – bearing housing; 4 – shaft with sprocket 25; 5 – bearing No. 180205; 6 – channel No. 6; 7 – bearing; 8 – bearing No. 180207; 9 – wheel hub; 10 – key; 11 – shaft; 12 – a bolt, locking hub; 13 – bearing cap; 14 – star, 7.6; 15 – area 25×25 mm; 16 – differential; 17 – spacer sleeve
The axis (or axle) manufactured from quality steel, its dimensions may be specified, depending on bearing size and wheel hubs. The inside of the axle must be mounted the two coupling halves. The right one moves freely on the square and with the help of a lever, mounted on the control rod and is engaged with the left coupling providing a rigid connection of the rod -locking wheels.
The device of the management bodies is clear from the drawings. Rod handles are connected with yoke clamping hinge that allows you to adjust the height of the handles, adjusting it to fit the height of the operator. Besides, the cross member can be rotated 180° or the required intermediate angle, which creates additional convenience in the management of the cultivator during operation.
V. Vinnik, M. KAREV, D. TKACHENKO, X and R s K o V, Ukraine

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